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Oouncil Chamber. Aim Arlwir. lt. (j, 1893. Regular séeeion. President Ooóley beiug absent, Ute oouncil wias ca lied to order by the vlerk. Koll ealled. Quorum present. Aids. j'iM-usoii. Refeberg, rrottynian, Pjpee. 4. Oumoiion of Aid. Sdhcairer, Aid. KitMin was elected preeddeail pro tejn. 'l'hr joiu'iu.'il of ili e last session was approvcd. A petitiou froin lile residente and property cywuiers on Brooks Street, 3d wTard, askJng tiuat a grade be eslabli.-ilupd o ii Brooks strcct, also to grade the eadd street to the grade wIkmi sfallishel. Accepted and referred to the commdfttee on streets. To Uu1 Hon. the Jtayor, and C'ommon Coimcil. GENTLKMEN: The Board of Public Works beg to submit to you, as per cequirements of law governing the same, a report of the year's workings of tüe Street Fund. from Jan. ist, to Deo. SJ, 1892. THullAS .). KEECH, W. J. MILLER, l'resideut. Clerk. To the Honorable, tlu Board of Public Works: I herewith submll my report of erpendituro of Street and Bridge, Pulvert and Crosswalk Fund's for the past year. TABLE OK PURPOSE FOR WHICH KISIIS ERE EXPENDED. General Street work, $2i55 91 Cleauing streets and alleys, l:08 85 Lumber „1 728 49 City Engineers salary and help,- 660 28 Artificial stone walk construeted, S82 56 Sewer pipe, 263 27 Gravel, 281 34 Supplies (hardware, etc.) 146 50 Sprinkling streets 10 00 Snow ploughing, 282 70 Paving stones, , 17 38 Land for straightening and wideuing Summit st-, weet of Main st li3 00 Land for Street purposes at point of Detroit and Beakes streets, 300 00 Repairs on spring in Mrs. Burns' cellar. cor., State and Fuller, 15 28 Cutting weeds and docks . 116 14 Repairs on sidewalks, 80 57 Expenditures on Hanover Park, t 39 Repairs, 19 60 Kleven loads of broken stone, IL 00 Manure for the Court House Lawn, 18 88 Cleauing of the sweepings froin streets 57 00 Bus for Street Cornmittee, , 2 50 Street Commissioners salary, 800 00 $8476 39 lloney received for services and dirt,--? 163 93 BRIDGE, CÜLVEIÏT AND ROSSWALK FUND-TABLE OFPL'RPOSES FOR WHICH EXPENDED. To the Smith Bridge Co., for new bridge Xo. 3, Í1522 00 Labor for removing old bridge No. 3, 43 73 M. E. Cooley. expenses - hotel and railroad fare, testing bridge iron, H 02 E. H. Robertson, type writing, 1 00 Replanking and repairing bridge No. 1_ 311 55 Culvert on Felch st., -Í75 00 Filling over culvert on Felch street,- 38 50 Culyert on Hill street, 335 00 Filling over culvert on Hill street, 22 50 Crossing stoues and slabs, 571 69 Artificial stoue crossiugs, 84 88 Planks for crossings 290 70 Labor building stone and plank cross-_ ings, 243 83 Repairs on tar crossings ' 47 86 Total, Í1002 -20 Respectfully submitted. NELSON SUTHERLAND, Street Commissioner. Aid. "W'hie.s moved tliat the report le accepted and adopted, and ordered printed. Adopted as iollows: Yeas - Alde. Wiues, Sohairer, Martin. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Kitson - 7. Naya - Xone. KEPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTEER. FINAN CE. ïo tlie Common Cornial: Your Coinmittee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the folloving bilis iinder cousideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FÜND. W. J. Miller, salary $66 ( E. B. NorrJs. salary 25 00 Mre. Jacob H. Stark, janitor B 26 S. W. Beakes, salary 36 00 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary 25 0o Martin Clark, salary 25 Ou Richmoud et Backus Co. .supplies 6 00 Telephone : Telegraph Construction Co., to rental of telephones f rom Jan. lst to April lst 4;i 75 Louis Hhode, coal 7 25 Louis Hhode, wood, ti ward Eng. house 2 75 Ann Arlior T.-H, Electric Co., 6treet lightins 591 90 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office ligtats 2 00 Ann Arbor T-H. Electric Co., switch at Observatorv 21 39 Tel. & Tel . Const. Co , Telep., St. (om. :i6 00 Ann Arbor Argus official printing 14 83 Est. K. A. Beal, official printing. 14 8 T. Kauschenberprer & Co , oakcase tiï 00 S. W, Heake8, tax receipts, etc 23 00 Wm. G, t-now, norse hire by pólice 2 50 W.J. Miller, express cbanres, etc 1 25 Sid '.V.Millard, jjrintinff sheet blanks 5 00 Total ....11,010 ;7 STREKT FI.'XII. Felson Pntherland, salary, 66 66 Geo.F. Key, salary 60 C Frank Schuiz. labor ;kj Aug-ustiTeisiner, labor :f flo Patrick McL'abe, labor ! 08 Miehael Williams, labor , 9 os FrederickJKadke, labur .' 83 August Harüt, labor'. 26 Willis Clark, labor :i yo Richard ö ipiles, labor 5 Í6 Nicholas HindeloHg, labor 3 00 John Weimnann, labor :! 00 Christopher Larmíe, labor (U) A ugnst Poureninsr.Habor : oo Michael Kenny, labor 4 20 Glen V. Mills, labor i oo Frank Wetherboe. labor ■ o Miehael Heary, #now and teaminir 3160 N. Sutherland.snow ploughing fl 25 Chris Jetter. do ; (Q John McHug-h, do and teaming 17 65 Elias Saddler, snow ploughing' 12 00 Thomas Hannon do 750 Julius Weinbertr, do _. 9 00 John Mannini?, snow plowing 7 50 Heury Marsh. io 18 CO Goorire Weeks, do 9 oo Martin Nasie, do 10 50 GteO.Bchllmmer.8nnw plouxbing 900 JamesTolbert,lumber 8 34 Caspar Kinsey, salt.. : mi Chiistian Itrown, repairs 7 20 Louis Khode, cement and tile 9 79 C. Eberbaeu. supplies 1 "o Wood&C'o., lutnber and pire 21 05 Clarence W. Hubbell, labor 075 tl. P. Baldwin, labor s 2ö Inrael Clark, team labor ir, 10 Hiram Kitredge, " 75 Micliael Kusterer, " 5 8 40 Total $ 450 28 FIKE DEPARTMKNT FOND. ?red Si pley, salary 60 00 3.A. Edwards, salary 50 00 lenry McLaren, salary. 50 00 Jouis Hoelzle, salary 50 00 Charles Carroll, salary 45 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 45 (X) Frank Kapp, ealary.. 4u 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 John Kenny , salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 09 Bam MoLaren, salary 8 oo Wnr. Kettieh, sub 8 0 Mts. li. Koon). salary --. 5 00 L.OUÍS Rhorie, coal :.'l 01) C. Eberbaeh. supplies 24 ;8 Micbael Stabler. ooal Hult Fred Chapín, hay and Btraw ., 18 83 SGhuh&jMuehlig, supplies 3 011 Swathel, Kyer & Peterson. bran, oats 20 30 Beybold & Allmendingrr. horeeshoelng 2 70 K. Kearns, liorseshoeiug T SO Total $ 631 Sü i-oi. ice mo. Jamos R, Murray, salary '- Si 00 David Collins, ealary .- 50 00 Noble C. Xice, salary 50 00 Total $ 186 00 POOB iUND. Frèd Stpley, salary 10 00 Seybolü & Allmendjnger, repairs on wagon 3 15 Frank Hmler, ül'i cords wood 39 87 Fred Slplev, f reight on wood u 43 Ed Lyke, ! eurds wood ;iö no Micluxel ïironner, lodging andmeale.. 75 Doty & Foiner, shoee 1 75 Mi-s Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Eisele. groeeries 8 53 Eberbaeh Drug1 Co., medicine 60 John Goetz & Son, groceries 3 10 John Goetz.Jr., gTOoerlee : 84 Jacob Henne, groceries 2 OU Fred Stabler, oue pair bobs _ s IM) Williain b Lodholz, grocei-ies 8 11 Willlam H . Molntyre, grooeries 18 ss O'Hara - Boyle, grooerlea h ie Caspar Rinsey, groceries .1 gg Kinsey & Seabolt, groceries 8 86 Wm. G. Snów8 back to county house 1 00 G. P. Stcin. meat .'. 4 48 Wahr & Miller, shoes 200 Total $ 187 51 RECAPrTtJLATION. Fund $ 1,010 37 Street Fund 4.1o 28 Pire Fnnd r,:i 80 Pólice Fund 11;;, uil Poor Fund... 1S7 51 Total 82,344 88 Kespectfully submitted. Waltjsii L. Taylor, . A. H. FlLLMOBE, WlLLIAM HERZ, Fiuance Com Aid. Herz moved ttat the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the ums stated therein. Adopted as foílows: Yeas - Aids. Wines, tëehairer, Martin, Herz, Filïmore, Smiw, O'Mara, Taylor, Kits on- 9. Nays - None. Oiairman Taylor stated tliat on the bilis in th-e Geo. Palmer matter, ■ninch had atí.-iin been preeented tg tlue finance eommittc, thoy would recommend and report lluit said bilis aro just tlaims against thie coimty for wJiiich the city is not liable. Aid. Martin moved thiat the report niade ly .tlue finance committce be aecepted and adopted. Adopted as follovs : Yeas- Aids. Wines, Sdnairer, Martin, Herz, Filïmore, Snnw, O'Mara, Taylor. Kitson - 9. Nays- None. Aid. SnoAv moved tliiat the vote on Aid. Miartira's motion be reconsidered. Lost as 'follows : Yeas- Aids. Filïmore, Snow, Ü'Mara -3. Aids. AVin-es, ödnalrer, Martin, Herz, Taylor, Kitson- 0. ORDINAXCES. Aid. Winee, leave ha ving been granted, introduced an ordinance entitled an ordinance relatfive to sidewalks. Keferred to tlie committee on ordinances. Aid. Wïïitee, lea ve liavmg been granted, introdueed au ordinance to amcnd sections seven, nine and eleven of "An Ordinance Itelative to Disorderly Persons and Disordei-ly Conduct" passed Maren 27, 1890. Keferi'ed to the eotninittee on ordlaxance. Aid. Wïnes, Leare baviing been granted, introduoed an ordinance to amcnd eections nine, and thirty-four, of "An Ordinance Kelative to the use oí Streets, Alleys and Public Places," paused Fc.b. 3rd, 1S90. Aid. Wiues, leave Jiaving' been granted, introdnced "An Ordinance Kelative to Ddaorderly Housee." Referred to tlie committee on ordinance. A ld. Wíoee, leaye havimg been granted, iaitroduoed An Ordinance snpplemenbary to "An Ordinanoe Kelative to Disorderly Persons and Disorderly Conduct," passed Marcili 27, 1890. Keferred to the eommjttee on ordioance. Aid. Wines offered and read, "A bill to authiorize the city of Ann Arbor to collect city taxes in the month of JiHy." Keferred to tlue comrni'ttee on ordlnance. Aid. Martin, leave Ira ving ben granted, introduced "Au Ordinance to autlir orize tlie Ann Arbor Fuel Gas Company to construct and opérate gas worke and lay pipes tJurough the streets, alleye and pnblifc placee of tlie ('ity of Aun Arbor, for Xive purpose of su]])lyini? fuel gas to citizens, corpora - tions or tbte city. Ileferred to tire eommjttee on onlinanic. CITY ÏIÏEASUKKK'S EEPOET KOK THE MONTH ENDING JANUAKY 81, 1893. Tii the, Common Council of Üic City of Ann Arbor: Balance overdrawn as per last report t 8,f3a.6S MONEV RECF.IVED. Contingent Fund - ( Millcr, Hcense8 1.99 Street Fu nd - Ucpimer, dirt 15.00 Dictas, dirt W.80 O'Toole, dht 6.30 Firo Fund- Miian, hand flre engine. - 444.07 Cemetery Fund - Manly.lotB 20.00 Delinquent Tax Fund- - B4.99 Totnl 587.91 $ 7,4M.7Í MONEY tlISHUKSKI). Contingent Fund _.í S55.5S Street Fund 679.4fi Fireraen's Fund 522.3K Pólice Fund 172.25 PoorFund 205.16 Water Fund 2,755.00 Soldiere' Belief Fund 43.00 Hridge, Culvert and Cropswalk Fund 8.25 5,241.09 Total overdrawn 12,705-88 BALANCE ON HA Mi. I Contingent ï'uud, overdrawn _. 1,281.39 Street Fund, overdrawn 7,520.57 Firemen's Fund overdrawn 546.70 Pólice Fuud overdrawn 1!.47 PoorFund "- ' Water Fund, overdrawn 1,671.79 Cemetery Fund :.'(iS.t: Boldlers' Belu t Fuiiü 6Ü7.89 Onlversity Hospital Aid liond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Xax Fund overdrawn 9' 1.28 DofrTux Fund 100.00 Bridf( ( 'ulvert aml Crosswiiil; fund,.... 8.Í6 Total , 2,128.48 $15,134.26 Total overdrawn...... $12,705.!i Itespectfully submitteil, ' S. W. Bkakes, City Ticeasui'er. Ann ArborCSty, February 1, 1893. Ann ARBOit Sa VINOS Bank, Ann Abbou, Mich., Feb. 1, ISMo. Te the Common Councí!: This is to certify that S. W. Beakes, Cil Treasurer, has on deposit in this bank the sui of Thirty-Seven Thousand, Five Hundrec and Nineteen Dollars, ($37.519.00). Yours Respecifully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Tiie moutlüy reports of the eit3 breasurer, city clerk, marshal and su pcu-iiitendent of rthe poor, weve reat and placed du tile. Aid. Wines moved that when we ad journ we adjourn to meet Monday, Feb. 13th. Adopted by unanimous vote. On motion tlie council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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