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GET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choiee of the Rome Instructor or the Lffe of General Sherman or the Life of P. T. liarnura (FREE) vhen cash purchase 10 the ainount of Ï15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LABGE OCTAVO, 47S PAGES, ILLUSTltATED. A compendium of uselul knowledge necessary tor the practical uses of eveivdayhfe. a complete and perfect guideto liife in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF W. T. SHERMAN.: CROWN OCTAVO, S6S PAGES, ILLUSTltATED. A graphic narrative of bis boyhood and early üfe, education, career in Floridaand California, military achievements, üfe as a Citizen, last siekness and death; tritfi fine steel piirtrait. THE UFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWy OCTAVO ,520 PAGES, ILLUSTBATED. Hiseariy lile and struggles, bold ventures and brilliant success: his wonderful eareer, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a citizen, etc- to which is added hisfainous book, Tlie Art of Moneii Gettinotan cuis heaüiims ADAMS' BAZAAR, A new fresfa stock of fancy goods and novelties. PLÜSH AND WOOD BOXES, PURSES, PICT IJ RES. BOOKS, GAMES, ALBUMS, METAL FRAMES, TOYS, an:. DOLLS. urn. urn. D1NNER SETS, TOILET SETS, PLAIN AJND DECORATED CHINA. The crreatest variety of DOLLS AND TOYS WE HAVE EVEK SHOWN. Come early and make your sele tion while the stock is full. 13 SOUTH MAIN ST. riDUS CKEAP m il 1 WS ' -C.000 fcCRES oi I mm IISI ■■■ ca MJCHÍGAN i - B?" H fl Iandsnear railroaos Í, Al .. ■ ■ ■ Alpena and MonimoreiK coooties; soil, rich ciáy and :-urÍ '(-rtTns; H ïiardwcxd timber; we!l watered bv srrinps and living streams; near churches, scii" livtly towns. Price, $3 to $5 per acre Kusy le.T. i T. SSPRAGÏÏE, 818 Hammond Bld'g, DstrcH, Vich