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C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents

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THE ELIXIR OF YOUTFU Ic I ifp UfAnf-h I iuinn? AjPrJL 1 LllO ïlUFbll blVlIlQ (m Ém!i í"ÍÍS iy ' Jfft Ïtisnotif3onarenot In poMession of the fott KAegByxfeCtriJVyjitefjg: A positive, speedy, safe and reliable scientifle 3P MTlí' JEl3slíl?lRl[iiHWñfflr ompound, manufacturad ouly hy skilied chemÜBttr7 fli ifilKiB? 'StS' fIom the Prescr'Ptlon ol" a Qerman physiciao 9 ynflnflE BÉkImI of yutl1 to tbose who are sullering from the 33 SrSp Rrt'H MËMm?. abuses so common in this age. It íb a positive 'gBj'TfcJBI pf ure for Spermatorrhea, Loss of Power Night -aa "■ ' wT.'S _Z-rZ-Ez3 Kmissionsandall Beminal Weakncs. W8 pb ' " " ' i i ■ i ' lish nonames, bnt iiave on file sworn testimoniáis of the wonderful result? produced by this elixir, whiuli we are autborized to tiow on application of anyone requiring sucb a medicine. BE A MAN AGAIN. We oharge no exhorbitant price, nor do we o-ffer you a quack nostrum, but a lgitimte and scientlflc preparation, whieh will surely do all we claim for it. The Elixir is put up Ín 4oz. boules, andretailaforíl.OO, oröfor $5.00. This valuabie remedy will be found on ale by all leadingdruKgists. Kach druggíst has on file sworn testimomalsof the wouderful OOTM - produced by this Elixir.aad the proprietors confldent-ly refer all íu need of it to them. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. For Sale by all Dx-xiggists.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News