Schairer & Millen
THE BUSY %# STORE OF m SCHAIRER ml & g MILLEN. f_ ■ _ . J At our Silk Counter, we place on sale 500 yds. New China ■__ Silks, lovely for Waists and Dresses, Dark and Light L2 W Grounds, with Small Figures, worth 75c, our price 45c S O ' per yard. y_, g 25 Pieces 24 inch China Silks, Exquisite Designs, Light and Dark Grounds, worth $1.00, our price 75c per yard. i SPRING DRESS GOODS. O 46 incn au wool Serges, the new shades, the 50c quality, our S price for this sale 39c a yard. Big Bargain 40 inch Scotch Suitings, new spring shades, good value, at r 50c, for this sale 39c a yard. - One Case 38 inch Serges in Black and Choice Shades, very 3 clieap at 25c a yard. 50 Pieces New Double-Fold Spring Goods at 10c a yard. AT OUR WASH-GOODS COUNTER GOODS ARE CHEAPENEO. Never bei ore have such low prices on Fine New Goods been heard of. One Case Apron Check Ginghams at 5c a yd. 50 Pieces Plaid and Check Ginghams, very choice styles at 8c a yd. 100 Pieces Lovely Plaid Dress Ginghams, the I2jc quality, for this sale 10c a yd. 25 Pieces New French Ginghams are selling in other stores at 25c and 30c, for February our price will be 19c a yd. One Case Lama Cloths and Satines, Light and Dark Grounds, Handsome Styles, and they make a pretty dress at I2c a yd. 40 Pieces ioc Outing Flannels at 6.1c a yd. One Case Choice New Prints at 5c a yd. One Case Soft Finished Bleached Cotton at 6J-c a yd. ' 25 Pieces Lonsdale Cambric, all you want at 10c a yd. 50 Pieces Plaid and Check White Nainsooks at 5c a yd. One Case Large Size White Bed Spreads to go at 75c each. 100 Dozen Cotton Huck Towels at 30 each. 50 Pieces Bro Twili Toweling at 3+c a yd. One Bale all Linen Bro Towtling at 5c a yd. 10 Pieces Bed Ticking, worth 100, our price 6c a yd. One Dozen Ladies' Fine 10c H. S. Handkerchiefs for this sale 5c each. 300 Pieces Fine Embroideries at 3c, 5c, and 8c a yd. One Lot 50 Corsets, for this sale 39c each. 10 Dozen I leillord Cord Stamped Táble Covers at 25c each. 50 Dozen Stamped Linen Doylies at 5c each. Big Lot of Stamped Linens in Try Cloths and Scarfs, worlh 50c, now 25c each. Purple Veilings, we havethem at loc and 25c a yd. SPECIAL 2ÜO Pairs Lace and Chenille Gnrtains, purchased from an Iniporter at 50e on the dollar to close the Lot. Wc bcught them at just half-price. and will give yon a benefit. Leaders of Low Prices and Always the Cheapest.
Ann Arbor Argus
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