A Bible Seminary
While cashier Charles E. Hiscock lias been strictly attending to business in the Savings bank, some one has beeu personating Mm in Chicago, spending lots of money obtained on the strength of Hiscock's name, Six forged checks drawn on the National bank and purporting to be signed by' Mr. Hiscock, have been received here. They amount in the aggregate to $211.50. One of them, for $50, was given to a clothïng company. They were all certified to by the First National bank, W. W. Case, cashier, the certification also being a forgery. They were payable to self, and were indorsed by the forger's also signing Charles E. Hiscock's name on the back of them. A ;elegram was received by the Michigan Furniture Company, saying that thej-e was a man in Chicago calling hirnself Iliscock and pretendingto be the secretary of the Michigan Furniture Company, of Ann Arbor, who was acting strangely. A telegram was sent back to have him arrested. Anotlier telegram then came stating that the f orger had left town. It is hoped that he may be captured.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News