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New Theological Seminary

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The Chicago News of Wednesday ontained the following very interestDe dispatch from Detroit: A meeting was held Sunday evening t the Central Christian churcli, under iie auspices of the womau's board of missions, for the purpose of raising anda to establish a bible chair at Ami Arbor. This, however, is but the firat tep toward the establishment of a eminary where the Euglish Bible will be the basis of instruction. The congrega tion was addressed Sunday eveniiiil b.y the ltev. Charles Young, of Arm Arbor, who has been agitating the matter. Mr. Young delivered an quent address, showing the need of such a school. The speaker said that there was not a theological college in the country which used the English Bible as the principal work from which the studerits desiyed their instruction. The colleges laid stress upon other works and tlie Bible was generally neglected. He had been much encouraged in the movement, which originated in the church in which he was speaking, and had been gïven varióos amounts of money from persons residing in all parts of the country. He stated that it would be necessary to raise altogether about $2.5O,000. This was a large amount, but he believed that it would be forthcoming at the proper time. Other denominations were talking about establishing just such a school at Ann Arbor, where there were so niany advantages,but he did not think they would carry out the plan. The denomhiations that had so expressed themselves already had as many schools as they could take care of and he did not imagine they would want to take -the responsibility of maintaining another institution, although the field was so promising. He related at some length the plan and told how far it had advanced. He had secured only about $700 up to date, but from many assurances he believed that the project would soon meet with substantial encouragement. The present age was one of utility and it would be the design of the seminary to teach practical theology. At the coming convention of the pastors of their denomination and their many friends at Chicago a day had been set apart for the discussion of the matter. In the, states where there are few 'schools he ïad met with much encouragement, ilthough in the other states naturally not mucli enthusiasm was awakened. The ladies of theehureh deserved to be 3ongratulated for the active work they ïad done, lie expressed bis pleasure n thanking thetn and asked that a iberal offering for the specific purpose 3f securing a f und so as to establish an 3ndowment for a Bible chair be taken. Who will occupy the chair has not yet aeen determined, but it will be oceusied by some one who will do honor to :heposition. A liberal amount was iontributed.


Ann Arbor Argus
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