Senator Clark Is Sound
Senator Clark, of tkis dictrict, mad an excellent speech on the one-üft mili bilí for the University last Fridaj ïhe bilLpassed the senate by a vote o 19 to 10, but was aftenvards re-con sidéred. Mr. Clark's speech in ful was as follows: I regret that this discussion took just the turn it did on Friday last. ] fully aeree with Senator Burt that not quite all the great men come trom the L'niversity. Further, 'that not quite all the men coming from the University are great men. I venture this assertion, nothvvithstanding it may not be endorsed by all my constituents. You see I ani reckless of my future preferment. The enthusiasm of Senator McLaughlin led him out from under cover, where he liad to submit to punishment from Senator Burt. Senator McLaughliu did not mean to be understood that his one hundred thousand art gallery should be built out of these proposed funds before the whole requirements of the mechanical department had been fully met; but that out of the savings to be accumulated from this fund, later on, after all the more urgent needs were supplied, the art gallery should be erected. These little tilts lead to mischief where great interests are in yol ved. We all agree that the University of Michigan is the pride of Michigan. There is not a senator on this floor that is not proud of it. Therefore, let us consider its needs candidly, reserving our oratory for political questions, where it is not expected we will agree, and wind concerts are expected. jNTo one will expect of me, a granger, a Democratie granger, to encourage extravagance in any appropriations. I will not do this, even for institutions in my own district, knowing by sad experience the baekache required to earn a dollar in this avocation. But the amount of this appropriation anticipated in this bill before us is treated as secondary in the course of the argument the other day. The plan of it seeming to disturb the honorable senators more than the amount. 1 lus plan suits me. I see no reason on earth why the regents should come before this body eacta session, to secure fnnds to run this iustitutiou. It is right that they account for their stewardship by making tlieir report in detail, and submit it to the criticism of the Legislature, if you please, or to some authority, who will carefully scrntiiiize tlieir doings. This bill does not, it seem to me, place them any farther from the people or less responsible for tlieir doings. If it did, tlien I would oppose it. It seerns that if we grant a sufficient amount to economically adniinister the affairs of the University, by so doing we avold the waste of providing for it at each session. That acertain rand limited to their needs, secure, not fhietuating, nor subject to the whims of differing minds of this legislative body, Hable tocripple without previous notice the efficiency of this great institution is right. If this law were repealed at a future session, controlled by members having a spasm of economy, the f unds for a year would be in hand, and would be equivalent to a years notice of a change of policy; iñ the meantime the board of regents could trim their sails to the change of wind, and tide over the emergency. The board of regents come direct from the people, as we do. and are responsible to the same source of power, which is not slow to resent a wrong. The point has been made here that this puts the University upon different jrouiid from any other state institution. True, it is differently officered. It is for a different purpose. It should not be on the same basis as insane asylums. or prisons. or any other iustitution where its officers are the appointees of party organization, in whose intellectuality the voter has no voice. I think you are safe in this, and believe there is force in the argument that more economical administration is possible with a flxed income. Plans of management which look to better facilities are encouraged by the surety of a reward of success by economy. I hope this bill will pass. Throw around it all the safe guards of honesty you please, and reduce the amount if you please to actual needs, but not to a point destructive to the usefulness of the institution. The committee from this body visiting this institution recoinmeDd this amount. Not having any personal knowledge in this particular, I shall vote for the bill.
Ann Arbor Argus
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