Trying To Defraud Housekeepers
Kespectable grocers are rnuch incensed at the disreputable practices resorted to by a baking jxjwder concern to introduce its goods in this market. It employs a lot oí cheap and incompetent people to go around and make what they cali "tests" of baking powders, which simply means condemning every kind except the one they peddle. So iguorant and unprincipled are these parties that where two samples f rom the sanie package have been given them they liave pronounced one very good and the other very bad. They indiscriminately condemn the best known goods of the very highest reputation which in any way compete vvith their own. AU the high class grocers are dealing largely, and have been for years, in the baking powders condemned by these itinerants, and they resent the accusation that they are selling impure aiul adulterated goods, especially as they know it to be untru.e and made for purely mercenary purposes. A prominent groeer has threatened the arrest of the slanderers, and has expressed his determination to sell none of their goods. Án evidence of the fraudulent intent of these parties exists in the fact that in several instances they have been given their own baking powder to examine, when, supposing it to be another, tliey have unhesitatingly condenmed it as adulterated. Methods of this kind indícate botli ignorance of the first principies of business and absence of either honor or morality and will disgust consumera' as well as dealers.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News