T. A. A. Excursión Bulletin. The inauguration of President-elect Cleveland at Washington, 1). C, on larch 4, 1893. The T. A. A. & N". M. will sell tickets at one fare for the ound trip, $14.90. Tickets to be sold íebraary 28 to March 3, inclusive, liniited to March 8, 1898. Also for Democratie State Convention at Detroit, Mich., one fare for the round trip, $1.15. Tickets to be sold February 27 and 28, lirnited to March 1, 1898. Rates oí one and one-thhU fare on the certifícate plan will be made for the Prohibition Convention at Lansing. February 22, 1S93, $2.55. R. S. Greenwood, Pass. Agt.. Ann Arbor. W. II. Bennett, G. P. A.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News