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The next entertainment in the lecture course will be an extra by James Whitcomb Riley, Friday, March 3. A bilí was introduced into the legislature, Monday, to appropriate $40,000 for the completion of the gymnasium. Miss Mattie McFadden, a recent gradúate from Giace Hospital training school, of Detroit, is doing special nursing at the homoeopathic hospital. G. M. Brown was married last week to Miss Henrietta Dalziel, of Big Rapids. Mr. Brown entered here with the '03 dents, but took his degree last year at Nashville, Tenn. About 35 new students have enrolled si nee the first of February. There are also a large number who are noi yet thiough withx their examinations who will be enrolled later. Prof. Scott will give a one hom course in Christian Evidences this semester. The course has recently been arranged, and those who wish to take the work should see Prof. Scott at once. Myron J. Jones, of Wooster University, who has been training under Prof. Trueblood, won the Ohio state oratorical contest, Friday evening. McCaskell, who was also here under the supervisión of Prof. Trueblood, took second place. At a meeting of the State Board of Health in January, Dr. Vaughan was appointed chairman of a committee to make arrangements for a conference to be held in Ann Arbor, in March or April, when the prevention of the introduction and spread of cholera will be discussed. C. A. Young preached at the Cen-. tral Church of Christ in Detroit, Sunday night, in favor of the proposed chair of biblical criticism at the U. of M. At the close of the services a colleqtion of more than S200 was taken up, this sum to go toward the support of the project. The clinical amphitheater was iilled to overflowing, Tuesday afternoon, to witness Dr. Martin perform a laparotomy. The patiënt was suffering with an ovarían tumor of tremendous size. The operation proved to be an exceptionally grave and serious one, the tumor weighing 42 pounds. The Michigan members of the Sigma Phi, one of the oldest and most prosperous of the college fraternities, held their annual reunión and supper at the Russell House, Detroit, last evening. Present from the U. of M. Chapter were C. A. Howell, James Blair, E. D. Wicks, E. C. Peters, Goldwin Starrett, G. S. Crane, S. D. Kinne, R. L. Wagner, Roger Sherman, C. C. Parker, Jerome Ingersoll, H. M. Senter, R. F. Hall, H. P. Hart, M. W. Campau, J. H. Porter, R. C. Remick.


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