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One case of diphtheria in Milan. The woolen milis at Rausonville will be started up again. John Gotts, of Whittaker, is now harness making in Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti had a glove fight last evening, almost a prize fight. There are twenty-five bicycles in Miian now, and ten more have been ordered. The M. E. Sunday school library of Ypsilanti made #65 out of the Eider recital last week. Miss Crockett, aged eighty, of Milan, dislocated her shoulder last week by falling on the ice. A donation party for Rev. Mr. Boynton was held at W. E. Pease's in Manchester township on Monday. Ex-State Oil Inspector Plattmeasured his length in the snow in Ypsilanti last week, his team running away. The Ypsilanti papers all rejoice exceedingly over Eaton's acquittal. The trial cost Oakland county over Si. 500. William Baxter, for fifty-five years a merchant in Manchester, celebrated his eighty-second birthday recentlv. He is still in business. The Ypsilanti opera house has a nevv proprietor by the name of Shutes. If he lives up to his name it will be well not to cross him. Mrs. Freeman Carr, of Ypsilanti, died suddenly on Wednesday of last week at the doctor's office, where she had called to rest. She was thirty-five years old. The first robin of the season struck Ypsilanti two weeks ago, and was the most disgusted bird in the country He had to get close to the school board discussion to keep warm. Morgan Carpenter, of Manchester, died last Thursday morning. His death was sudden and he expired just after he had had breakfast and laid down on the lounge. He was eighty-five years of age and was very highly respected. The Ypsilanti telephone exchange has 8r telephones in. A freak of nature was brought to Iight at Stevens' Hotel last Saturday morning. In a chicleen that was being prepared for dinner was found two perfect hearts, one of normal size and performing its functions in its proper place, the other a trifle smaller and attached to the liver. Mr. Stevens has them preserved in alcohol and on exhibition in the hotel office. - Milan Leader. There is a certain young man who came to South Lyon last Tuesday who will have occasion to remember St. Valentme's day for some time to come. Af ter tea he dotined hisbest wearing apparel, and most pleasant smile, and called upon a young lady acquaintance. His timid knock at the door was answered by the young lady herself, who ushered him into the parlor. His first words were: "My dear, I neglected to send you a valentine, so I brought myself as one." "Yes," Replied the giri, "one of those large ones for a cent. ' The young man left town via the next freight train. - South Lyon Picket. A Scio friend informs us that Register of Deeds Hughes made an unusually quick trip from the station, home. one evening last week. He came up from Ann Arboron the late train, and stepping into the passenger house to Iight a cigar, he found the only occupant to be a burly stranger who lay stretched out on the seat, apparently asleep. A Iight tlashed in his face convinced Mr. H. that he was too tough a customer for a traveling companion at that hour of the night, so he stole nojselessly away and struck a gait for home that would put to shame a professional sprinter, while the sleeper, a Scio man, continued to snooze on undisturbed. - Dexter News. One of the most affectionate and apparently happy octogenarians in the whole world, we believe is "Grandma" Smith. A girlish smile plays on her face anda merrytwinkle to the eye teil the story of a wellHved life. Her remembrance of the early history of this county is lively, and not one resident in a thousand can relate scènes of so early a date as Mrs. Sidney Smith. Others than she have told of her agility in the saddle when the Indians were in the majority, and the variety of large wild game was big. The picture of those "good oíd days" can only be told by the few now,and as "Grandina" Smith tells of the startling ■scènes of the 20's and 30's she must see in her memory scores of old acquaintances who have passed to the other shore to one of her


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