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Mr. Wiíl Davis left for the west last week. Surprise parties have been the order of the day lately. Mrs. Alva Dexter has returned ftom her Wayne sojourn. Mr. James, Hobbs, of Detroit, is visiting Milán friends for a few days. Rev. C. B. Case assisted Rev. Geo. Sloan with his meetings last week. Rev. Geo. Sloan entertained guests from abroad the first of the week. Miss Rhoda Fuller is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. %. M. Fuller, this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Newcomb have returned to their home in Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Austin have moved into L. Hitchcock's house on Orchard street. The Milan I. O. O. F. 's visited the Ypsilanti I.'O. O. F. 's the last of the week. The Milan band will give the people a treat in the way of a concert, March 3d. , Mr. Wm. Hooker has taken possession of the hack line, commencing his new work Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Babcock, of Ann Arbor, spent a few days last week with their Milan friends. The Free Methodist revival meet ing has run fourteen weeks, anc great interest has been manifested from the first, but diphtheria will put a stop to the work for a short time. Mr. R. Waterman, of the Ann Arbor high school, spent Saturday and Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse. The Methodist ladies indulged in a tea social at the residence of Mrs. Chas. Dentans. There were rfighty in attendance and all had an enjoyable time. The of Rebekah will hold a tea social at Mrs. J. Braye's on Wabash street, Wednesday afternoon. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Milan school and all public assetnblies are closed for two weeks on account of diphtheria. There are several cases here and many have been exposed. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson lost a daughter from diphtheria, Friday morning. There are four more sick with it in the same family, two of whom are seriously ill.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News