The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch. If you would be proof against his skill, be sure that the bow (or ring) is a ' This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of 'two plates of gold soldered to a píate of composition metal. , Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark. == None genuine without it. fwy ; Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send . to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. 1 MONEYÊX)ll sa' MA;i;i L f ly satisfactory. ySs'-A'YÏt ■■?■'! ' If you value healtli S . 'ïi '"■:]' - and desire a Corset )S '■ t':'V. that combines ease, SwÊ' ''- %'. ( comfort, durability, fÉÈiï il FVi'-:Vi and is at the same time MS!' j i'.'V A V ' perfect in shape and iÊÊi) ƒ ! ÍVwAv4 closefittin, ask your ' ■' ' 'VVl.;J Merchantforthe "jgjjjjJí ! iFïily Dr. Schilling's fpfü COILED WIRE SPRING ' HEALTH PRESERVING Corset. If your merchant does not have them, ivill mail postpaid. Health Preserving 1.15; Short f ffip$l 15:EnelishSateen$1.60;Nursing$l.S5; ominal $2; Young Ladies' $1; Misses' 85c. SCHILLING CORSET CO,, DETROIT and CHICAGO. GarfieldTeasr 'arvs Coiistipat ion, Restores Complexión, bavos Doctors' Bills. Sample free. GABKiELDTEACo.,310W.4öthSt.,N.Y. Cures Sic kHeadache Do you Know? ? That more ills result from an Unhealthy Liver tban any L other cause-Indigestion, pation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. ( Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator j is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompanying evils. It cures thousands vvhy not be one of thern? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. ( Your Druggist will supply you. j Before purobaslng in 'ho lint of mtlllnery you Bbould li ok to your own loteresi nn) tmy 01' IVIÏS -TTO, Wbo is closmtroiit her en lire stock of Liidk-s' Hatsand Bounete. Feit ebapea íor -iñe, 50o, :r.o and 11.00. Mso a Jaree line oí Childn-n's H adwear. Actnally Olie-Half Oft Attend túis sale anti save in0fi6v mm i storage C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fcnirt1-! Ave., Nortb Telepliojue 82. ANN Sl'KKKT. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. All kmds of MEATS AND SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in atonlc. Ponltiv in season PRIVATE DI SE ASES Aseases of the skin Specially and Skillfully ïreated ' NoComp.njorln.titateFi.k., A CB Hancl Ho Electrical Humbag, ( Hona,t purp0!)(, Over twenty years active Hospital and Sanilailum experience. Thousands of happy, erateiul, cures, extending into every State 1d tlie Union. EBr If you are intwested, inTestigate. Yi u wtll purely bo pleased and mayhe surprioed. ft'rite fully. Inquire freely. A valuable tretlw ri: IMseases of a Private Naturo, conflde."i:.u .uci free. SEND FOR IT. Addrcss nr rail 1 n DR. O. J. W HNNA piRE INSURANCE. GHRISTIAN MAGK, .(rent (or the follnwing Flml lilas Compunk ropreBHnting over twnntytiirht Miliion DollHri! A8ot. unin poUoie Ht tbe loweflt ratPrt .tna of Hartford $9,192,644;(J(i Franklin of Phila 3.1 18.7ia,üü Germaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 America of N.Y. 4,()fi5,98.(K London Assurance, Lond'n 1 ,41H,78S.(M Michigan F. &, M., Detroit 287.08.)0 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,59(5,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,506.01 l'hwnix, N . Y S,759.0S6.00 AjfM-ciai aitieuiioa givi 10 the inwurance u twellingj, scikviIu. churcbaa and publir hullding in trmr 1 ihrep n'l tive yem-s FOUND AT LAST ! Eureka Rog. Huns and Mats frora oíd Caí pets. Save your old Ingrain, Tapcstry an Rrussels Carpets. Any si.e of mado from 'A to B yai-da wide and of any lenirth. Price 7 cents and upward pei Kuif, complete witb frinife. h. M. PETRUS, (,'arpot Cleaninif Sc Hux ManulacturiiiK Co. 547 Clinton Ave., De t roit. Sond for Circulars. ChildrenCryfor Pitcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News