Sirong Wüiiesses. Atoong the thousands of testimoniáis of cures by Dr. Miles' New Ileart Cure, is that of Nathan Allisons, a wellknowii citizen of Glen Koek, Pa., who for years had shortness of breath, sleeplessness, pain in left side, shoulders, smothering spells, etc; one bottle of Dr. Miles, New Heart Cure and one box of Nerve and Liver Pilis, cured him. Peter Jaquet, Salem, N. J-, is another witness. who for twenty years sufïered with Heart Disease, was pronounced incurable by physicians, death stared him in the face, could not He down for fear of smothéring to death. Inimediately .after vising the New Cure he feit better and could lie down and sleep all night, and isnow a well man. The New Cure is sold, also Free Book, by Eberbach & Son.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News