Drunkenness, or the Liquor Hablt, Positively Cured By Administering Dr. Heines' Colden Speoiflc. lt ís manufacturad as a powder, which can be glven in s jflass ot beer, a cup of toffee or tea, or In food, without tlic knowlede of the patiënt, lt s absolutely harmless, and will effect a permniient and 9peedy c:iie, whetlier the patiënt is a moderate drinker ir an alcoholic wreek. lt has been ven in tliousands ol' cases, and in evei'y instance a pertWit eire has followed. lt neyer Fails. The eygteni once imprwnatod witli the Speolflo, it beoc mes au utter ImpoBlbiUty lor the liquor app tl te to exist Cures guaranteed. 4S pae hook of partioulars free. AddröHB, Golden SpeotfleCo. 186 liaceSt..('ineimmti.O.
Ann Arbor Argus
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