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CLQAKS! PRICES THAT MOVE THEM $1.00 Each, IT TAKES PLUCK TO SELL garments worth $6.00, $8.00 $10.00 and up to 15.00 for , but this Í3 what we are doing. Last week we sold about 50 garments at this price, soino purchasers taking three or four. The Cloth. Alone is Wortli Five Times tiie Price asked for thexn. We liave about 50 Garments ieft. We will close out tbis week at the same price. Scarcely enough to pay for our time showing them. $2.00. 45 GARMENTS, All Styles, Fine All Wool Cloth, worth tip to % 16.00. $3.00. 65 NÉW STYLE GARMENTS, Black and Colored, Flain and Fur-Trimmed. Don't let this chance go to provide yourself with a Fine Stylish Garment at a nominal price. . $4.00. 40 ALL WOOL SCOTCH Cheviot Garments, Stylish Cut, a Splendid Garment for Spring Tear. ONE-HALF OFF. THE BALANCE OF OUR Cloak Stock at One-Half Regular Price. CARPETS New Spring Designs. New Moquettes. New Body Brussels. New Tapestry Brussels. New Velvets. New Styles in Lowell and Hartford Ingrains. New Agra Weaves. New Art Squares. New Line Rugs. New Line Chenille Portierres. New Line Lace Cnrtains. Prices that vanquish all Competition.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News