Bargains yon aro interested in. t2gr Laces and Ernbroideries. For this month we offer: 250 yards Linón Torchon Lace at le a yard. worth 5c 300 " Embroideries at le " " " 5c 300 " Fenef s Torchon Lace at 5c " " " 10c 200 ' Embroiderios at - - - 5c " " l1". 150 " Linen Torclion Lace at LOc ' " " 20200 '■ Embroideries at 10c " " " 20c. One Lot of Embroideries at 15c " " ' 25c. AND HERE IS THE HUMMER. 250 yards of Embroideries 10 to 15 inches wide at 25c. Other dealere will ask you 35c to 40c. Ladies, we hope you will take advantage of this sale as tliese pricee will uot be offered to vou again. GOODYEAR & ST. JAMES
Ann Arbor Argus
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