Twenty-fifth Annual Statement
Hip mutual Life ipiance Co. OF DETROIT, MICH. For the Year Ending December 31 st, 1892. REVENUE ACCOUNT. Received for Premiums, $1,030,507 76Keceived for Interest, 193,202 87 Total Incomk, - - - $1,229,710 63Disbursements for Deatk Claims, Dividends, Maturcd Insurance, Surrender Values, and all Expenses, - - 768,105 35 Balakce to Invkstment Account, $ 461,005 28 ASSET ACCOUNT. CaghinBank, - - '$ 156,624 3S First Mortgage Liens on Real Estáte, - - - 2,665,565 92 Real Estáte, inchiding Home Office Building, - - - 3:il,966 65 Loansto Policy lloliU-rs secured by Reserves, - - - 856,611 65 Agenta' Balances, - - 6,814 10 Bills Receivable, ....... 37,611 68 Bonds, and Collaterals. ------ 37,823 75 Interest and Rents accrued, ------ 59,254 47 Interest and Ren:s o ue, ------ 34,99715 Outstanding Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund (20 per cent. íoading deducted), .... 318,427 64 Deferred Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund (20 per cent. Íoading deducted), 41,544 07 Tota i, Asskts ■ $4,047,241 41 LIABILITIES. Ainount of Reserve Fund, American Table (1% per cent.) - $3,526,698 67 Deposita of II olders, ----- 3,727 61 Death Claims mt due, ------ 19,850 45Surplus. ------- 496,964 68 Totat,, $ 4,047,241 41 New Risk. a.umed in Í82, $ 8,319,767 2 lnereaxc ot Surplus, -----.- -t,. ir. ss Dnrins th year l!2 iliiw ompanr lnaned to Policy-Holdera over $5O OOO.OO lipón líndoiviiiciil Pollcien aNsi;ned to It a ei u rily, the Reserve in eacli case belng Ín excesa of (lie I.Aau made. The total amonnt pald to Pollcy-Holder by thl Company to date ín, $4,231,059 90 H F FREBE, Sec'y. LOOKER, Pres't. G' W SANDERS, Actuary. S. R. MUMFORO, Ist Vice-Pres't, GtnWF RAYNOLDS, Consulting Actuary. J. W. DUSENBURY, 2nd Vice-Prt$'t.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News