Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
Hangsterfer Block, S. Main Street, I Ann Arbor, - - Mich. Everything Comes to Him Who Waits! We have waited ; they have come, and are still coming. Bargains such as' have never been shown in Ann Arbor. Our great REDUCTION SALE has been Such a decided siiccess, that we were compelled to go into the market at this late date to replenish our stock. Our Mr. J. L). KYAN, who has largc interests in Clothing n'rms at Bay City, Flint and Hastings has juet returned from Rochester, N. Y., where he purchased large lots of goods at his own figures. Thus we are able to sel] you STJITS AKD OVERCOATS at less prices tlian our competitor, who bought early, own theni. ALL SUITS, all OVERCOATS, and all odd PANTS One Quarter Off. Doirt fail to see these Bargains before parting with your money.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News