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Dissolufion of Firm And Sacrifice Sale of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! At the Old Reliable Store of BACH, ABEL & CO. In order to withdraw the interest from our firm and close the Estate of the late Eugene B. Abel, we are making the lowest prices on First Class Dry Goods ever known in Ann Arbor. Every Department is full, and the goods must be sold. Every Article reduced in price to the very lowest point, and our large sales during the past ten days testify the appreciation of the people of our closing up sale. Come at once that youGmay get the first choice, and you will get the best value for your money.i No reserves for they must all go. PHILIP BACH, ZACHARY [ROATH, Survlving Partners of Bacli. Abel & Co. , i OLÍ) UUULI DRY GOODS HOUSE. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. WANTED.- Agents to sell the tastest sellingNovelty on the market. Seudüö centa for Bample. Jig-Jajr Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tf PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whltney. will be In the city soon. Orders left at theAHOcs olfice will receive hls attention. TO RENT.- At No. 3e 8. State 8t. A nat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. SiateSt. 28tf NN AKBOK NURSERY- Fruit ana orna-■"■mental trees. Peach and pear a speeialty. Grape vines, berry plante, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzhora. head of Sprinfr street. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchanj. Jtetiutlful locatlon. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davií. West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ttf 'TO Furnished house heated witb l furnaoe, in ood oidor. Apply to Noh G. Butts, Itoom 18. Masonic Ulock. FARM FOR SALE.- Farm lor sale near Aun Arbor. Will sell very cheai), or will take a Binall farm or house and Iotas part pay. Foj' particulars address Box li"4, Ann Arbor. MÏ FARM FOR SALE- A farm of 0 acres for sale in Pittsflold. Address to Albert Nordman for partioulars-. WANTED- Ladies to do wi'iting at home. Will pay $18 to $20 per week. Send seliaddressen, stamped envelone for reply. 7-12 Address, Mme. Wriglit, Mishawaka, Tnd. ÜOR SALE,- A new house in (rood location, - six blocks from cumpus and one bloek from street car huo, havinfr nine rooms; luitb-room; liood f urnace; mantel; insido flnished n oak and hard pino, luquireof F. H. Belser, Farmers' and Mrchanics Bank. WANTED.-Atmiddle-apod lady for lijfht, permanent work. per day for flrst six nionths. Address for tb ree davs to .1 H D. & Co., Ai-tfus Office.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News