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An I. O. G. T. lodgo basbeeii orgaiiized in Webster. The supreme court hasdeniedPrjnce Michael a new trial. Four sheep pelts were sold i this city, Tuesday, for $10. The fiíth ward M. E. Sunday-school contains seventy pupils. New tiles are being put in on the second Hoor of the court house. Frank Miles was given five days in jail by Justice Pond, Saturday. John Ilaab, a well-known Webster farmer, died in Detroit, Friday. The Wolverine Bicycle club had a very entertaining evening at their club house, Ftiday night. The thermometer, Monday naoniing, was down to 10 and 12 degrees below zero. Mrs. G-. Taylor, of Jaekson, has bought a lot on Wihnot street, and will bviild i large house on it this spring. The motor line on Monday found a snow drift near the stone school house five feet high. William St. Clair and Miss Selena Kannenberg were married last Thursday evening by Rey. Max Hein. The inarriage of Miss Josie Ilenion to Dr. Guy L. Keifer, of Detroit, is announced to take place in Marcli. The late Rev. Maltby Gelston was the oldest policy holder in the New York Life Insurance Company in the state. The Lake Shore train on the Ypsilanti branch was delayed at Pittsfield Junction, Monday, four hours by snow drifts. The governor has signed the bill repealing the act of 1888, passed for the relief of the Washtenaw Agricultura! society. About one hundred ehildren belongiag to the M. E. Sunday-school enjoyed a sleighride to Ypsilariti, Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Steele, former pastor of the Presbyterian chureh here, preached in the place of Rev. Mr. Gelston last Sunday morning. The suni of $200 was contributed in j Detroit, Sunday, towards the proposed j theological seininary of the Christian chureh in this city. The Ann Arbor road reeeiveil$34,000 more in January this year, than they did last year, thus gladdening the hearts of the Ashley's. Rev. F. A. Baart, of Marshall, gave an excellent insurance lecture before the C. M. 13. A. in St. Thomas' Music. hall, Tuesday evening. Rev. V. A. Baart, of Marshall, delivered a very interesting lecture in the C. M. B. A. series of Aitertainments, Monday evening. Valentine Stiller, while walking, Tuesday, with an axe over his der, feil in such a manner that the axe severed one of his thumbs. John Leonanl died in Pittsfield, Saturday, aged seventy-five years. The funeral was held in St. l'ittrick's church. Northfleld, Monday, Edward Claucy. oí cbis city, is ons; of the pinchaseis of the Neat House, Ypsilanti, announced in these columns last week. lie has taken possession. W. Clark, John líyan, and C. liarrett, three tramps, were given ten, rtfteen, and twenty davs in, Tuesday, by Justice Butts tor drunkenness. On next Snnday evening Rev. J. T. Sunderland vvill l'i third sermón in his series on " The Labor Problem and its Various Proposed Solutions The annual meeting of the fcharitable Unioi) Will be held at Ilanïs Hall on Thnrsday alteinoon. Mareli 2, at three o'olock. All Wooien interested in the work oí the l'nion are invited to be present. The supply kitchen at Ilobart Ua', to-morrovv froni ten to six wil! furnish honie-niade cakes. pies, bread, etc. It makes a good place to procure your supplies for Sunday. Lunches are served to tliose desiriug theui during the day. I Ernest Ellsasser, a Dexter saloonkeeper, waived examinasion before Justice Pond, yesterday, on the charge of not removing the screens in his saloon after hours. Ilobert E. Frazer, of Detroit, lias been nominated by the ï'epublicans foi circuit judge of Wayne county. He was at one time the democratie proseeuting attorney of this county, but foi some years has been a republican stump orator. Itev. J. P. Dickie, D, L., of Detroit, delivers the second series of lectures in the Tappan Training course on church history. On Saturday evening of this week at McMillan hall, at 8 p. m., he lectures on Cyprian. At 10:3C o"clock Sunday morning his subject will be Athanasius. At 7:30 p. m. Sunday evening, the subject will be Julián the Apostate. The two latter lectures will be delivered at the Presbyterian church. AU the lectures are í'ree te all. . The brilliant and gorgeous Carnival still has its many admirers and devotees, vvhich was shown last Wednesday evening when Palace líink was opened to receive a throng of about 200 couples of gaily attired masqueraders and about 400 interested spectators. The participants skillfully manouvred to the inspiringmusicof Otto's Band and danced away the íleeting hours till 2 a. m., and leaving, all declared that the Aun Arbor Rifles were excellent entertainers. The order of service as arranged lor the Young People's Vespers in St. Andrew"s chapel on Sunday evening, Feb. 26, at 6:30, is as follovvs: (1) Ilymn 215; (2) Opening Prayers; (3)Lesson: St. Luke ii, 41-51; (4) Ilymn 476; (5) Opening of Topic: "The King's Business," by Mr. George II. Pond of the Anu Arbor Courier; (0) Ilymn 273; (7) Further -discussion of the topic; (8) Hymn 284; (9) Benediction. The "Church Ilymnal" will be used. liotli stringed and hora instruments will accompapy tlie organ.