Paul Snauble is in Vermont. Dr. Salisbury has been in Muir this week. Miss Josie Henion left Saturday tor Toledo. Adam Meuth was in Detroit, Wednesday. A. L. Noble is in New Vork city, purchasing goods. Mrs. V. H. Morton is visiting in Detroit this week. Mrs. James R. Bach has returned from Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Lizzie Dean returned from a visit in Chicago, Friday. President James B. Angelí was in Baltimore, Wednesday. Herbert Randall is visiting in Chicago and Aurora, 111. Miss Anna Ladd, of Detroit, has been visiting in Ann Arbor. George Osius, of Detroit, visited L. Gruner the first of the week. Richard Reeves, of Toledo, visited in the city the first of the week. Miss Addie Frost, of Armada, is visiting her brother, H. F. Frost. Miss Amelia Hynne, of Brighton, is visiting Mrs. B. F. Schumacher. Guy Kiefer, of Detroit, visited friends here last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Frederich Schmid and Miss Emilie Manu are visiting in D,etroit. Kujene Clarkson, of Detroit, visited his brother, S. W. Clarkson, this week. President Angelí attended an alumni meeting in Cleveland, Friday evening. Mrs. Adam Seyler and son, Kdward, are visiting Mrs. W". G. Fowler in Detroit. Mrs. N. G. Butts has been visiting her son, the principal of the Orchard Lake Military academy. Miss Ruby Howard celebrated her rifteenth birthday, Tuesday night, by giving a party to tïfteen girl friends. Judge Kinne, Col. H. S. Dean, and Evart H. Scott attended the Rich reception in Detroit, Tuesday evening. Fred C. Brown, of the Times, left tor New Vork city ts see the linotype ordered lor the Times put together. Mrs. l'reil Rurnler and Mrs. Geo. and Henry liloss, of Detroit, spent Saturday with Miss Anna Miller, of División street. Miss Lucinda Lohr, of Packard street, left Saturday for a few days' visit to Toledo, and from there will go to Knoxville, Tenn., where she will make an extended visit with friends and relatives. Mr. J. A. Harmon, of O'Neill, Neb., who graduated with last years law class, visited in the city the early part of the week. Mr. Harmon was the first president of the University Democratie Club, which position, together with his genial personality won him many friends, both among the students and citizens. While in the University he took advantage of every occasion to' preach good Democratie doctrine, and we are pleased to say that not-' withstanding the recent magnificent success of the Deniocratic party he still in the habit.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News