Clara Morris. The íollovving brief criticisms show the regard in which Clara Morris is held in New York. "Mesmerisin, hypnotism, strong words; but perliaps the best to use in speaking of her power." - Hrooklyn Eagle. "The Pourteenth Street theatre was erowned with the admiréis of this remarkable actress, and fromthe beginning to the end of the play, her impersonatiou was watched with breathless interest. Her marvelous powers are revealed in their completeness."' -Sun. In superb health she essayed the role last night, and beeause of its emotional requirements, carried the audience along with her upon the surfaee of her passion."- Heiald. "Clara Morris gave eonviming proof last night that she still posaesses that subtle force which makes her unapproachable and matcbless in the rank of American actresses. Her art had won her a new triumph." - World. Miss Morris appears at the opera house next Thursuay night, in Rence deMoray, a play of intense power, and will doubtless receive the plaudits of an audience onlylirnited by the seating capaeity of the 'house. A Bargain. I am closing out at cost 78 borse blankéts and ü) robes. It will pay anyone to come and look at tbis bargain before purcbasing elsewhere. Fked Theükee, 12 W. Liberty street. The National Lead Company, the largest manufacturera of white lead and lead proöucts in the world, begins en this number a series of advertisements that any, who contémplate painting during the coming season, will do well to read. They ;ive not a new íirni introdueing a iiew article, bnt are the öwners and nianufactnrers of the standard brands of white lead that have given white lead its character as the standard paint. Many of the brands were already old when our lathers were boys.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News