fcARTER'S CURE Blek Headaehe and rel ieve all the troublea incident to a bllioua Btate of the system, such AS Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after enting, Pain in the Side, c. Whila theirmótf remarkable buccobs lias been ahowii in cuxiBg SICK Ee&aaehe, yet Carter's Llttla tlver VB39 ara equally valnable in Constipation, curing and praventlng thiaannoyinccomplaintwhile they also correct all disorders of thastomachtimulatatha ÏTer and regúlate the bowela. Evenlftheyonlf HEAD 'JU4 they wonld be slmostpriceless to those who ■mer from thisdistressingcomplaint; butfortuEatelytheirgoodneB8doeanoteadhera,andthoso yrho once try them will flnd these little pilla valueble In soznany -ways that they wül not be williog todo without them. But after allsickhead ACHE Is the bane of bo many llvea that hera la whera tremakeourgreatboast. Ourpills cure it whila othera do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilis are very small and rery eaBy to take. Oue or two pilla malte adose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by their gentle action please all who we them. In vialsat25cents; flvefor$l. Sold by draggista everywiere. or sent by mij] CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICÏ Page Wq vea Wire Fence I Ég: '- '■■ ■ - - ■ - - ■ . A Smootb Fence that Will Tnrn Aay Kind of Stock! - The Best une] Cfaeapest Fence for the Farm. Made ïu sizeR from 24 to 58 inches hijrh, either galvamzed or painted. Cali and Examine It Andyou will buy noother. M. Staebler, Ann Arbor. FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonnble char(res. For further particulars all at the Ahoüs office Ripans Tabules prolong )íe. Kipaiis Tabules cure scrofula. fiipans Tabules cure dispepsia. Kipans Tabules : pleasant laxativo. Eipans Tabules : a standard remedy v
Ann Arbor Argus
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