Council Proceedings
[official.! Council Cha.mbkii. i Akn ARBOK, Fob. 'M. 1893. I Regular session. President Cooley being absent, the council was called to order by the Clerk. lïoll called. Quoruni present. Absent - Aid. Martin, Ferguson, Rehberg, Pres. Cooley.- 4. On motioD of Aid. Prettyman, Aid. Sehairer was elected president pro tem. The journal of the last session was approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition froru the residents and property owners on Beakes street, city of Ann Arbor, asking that the Council pass the necessary order to remove the willow trees on said Beakes street. Accepted and referred to the Committee on Streets. KEI'OKTS OF STANDING COMMTFTEES. ORDINANCES. The second reading by sections of ar ordinance to amend Sections 7, 9 aml 11 of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Persous and Disorderly Conduet," passed March 27, 1890. The second reading by sections of an ordinance suplimerjtary to "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Persons and Disorderly Conduct,v pa.ssed March 7, 1890. The second reading by sections of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Houses." The second reading by sections' o "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks.' The second reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Sections 9, 13, 15 30, and 34 of "An Ordinance Relative to the use of Streets, Alleys and Pub lic Places," passed Feb. 3d, 1890. First reading by title of "An'Ordi nance to authorize the Ann Arboi Fuel Gas Company to construct and opérate gas works and lay pipes through the streets, alleys, and public places of the city of Ann Arbor, for the purpose of supplying fuel gas to citizens, sorporations of the city." Chairman O'Mara, of the Fire Committee, asked for furtlier time, whicli ivas granted. UXFINISIIED HUSINESS. Aid. Snow asked for a report on the Palmer matter. No report being made Aid. Snow offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of $35 be allowed Mis. Geo. Palmer, for property destroyed by order of Board of Health. On motion of Aid. Prettyman the matter was again referred to the City Attorney and Board of Health. ' MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIOXS. ByAïd. Wines: Resolved, That the vote upon the motion of Alderman Prettyman, offered at the meeting held Jan. 16, regarding a sub-division of the 6th,lst, 2nd, and 3rd wards, so as to créate two new wards, be reconsidered. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Fillmore, Kitson, - 5. Nays- Aid. Herz', Snow, O'Mara, Taylor- 4. The following is the resolution reconsidered: Resolved, That the special Comrnittee on Charter Amendments is hereby directed to report a scheme to this Council at its next meeting for subdividing the iirst and sixth wards into three wards, and the second and third wards into three wards respectively. Aid. Taylor moved that the resolution be laid on the table. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow. O'Mara, Taylor, Prettyman.- 6. Nays- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Kitaon, - o. Aid. Wines moved that the City Clerk extend cordial invitations to the Legislature of the State of Michigan to visit the City of Ann Arbor. Adopted. Aid. Kitaon moved that a conamittee coDsisting of the Mayor, President of the Counci), and three aldei-men be appointed to act with a committee oí' five from the Business Men's Association to provide tor entertaining the legislature. Adopted by a imanimous vote. The following committee was appointed: Mayor Doty, President Cooley, Aldermen Wines, Schairer, Ferguson. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News