For Constiparon Ayer's PilJs For Dyspepsia Ayer's Pilis For Biliousness Ayer's Piïfs For Sick Headache Ayer's Pilis For Liver Compiaint Ayer's PiHs For Jaundice Ayer's Pil ís For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Puls For Rheumatism Ayer's Pilis For Colds Ayer's Pilis For Fevers Ayer's Pilïs Prepared by Dr. J. C. AyerfeCo., T.owelI.Masfc, Öold by all Diurkísi. Every Dose Effective We are adrised of a business change that will be of considerable local interest. Tha Capitol Heater Company, which, starting last year, roade cuch a pronounced suecess of its flrst season, has acquired the heating business of the Dotroit Heating & Lighting Comlany, and will hereafter sell the Bolton Hot Water Heater as well as their own Capitol Heater. This gives them the best wrousht iron as well as the best cast iron heater on the market, and places this young company close to the head of the heating manufacturera of the United States. ïhey announce tliat their business will for the present be conducted at their former premises, 15 Macomb Street, Detroit. until Iarger quarters can be secured. The business wilt continue to be under the management of Messrs. Henderson and Smith, who were tot years connected with the Detroit ' Heating 4 Lighting Company and lef t it a year jago to start th CapitoL lOf"2liiffl is NOT pfisrajcira H I BEÏSiM CFTEN lptlilig but The PEERLESÍ5 ÍSTHMA REMEDYwifl siveinstiinti-olief. s;,o and 3Co slieo. Snmplo muiledfree. At drugKihtnor mailedon reooipt of prio oyTne Peerlsss Kemedy Co., Qoblüviilo, Mloa. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Estáte ot Emanuel Koch. DTJITJE OF MICHIGAN, OOUÜÏTF kj 01 Wii-sbtenaw, ss. At a MteBiuu ufthe Probate Court for the County ot Wmhtenaw, holden at the Probate Üflice in tlie city ot Ann Arbor on Tbursaay, ibe slxteenth day of tVbruary in the vear one thonsand tiynt huiidrea and ninety tlnee. ' Present, J. Willard Habbit.t,.Tudge of Prob-ite In the matter of the estáte o! Emannel Koch incompetent. ' Gouieib F. Zeeb, the guardián of said ward' comea iDto court and represent thu lie is now prepared to render his annual iciount as supb guardián. Thereupon it is ordcrcd that Friday the 7th day of March ïiext, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assigned for v.xainiuingaud ullowinirsuch account, aua that the next of kin of suid ward ond all otber persons interented in said estáte are required to appear at a scbsíou of said couit, tbeu to be holden at the r róbate Othce in the city of Ann Arbor, in s.,k1 County and show cause, it any .there be whv the said accouDt should not oe allowed: And' it ia further ordered that said guardián jrlve notiee to the persons interested iu said estáte, ui the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof bv cnuung a copy of this order to be pubüshc'd in the Ann Akbor Akücs, a newspaper printed and circulatiui? in said county three succesfivc previous to said nay of hearing J. WJLLARD BABBITT, (A trueoopy.) Judge ui' Probate WiliiakG. KoiY, Probate Kegi.ter. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0ÜNTY ol Washtenaw, The undersigned having been appoiuted by the Probate Court for said County, Oommissioners to receive, exaraiue and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Ellen Mead, lateof said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six nionthsfromdate are allowed ,by order of said Probate Court, for credüors to present their claims agpainstthe estale ofsaid deceaxed, and that they will meet at the office of P. McKernan, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on the lüth day of (rtay. and on the 14Hi lay of August next, at ten o'elock A. M. )f each of saiddii8, to receive, examiue and idjnst said claims. Dated, Februaiv igih, 18CJ. PaTHICK McKERNAN, AMBROSE KliAKNEY, (oiumissioners. I f[L==fcO)K IÑCUBÁTOR . AÍijgygo?jlWr'ill be i u opemtTüïTötthë MHUMjaJM4JMrjy WORLD'S COLUMBIAN CXi ir"jf "T5 pobition. Ifjouwanta i MT"" Mi H ATCHER tliatwill K . 0 Kive roa PLEASURE ■) tZl J ANDPHOFITwHc. J iaBtampB for new niuhLrated catuloyue. AddresB: jj Reliable Incnbator and Brooder Co., Quincy, Illinois. TCEÍ All persons wishing to order pure and clear ice sliould order it of J. ANDRÉS Box 1110, Ann Arbor. Orders by postal card promptly attended to. Seton Hall College. CATHOLIC. South Orange, New Jersey. -- - - I Unsurpassed for healthfulness of location ülegrance of buildings, general equlpment aud 3xcellence of instruction. í'OUNDED 1856. Send lor prospectus and book of photorraphic views. REV. WM. F. MARSHALL, President. 5
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News