1 jfllGHIGAN GEWERD "The Nia&ira, Falls Route." TIME TABLE (]15VIBKD) NOV. 20, 1SK. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. m asa ;saags 3 ssssss igsjg ; O I ■'"SS :LL'- O ÏCOUM i i sa as sp . i t-h H ftrf ft OJ o, ■ ' ■ ' z iCOCOWMisOiHifiO ifï "O ! oc 73 ! ' ' - _ ■ - c - .0 o ..j o rt o -H vri . 3; o ! ! ' !$ o lii n mt , x SgSSSÍSSaSS SSSSS; Saga i i i !■ jii fíi '' jg S '■ ' ISS IS1" Ot-SOOOOOilOOo SS m : S S asin ; 'c ga::: :&: : : g, h S5; :8 :#s 5 SS :gS i ': iss 1 e iü !u jiiítrítri' w SS i ■ ;s i ;8S S SS : i : : lïl x S" ; , :'" : :■"- : : : ; .;2 . M S S ! 2 5 c. eg; ' - p o. aio ..ccp.gM 2I. :MCO ; ; ;sm SS S ! ; - 's a ose. a ; _; g S SS3S2SS3S : I igSEJfeiíSSSa H i::::: ;c ' i ■ liilli IBiiii O.W KUGGLES, H. W.HAYES Q.P. &T. Agent, Chicago. A't Ann Arbor. yfllCagO and West jgchigan Railwaj Leave Grand Rapids.. 9?Ö0 tóó Pkh P'r% Atv. Holland... 95 12-45 B:% l-f ; Grand Haven.. loS? 3 ?:ffi 10 _ Muskegon.-... 11:06 , 4:15 7 jas wil Leave Grand Hapids.J P"'7 Arr. Newayg-o :52 gq " White Cloud....1 "i? ?:5 " BigHapids 10:45 8:lh "a'jlwin jo:25 8:34"" Ludington via i m „ F &P.M. 2:00 10:20 Manisteevia M. & N. E. l'SO 10 '?v Elk Rapids 1:45 11:5 ..."Z Daily Ofher traine week days only. ree Chair cara hetween Grand Hapidsani Manistee . Leavo G rand Kapids 5.1 7 í m. The "Favoritos" between Detroi Grnn, StaanUd a" PintS in WeaUra ilIKi SS GEO. DeHAVEN General PaBsenger Agent. Hit Wll January 3, l892. .iwöllj Lansin? andjorfa Railroad Leave Howell h)':22 '345 'Vil !l' Arr. South Lyon 10:52 Plymouth 11:18 ...... "ïi " Detroit ..jij)i)_jinni(i-ai Leave Howell.. ....... 8:40 13:48 (:4Ü i Arr. Lansintr.. 9: 2:00 7:M B:U , Í3 rand JL-edsre - 10:10 2:50 8:aj 8 Lake Odessa ... 10 :5o olí? Graad Kapids.. 11:50 ""'_'. 10:lS looi 11:80 8:45 :40 P.M Green-rille 12:23 4;6g ]0.;ST Howard City... 1:00 5:35 11:20 "."I" Fast train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, HoweJ1 &m. atLeraÁaá fi? Sèfrfor 2:55 p H :i:' Toledo. Ann Arbor and Morth I Michigan Railway. Time Cart in effect January 89th, 1898. Departiireof Trainsut Aun Arbor. OOINO KORTH. N' '■ SlundaBXPre88" Da"y exocP' No. 3. Psg?rXnn irborAccom ' ' 'M "- " w - Uai.'7 xPt Sunday i 00 nooo No. 5. Mail Passenger Daify cxcept tundaJ' 425 p.m GOING SOUTH. N'2' ndaP"SSífr' Daily ExcePt N' 4" iÜandIXPrB8S baiij' eXOept " K " B' No. 6. ToledoyÁccommodaÜn' Da'iiy 8 " P' ' except Sunday ÍTOOa.m Central Standard Time W - C enBNKrR- G KEEN WOOD, Gen. Pasa. AKent. - Local Aeent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking eífeet October 1, l9a SUNDAY TIME TAB1.K. O.pm1'3'"""4' at "'0 3-OT' 8 ' C-1flárft ggs '"""- iutör?11 tiOketSl For 81tle bvcoa NEVER A FAII,URE. The Ked River Valley o Minnesota and North Dakota has never had a failure of crops. It produced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890 Farms can be had on the erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not an uncommon thing to pay for a farm trom the proceeds of one erop. It has all of the advantages of an old country in the shape of school, church market, postal raihvay facilities and all the chances of ' a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values, [t is one of the most fertile and promising regions in America not yet fully occupied. n the rush to the far west, however, this rlch valley has been over-looked. t has room for a million more people. Vrite to 'F. I. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Min for particulars. 'ublications sent free.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News