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Til Prlinf thecheapest! AXl J. CbXXXl StrictlyPure White Lead is best ; properly applied it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub off; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting-. Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. When buying it is important to obtain Stric ure White _es.d properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the " Oíd Dutch " process of slow corrosión possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time, and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. & McKelvy" "Beymer-Bauman" "Eckstein" "Fahnestock" "Anchor" "Kentucky" "Morley" "Southern" "Shipman" "Red Seal" "Collier" "Davis-Chambers" are standard brands of strictly pure Lead made by the " Oíd Dutch " process. You get the best in buying them. You can produce any desired color by tinting these brands of white lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. 1 For sale by the most reliable dealers in Paints everywhere. ir you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News