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■ pfe Mqt)% Makes an every-day convenlence of an o'.j-time luxury. Pure and wholesoirií Prepared with scrupulous care. HightM award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avuid imitations - and insist on having fr.e NONE SUCH brand. MbKKELL & SOÜLE. Syracsc, .- " Morgage Sale. Default having heen made in theconditionof arnortgage bearingdate November 21st 1887 made by Frederick C. Huson to Eliza Eisele iind recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, in th State of Michigan, on the 21st day of November, 1887 in liber 72 of mortgages, on page 263, by the non payment of moneys due thereon. by which the power of sale therein contained has become operativo, and on which mortgage tiiere is elaimed tq be due at the date of this notice the Hum of Five Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-fourand 99-100 Dollars, (5.324.P9), including laxes and insurance paid, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the amount now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, notice is therefore hereby given that on Friday the 5th day of May, 1893, at 11 o'cloek in the forenoon, there will be 6old at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan at public vendue, to the nighest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage as above set forth, with the interest thereon and the costs, charges aud expenses allowed by law and proviried for in sairt mortgage; said premisos beIng situated in the ïownship of Ann Arhor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to wit : The east half of the northwest quarter and all that part of the west half of the east balf of the southwest quarter of seetion nineteen (19), in 'l'owuship two (2p south of Kangesix (8) east which Hos north of the north Dexter road crossinfi said lot; said land being all looatert on seetion nineteen (19), and containing eightj'-four (84) and one-half ('4) acres of land, moreorless Datcd January ütíth, I893. ELIZA EISELE. Mortgagee. Thompson, Harkiman & Thompson", Attorneys for Mortgagee. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF .75 Washtenaw. The undersigned havins; beenappointed by the Probate Court fur said County, Coramíssioners to receive, examine and adjust all claimi :ind demands of all persons against the estáte oí John Harrison, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store oi Veedder L . Shankland, in the township of Superior, in said County, on the 20th day of April and on tbe 23th day of July next, at ten o'cloek A. M. of each of said days, to reef ivet examine and adjust said claims. Dated, January 20, )S3. FKEEMAN V. GALPIN JACOB MYER, Oommissioners Notice to Crediiors. Q TAÏE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k of Wa&htes&w.&s. Noticeis hereby given, that by an orüer oí the l'robnte Court for the County oi W-.töhif Huw, made on the 2IHh day of January, A. I). 1893, six. monthe from tuut date werc allowed forcreditors ; -rent thoir claims against the eetate of Lydia sutuerlam], luie of said county deceased, and that aïi creditors of said deceased are required to preseut their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate oiüee in the city of Aun Arbor, for exainination and allow.mee on or before the 26th day of July, next, and tbat such claims will be heard before said Court, on tlio 26th day of April and on the 2titb day of July next, at ten o'cloek in tte forenoon of each of aaid days. Dated, Aun Arbor, Janu.iry 26, A.E, 1S93. J.WILLAKD 1ÍABBITT. Judge of Probate. IR I I the Largest Gold Mine. WñflfSflS Mí the Largest Silver Mines. iïimm m ssrerHas Extensive Grazing Ranges, Fine Timber BeltB. Wide Agricultural Valleysïs larger than New England, New l'ork, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware combinod. The Great Northern Bailway is thedirectline from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Great Falls, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana Voipts. Apply to your home raiiway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. rriurx I do not wista to blow i uto LhïND them, but merely whisper that the Ked River Valley offers fine.„_ inducements for home seekers, lYIfc. as also the entire región alonar the Great Northern Hailway rriin through Minnesota, North DaYUUK kota and Montana. For Mapa, Guide Books, etc, apply to F. n a nc ' Whitnit, G. P. & T. A., t. EiAKo. Paul, Minn., or to your nearest raiiway agent. In sbme states the tuict YOUNG ratio is two and of' nt ten three to one in vnl,ur. Tirr.ift-rr favor of the men. IUUNÜ WUfflLIN, The best route from mcm St. Paul, MinneapMtH rr. olis. Duluth and nrnilT uU vvest Superior to AKEOUT the Northwestern TUCnr U7FSTI and Pacific States is mtKt . via the Great Kor. M ,-.,,. thern Hailway . phj W . Farmscan be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to suit purehasers. No failure of crops in twelve yeare of settlement Large yields of wheat and other DCn staples. Fine stock región. 111.1 Good schools and churehes. Healthfulclimate. Great Mar_,,,__ kets within easy reach Farms RIVER pilld tor trom the proceeds of one erop. Highest prices paid for products. The Great Norii ■ ■ i-u thern Kailway has three lines VALLtY. through the Valley. Address W. VV. Braden, Land Comrmssioner, St. Paul, Miun., for particular6. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. öMaps and publications sent free, and letters asking Information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana I answered by P. I. Whitney, G. P. & T a Great Northern Raiiway, St. Paul. Tickets to all points in the West. Lowest rates to the Pacific Coast. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is herebv given, thatbyan order of the Probate Court' for the County of Washtenaw, made on the third day of January, A. D. 1893, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their cluiins against the estáte of Hlauche White, late of said county. deceased, and that all creditors cf said deceased are icquired to present theirciaimRlo said Probate Court, at the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examina; ion and allowance, on or before the third day of July next, and that such claims will be heurd before Said Court on the third day of April, and on the third day of July next, at ten o'clock in the fotenoon of each of said days. Dated. Aun Arbor, January 3d, A. D. 1S93. J. WILLAED BABIUTT, Judge of Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News