GRAND OPEKfl HOUSE THÜESDAY, March 2 Special Engagement of theGreat GLARA - MORRIS On whicli occasion will be presented De Eunery's powerful play. RENEE DE MORAY Miss Morris as llenee. Prices: $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Scats on Sale at Watts' Jewelry Store. B ■% ■ tioldnndSllvcrWntclipi, ulules, HO I UWff# iri.'irl.'v.íiuiiMiililt'Mi'l", '"i"'". AÍR " Pi I.P BusglfsViujon, CarrlmtciSafr, Hl 4 I I IWÖ HWI,sHurn..OirtTlsSkM1, Boring Machines, Accorieons, Orgnn, Piariw, OAl j S Cnsh Uru.fin Fccd UIIK Slovos, Ki't : ■, Bono JIUI, LMter Prnsn, Jack Srreï, Trurks, Anil, llj( ullprs, Pn Maml.. Copy Book, ïlwi, Drill, Kond l'low, Lwn Ilonrrs, ('oir MUI, Lalhos, Bender, l)urap ris, torn Shellers, Hand CarU, Forges. ScrapCP,Ipe '"''■ funhur Mills, Wringer, EnBlne, 8ws, Stoel Slnks, min Ilumps, l'rovr Bare, Boiler, Tool, Bit Bni'es, Hav, Stock, Elerator, Kailroad, Platrorm and Counter 8( ALKS. S.-iid for frte Cstalogne and ce how to ae Jloncy. 191 So. Jefferson 6t. . CHICAGO ECALE CO., Chicago, 111.
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