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Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY O F WA 8H teimw, ss. I ti the matter of the estáte of Maurice Dwyer, deeeased. Notice is hereby given that in pureuance of an order grauted to the uudersigned administratorof the estáte of smd deceaseil by tl' Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 21st day of February. A. 1). ]8M, thero will hesold at public vendue to the bighest bidder, at tbe East frontdoor t' the Court House in the eitv of Ann Arbor, ii the county of Wasbtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday. the. eleVenth day ol April, A. 1). 1888, at ten o'clock In the lorenoon ol' that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgago or 'otherwipe existing at tlie time of the doath of sflid deceased) the followingdescribed real t-state, towit: The north-east (juarter ol the north-west quarter and the north-west quartef of the north-east quarter of section twenty-one (21) in the township of Dexter, Washtenaw county, Mlohigan. CHAS. DWYEK, Administrator. Dated February 21st 1893 ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, BANK DepartmeDt, Office of the Comuiissioner. W bereas, fíy satisf actory evidence presenteii to ttie undersisrned, it has been inado to appear Unit the State Savings Hank of Ann Arbor. in the City of Ann Arbor In the County of Waslitonaw. State ol' Mlohlgan, has oomplled with all the provlsions of the General Iianktng Law of the State ol' Michigan, required to be oomplied with bel'ore a Corporation shall be authorized to coinmence the business ol' Banking. Now therefore, T, Theodore C. Sherwood, Coraniissioner of the State Danking Department, do hereby certify that the Suite bavings Hank of Ann Arbor, in the City of A nu Arbor, in the County ol Washtenaw and State of Michigan, is amh'ori.ed to commence the Business of Banking, as provided in Section Seven (7) of the General Banking Law of the State of Michigan. In testimony whereof, witness ray hand anil seal of office at Lausing, this eighteenth day of November, 1802. THEODORE C. SHERWOOD. Coramissioner ol the Banking Department.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News