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The Two Sams

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We shall Close our Store on Friday to Mark Down the Stock. Open Saturday Mornincj at 7:30 O'Clock. WE AM G0DÏ6 OUT OF BUSINESS. We intend to dispose of the stock in bulk, but to reduce the stock as much as possible, we shall begin on Saturday morning, February 2öth, A GREAT SELLING OUT SALE You know what our stock is. It consists of only the better grades of Furnishing Goods and Hats, by far the best line carried in the State. We shall mark down each and every article excepting "E. & W. Collars and Cuffs," Knox, Youmans', Silverman's, and Lincoln Ben nett & Co.'s Hats, which are contract goods. This will be your opportunity to make your purchases for the next year. You can find no better investment for your money. It is something every man wants and must have. Look the list over, check off what you may need, come early and make your selection. Bring your cash along, as we will not charge any goods. Now for what you may need: NECKWEAR, Mackintoshes, Cotton Hose, H&it LjHÜk Scotch Caps, Woolen Hose, Eaton Caps, Bicycle Hose, Turban Caps, G-artpr=! ' Laundried White Shirts, Unlaundried White Shirts, Full Dress Shirts, Spal fflTW Armlets, Negligee Shirts' Percale Shirts' Nigllt Robes' Plush Caps, i ar i-i a. Pyiamas, Cotton Underwear, ,, , ,.;--. - Cuff Fasteners, _ 3i , ' . TT , Men's Stiff Hats, __ __, Woolen Underwear, Suk and Worsted Lnderwear, All Silk Underwear, B ' MuffleiS' Heavy Balbriggan Underwear, Sweaters, Canes, ByS Stlff HatS' DreSS ShieldS, Umbrellas, Gymnasium Suits. Flannel Shirts, I Men's Soft Hats, Vest EdgingS, Outing Shirts, Working Shirts. Cardigan Jackets, Bath Robes, Bys' Soft Hats, Gotton HandkerchiefS, Smoking Jackets, Working Gloves, Heavy Lined Gloves, Men's WindSOr CapS, Linen HandkerchiefS, Lined Kid Gloves, Unlined Kid Gloves, Buck Skin Gloves, j Boys' WindSOr Caps, SuSPenderS Liöle Thread Gloves, Seal Skin Gloves, Dog Skin Gloves, Jersey Shirts. I Full DreSS CoatS and VestS, Shoulder Braces, I hite es+ts' _.„ „,,-.- , c. P Fancy Vests, Silk HandkerchiefS, i- isilkVests Rugby Suits, g Full DressVests I The regular price and reduced price will be marked on each and every article. You can readily see how much you will save on each purchase. We cannot say how long this sale will last, so make sure by securing the bargains and come early. This is a bona fide sale. We are positively going out of business and the stock must be sold.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News