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Death Of Rev. Dr. Studley

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Th aad newis oí the death ol Rey. Dr. Studley, formerly pastor of the M. E. dhlurcb thils city, reached here last Suml.i.y ni.nïit. He (lied at luis liome in Evauston, 111., on Sinclay eveming-, oi' pneumonía. The remnïms were taken to Detroit ïor Imi-i;il in AYoodmere ceinetcry. Thw Rev. Dr. WWliam Spraguc Studley yras iborn nu Boston, llass., May 20, 1823. He receired kis early educatjou at the iublic schools in that city, and iwlnen old enougüi, entercd ai printiinig office, Avluere he eerved his tjme and became tJioroughly conversa.nt wiitüi all branches of the printer's art. Partly wWh tlie money that he earaed at hlis trade, and partly by ■nihat be nherited f rom his father, he possessed suchmeans as decJded him to gütve fsp the printijnig business and acqulire a tliorough education. He eintered ttie preparatory school at 'WJlbi-anlvam, Mass., where he took the reg"ular eoorrse. From tihere he went to Middleton, C't., and studied for foxir years at rtJie Wesleyan üniVersity, ■nüiere he was duly gi-aduated, having' won distinction in all his branches of study. Th first expertence Mr. Studley had in preacluitng was wlüle he was still a student at Middleton University. Tliere wias a temporary vacancy in St. Paul's dhtu'cli, iLowell, Mass., and he was asked iy tlh president to supply tdie pulpit, Which he did ior six raonths to thie satisiaction of the congregation. After graduatdon he beeaine pastor of the MetJiodüBt church at Malden, Mass. Toe ministerial term was then two years, and ha ving eompleted liis term m Malden, Jie toook charge of tlie elvurch at Charlestown, Mass., bis ;j.' BÁ (i pastor and a pulpit orator gatning liiin au inereasing number of frtends. His pastoral engagements aiterwards were wilh cliurclies in tlie east aitil iie went to Detroit eigbt yeai-s ago, at tüie Central M. E. cliurcii, wüxere lie eervcd three j-ears, thpn carne to Ana Arbor, serriiig two years, and the last three yeai-s have been npeiit niimistering to the First Methodist Episcopal church at Eavnston. Among tlie pulpüts he has íilled have been the most pronxinont in Hoston, Lowell, Mass., CimcinnatiABrooklyn, Buffalo, etc. Durímg the war days Dr. Studley was in Brooklyn, and his sti-ong and fefirless denuncia tion of aroused tllie ire of the pro-slavery churchínen, who were then an important {actor in the New York and Brooklyn ohurehes. His plain speakiaig at that iime g-ave sucto offense that when he ünished his second term at Summerfield cluu-cli, Bi-ooklyn, the eastern conference found tihat no eastern church of any promiinence was open to liiim. After that hie coau-se was dfrected westward. In 1850 Dr, Studley mavrieil Miss Francés Adelaide Collms, of Boston, S'he died at the end of fiiteen months, lcavnig liiiu with one little g'irl, who SB now Mrs. G. V. B. Hoyt, of Jamaica Ixwiü: Island. Some time after this liie nisarried Miss Mary Irene Smith, o-f Boston, lvy -vhom lie had iour e.hildren. two sous and a daug-hter dead, eind a suwLvinu.' daug'hter. aöw Mrs. P. H. Gray. Detroit. Dr. and llrs. Studley eelebrated the fortictli annivex&axy of their marrlage a short tamo aso.