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Our Legislative Visitors

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The legislative visitors are in the city. They carne in last night witk their wives and sisters, two hundred and sixteen strong. They took the Cook House by storm, where an elegant supper was served, souvenir menu cards being distributed . They attended the reception at the Uuiversity, heard the glee club in the ehapel, did the museum, the library, and the art gallery, .heard sorne more glee club songs in the reading room, which they uproariously applauded, and dispersed to the hospitable homes of our citizens which were opened to receive them. Today they visited the different buildings on the campus, and at eleven o'clock witnessed the imposiug spectacle of all the students gathered together in Uniyersity Hall, letting off their earsplitting yells and still preserving the utmost order while the speakers were at their task. The work of tue local committees was well done, and every one of the visiting party expressed delight at their reception. Representatives Kline and Mills were in their element, and worked hard. The coaches assigned to the legislators were in charge of Representatire Mills.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News