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" White and dazz'ling In the moon'sfair iight she looked. " Nothing remarkable about that! 5he was1 fair to look upon, as a matter if course; and the dazzling effect was oroduced by her white robes - cleansed md brightened by a liberal use of KIRK'S M35ERICAN FAMILY , SOAP That's one of ths. peculiarities of KIRKS Soaps. Ciothes washed by them always attract attention by their purity and brightness. J.A.&3. S. KIRIC Sc CO., Chicago. Bnsky Diamond TarSoapiïïSiSrsirBSsa. ■ EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMAGISXS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN ïVïedLiciries, Chemicals, Dye StnlTs, and VVax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trnsses, Etc. PjjRIWP&Lpiin Special attention paid to tne iurnisliiny; of Physicians, Chetnists, Schoolt, etc, with phiïosophical and Cheniical Ap:iratus, ftohemian Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Rerïeats, etc. Physicians' Pre&cripüons Carcf'ullv PrepHril ai &.M hours. Rlüffl á SlAHÖirS IER1 iöOEBï AND FL01ÍR ANP FÊEÖ STOHE, We keep constanlly on h.iml 8HEA0, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We sliail also keep a supply ot OSBORNE'8 GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. K. Swift & Co. 'o Best White Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, Buokwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Fjed, &c, &c, &o., At Wholesale and Retail. A sreneral stock ot BQÖEEISS Affl) PP.0VISI0NS constintly on Aand, which will be sold on as reasonable ternis tis at any otiier house in the city. jgr-Cash paid ior Bntter, Eags, and Country Produce cnerallv, {"Goods Delivered to anv part ol the city with out extra chanre. Tiiasey & Seabolt. Dr. F. G. Sclirepper, mum wm Is responsible for all the work he doos In his line of business. I OFFICE: At Kittredge"s Livery Stable. Resiilenee, 7 Fountain Street, , .ASISTÍS]" AF.BOK. Order inay be left or telephoned to Ebeibach's Drus Store. 1 rfsaiÊÊÊÈt0VR INCUBAT0R [ jflLyjjigjrwlllbeinoiwriitionatthe [ l2TT 3Hj h'at'c'hER thatwill j M 3give yon PLEASURE . B' ij ANDPROFIT sendéc. , ) ia stuiups tor uew iliustroted catalogue. Address: h ] Reliable Incuhtor and Brooder Co., ftaincy, Illinois, L KEPOET OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THE FA3HEES' I ilSl' MI - AT- AJ43S AHBOR, MICHIGAN. At the close of business, Becembei I), lw.i RESOUKCES. Loan9 and discouuts $:W3.186 38 Stocks. Bonda and Mortgages.tti-. ... 117.311 07 Overtrufts - (,13830 I Dne froui banks in reserve citius 88.99601 Oue trom other bunks atul b;mkers H 811 11 Due from WashteiiHW Co 81,68808 Furuiture and ÜXUlres ;,000 0 Curiellt expenses and taxes pnil 2,335 03 Interest paid 4.747 13 Che:ksand c3h ife-ms 1.571 71 Niekels and ptmnl'es 2421 Gold ooin - 7.584SO Bllver coin 1.S171 1" U.S.andNatiouKl Bnnk XottS 9.599 00 i Total mn,nm LIAUH.ITIES. I Capital stock paúl in $ 50,000 00 i Surplu futid 1Ü.000W Undivided proflt 81,-009 67 Individual deposits 1W.801 77 Oettifloates of d-posit -253,869 51 i Savings deposits.-. 75,65414. ïotal - 837,324 99 ' i STATE OF MICHIGAN, j Coutuy of Vushtenaw. (ssI, Frederick II. lïelser, Cashier of the above aamtd bank. do 6olemnly swear that the above statement is trae to the busl of my knowledge nd lieiicf. P. II. Belser, Casbier, Sitbscribed nd sworn to beforc methis 141 h dy of December, 1S93. H. A. Williams, Notarv Public CORKECT- Attest . Ohas. E. Greene, ) Ambrose Kearney, VDirectors. Wm. C. Stkvkns, )


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