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For Bronchitis ■! oever reallzed ilio goodof a medicine so uiuch as 1 have in Uie lust few montbs, during wuich unie 1 have suf fered intensely trom pneumonía, followed by bronchitis. After tryiug various remedies without benefit, I begautlie .se of Ayer's Ctierry Pectoral, aud Uie iffec has been marvelous, a singlo dose re lieving me oí ehoking, aud securing a good night's rest."-ï. A. Higglnbotbaifl, (jeu. Store, tiOitg Mountain, Va. La Crippe "ii ast Spring I was taken down witli la gl'ippo. At times 1 was completcly prostrated, aud so dlffloult was niy breathkig thatniy breath seeiued as if confined in an Iron o ge. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began taking it tlian relief followed. I c ld not helieve that the effect would be so rapid."- W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. Lung Trouble "For more thau twenty-five years, 1 was a snfferer from lung trouble. attended with eoughtug so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lastiug tliree or tour liours. I was induced to try Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, and alter taking tour botóles, was thorouglily cured. I can oonftdently recommend this mediclHe."- Franz Hofmann, t'iay Centre, Kans. AYER'S Cfoerry Pectoral Prepared by Ur. .T.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by 11 lracgits. Pricajl; s'u bottles, $5. Pros"isptioact,surf;tocurii ICAKrER'S] CURE Bick Headoche and relieve all the tronblea llICi úent to a bilious state of the system, suoh a3 Eizzlness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distreaa after cating. Pain in the Side, &o. While their mosê reniarkable buccsss has been ehown in curing , SICK Eeaacbe, yet Carter's Little tlver P1119 SM equally valuable in Oonstipation, curing and praventing thiaannoyingcomplaint.whila they also correct all disorders of thestomachpStimulatetha liver and regúlate the bowela. Even if they onljf HÈAD ' Achfi they would be slmost priceleas to tnose wha suffer from this distressingcomplaint; butfortu nately theirgoodneas doea notend here,and thosa who once try them will flnd these little pilla valu. ñble in bo raany vrays that they will not be wil ling todo without them. But after allsick heal ACHE fis the bane of bo many llvea that here Is whers ivremakeourgreatboast. Our pilla cure itwhila others do not. Carter"n Little Llver Pilis ara very Bmall ana very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. They are strictly vegetable nd do not gripe or purge, butby their gentle action pleaseall who use them. In vialsat 25 cents; flvefor$l. Sola by druggiets everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL BOSE. SMALLPRICE raiWÏ, LAÈü! Before purohasing in the lino of millinery you fhoulci look to yourown interest and buy of MRS. -A.. O17TO, Who is closing out her entire stock of Ladies' Hats and Bonnets. Feit shnpes for Sje, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Also a large line of Chüdren's Headwear. Actually One-Half Attend this tale and save monev


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