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(OFFICIAL, i COUNCIL CHAMBER. I Akn Arbou, March (i, 1893. f Regular session. President Cooley being absent, the conncil was called to order by the Clerk. Ttoll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Tayior and Tres. Cooley.- 2. On motiou of Aid. Schairer, 'Aid. Rehberg was elected president pro tem. The journal of the last session was approved. I'ETITIONS AXD COJLJIUNICATIONS. To the Common C'ouncil: Gentlemen.- The Board of Public Works, to whom was referred tb e matter of submitting proper memorandum and profiles of street grades on E. Hurou streel from Ingalls street to Observatory street, on Thirteentb. street from lluron street to Kuiler street, your Board of Public Works caused to be preparad and berewith submlt tlie proper profiles and grade resolutions and reconiraend Ihat tbe same be adopted. Bj' order of the Board of Public Works. W. .1. MILLER, (Jlerk. Received and filed. To theCommon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: GentIjIomtcn. - In as mucu as we are contempiatingextensiveadditlonsand improvements toour manufacturing plant, rendered necessary by the increase of our business, we ask your favorable consideration of the ordinance presented herewith. The improvements will consist of the most improved type of water gas plant and a second holder. We hope that this apparatus will both improve and oheapon our product, and in antieipation of this we have announced a reduotion in price of gas to take effect on April lst. These improvements will require an outlay of about $10,000, and as our present ordinance has butashort time to run, wethink it no more tban just, and in fact aosolutely necessary, that we should be proteeted by a longer franchise before going to this expense. It is necessary to begin this work at once, so we urge your Immediate consideraüon. Respëctfuüy submittPd, ANN ARBOK GAS CO.MPANY Sa.ii'l T. Doüglas, Sec'y. per H. Referred to Ordinance Cominittee. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. lo the Common Council,: Your Committee on Finance respect'ully report that they have had the ollöwing' bilis under eonsideratiou and would recommend their allowance it sutns stated CONTINGENT FUND. ', .T. Miller, salary. :. li Norris, salary 86 0C lrs. Jacob H. Btark, janitor 6 26 Wm Herz. 1,103 street eiitns - 121 Si chuh & Muehlig-, supplies 6 00 Kichmond & Backus Co. .eupplies 14 00 Ann -Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., street lightinsr - 516 10 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office litrhts... - 2 00 V.J. Miller, supplies 1 85 Total $,759 26 STREET FÜND. Nelson Sutherland, salary, 66 66 Geo F. Key, salary 60 OU J.O'Brien& Co., repairs ] 99 A. G. Schmidt, " 5 95 v urster & Kim, " 16 40 August Tessiner, luniber. 4 32 Caspar Rinsey, salt 12 00 Starks & Gartee, supplies 25 Fred Scbleieher, salt 2 00 Grossman & SeliLenker, supplies 75 C. Eberbuch. supplies r 3 8' James Tice, labor 60 Christopher Larmie, labor -3 45 Christian Dieterle, labor 2 70 Albert Glassnapp, labor 2 70 August Pommering, labor 2 10 Mat. Luispold, labor 1 35 James Wilcox, labor 75 Frederiek Kadke, labor 7 95 Julius Uetke, labor 1 80 Patrick McCabe, labor.. 4 50 Michael Williams, labor 12 45 August Hardt, labor.. 1 20 Michael Kenny, labor.. 3 90 Chris Jetter, labor and snow plowing.6 22 Richard Sipies, labor 4 95 Frank Schulz, labor 7 50 Lawrence Hughs, labor 2 70 Willis Clark, labor.... 15 15 Albert Fulfert, labor.-X 2 10 Nicholas Hindelong-, labor 75 William Kabb, labor - 2 70 Fred White labor 2 70 Charles Glaeser labor 2 70 August Tessmer, labor - 40 Reedy Marsh, snow plowing 7 00 John Manning, snow plowing 5 25 George Weeks, do 6 00 Michael Heary, snow plowing 8 45 JohnMcHugh, do 10 03 Miehael Kusterer, do 8 18 N. Sutherland, teaming 3 88 Israel Clark, teaming 9 63 ThoroasHanuon, snow plowing and teaming... 17 03 Geo. Sehlimmer _ 6 00 Martin Nagle, snowplowing and teamiug..._ 6 00 Elias Saddler, snow and teaming 450 Julius Weinberjc, snow plowing 3 00 J. B. Davis.surveysand advlee 15 45 Andrew Lyons, labor 2 10 Schuil & Muehlig, supplies 11 S2 TÓtal $ 3S6 2S llui; DEl'ARTMENT FUND. Fxed Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Honry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary .-.. 50 0i Churlos Carroll, salary 45 00 Max Witüinger, salary f45 00 Frank Kapp, ealary i 4 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kii-n, salary 8 00 John Kenny , salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary _. 8 00 Wm . Rettich, ---■'■ 8 00 Mrs. H. Kim,;washing 5vO Swathel, Kyer & Peterson. bran, s'p'ys 16 80 H, D. Edwards & Co., supplies 6 25 I). Hiseock&Son, coal 32 73 Eberbaoh Drug L'o., chemicaii 1 00 - Hhorie, coa!... :.. 10 50 Fred Chapin.hay S 32 Total $ 500 00 POTICE FÏÏND. James K. Murray, salary 05 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 John Kenny, special pólice, sub 8 00 Wm. G. Snow, horse birc 1 50 -Louis lthode, coal 7-5 Total S 181 75 POOB FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Doty & Feiner, shoes 2 00 Bberbach Co„ medicine ■ 1 80 Johu Eisele, groceries 8 29 Mrs Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Goetz & Sou, grocerles 146 John Goetz, jr., grocerles 4 69 Goodyear & Co., medicine 3 10 William F. Lodtioiz, groceries 7 07 William H.McIntyre, grroceries 13 73 O'Hara & Boyle, groceriea 8 25 Caspar Hinsey, groceries lo t9 Louis Rhode, coal ;s 75 Kinsey & Seabolt, groeories 8 89 W. M. Sulfer, groeories 8 20 Wm. G. Suow, hauk to county house.. 1 50 G. F. Stein, meat .' 4 28 Miller, shoes 2 00 Frank Butler, wood ;;J 75 Louis Khode, wood 32 45 Fred Sipley, freighton wood 8 40 Total $ VT2 tiü RECAP1TULATION. Contingent Fuud. $ 759 26 Street Fund 386 28 Fire Fund 500 60 Pólice Fund 181 78 Poor Fund 172 60 Total 2000 49 Kespectfully submitted. William 11e üz, A. H. FlLLMOKIi, Fioance Com. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants orderecl drawn for the snms stated tlierein. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snovv, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman. ifays- None. OKDINANCES. The third reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Sections 7, 9, and 11 of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Fersons and Disorderly Conduct," passed March 27, 1890. After which the chair having stated the question to be, "Shall this ordin anee pass?" The yeas and nays being called the ordinance passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wincs, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman Xays- Xone. The third reading by sections of an ordinance supplementary to"An Ordinance Relal.ive to Disorderly Fersons and Disorderly Conduct," passed March 27, 1890. On moLiou of Aid. Wines the followirïg amendment was read and substituted for Section 1 : Section 1. AH vagrants, eavesdroppers. lewd, idle or dtsorderly persons, any person intoxieated or drurk with liquors of any kind. eomraon night walkers, persons whö stand at the eaves or look into the Windows of dweiling houses, all pilferers, or persons wanton, lascivious, obscene, vulgar of speech, conduct or bphavior, common railers. brawlers. shall bp deemed and are hereby declared tobe disonierly persons, and on convlction thereof shiili be punished as nereinafter provided. After which the chair having stated the question to be "Shall this ordinance pass as amended?" The yeas and nays being called, the ordinance, as amended passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman. Nays - None. The thirtl reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Sections 9, 13, 15, 30, and 34 of "An Ordinance Relative to the use of streets, alleys, and public places," passed Feb. 3, 1890. On motion of Aid. Wines the following amendments were made thereto: First amendment: By amending section 11 to read as follows: Section 11. Xo person shall dig or tear up any pavement, sidewalk or crosswalk, or diij aDy bole ditoli, drain or sewer, in any street, alley or other public space, without perniiselon flrst obtained from the Board of Public Works; aud i t shall be theduty ofany person digging or tearini; up any pavemem, side or cro-svalk,ordiggingany hole, ditch drain or sewer, iu any streel, alley or other public space, as speedily as practicable to repair and put the same in as good order and condition as before; aud In order to do this, such personshall pound down the eartbsoasto make it firm and solid: all such, fllling in and repairs to be made and maintalned to thefuliand entire satisfaetiou of the Street Commissloner, and ii" any person, oompany or Corporation shall neglect so t,o repair or cause to be repaiied any such street, lane, alley, public ground or other public place, for i'our hours after notice, wrltten, verbal or otüerwise, such person, company or Corporation shall pay to the city the cost and expense of the making of all such repairs to be recovered in an action of assumsit, and shall also be liable to the penalty imposed by this ordinance, and in addition to all such liabilities shall also pay to the city all damage, cost and expense, which the city shall or may pay, or may be required to pay, to any persou on account of any injury sustained or suffered from by or through any such street, lane. alley, public ground or place, being out of repair; and any person digging in any street, alley or other public space, or the contraclor or owuer, or owuers of property for whose benefit such dlgging may be done, for any of the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, or for any purpose whatever, sball erect and maintain a good and sufflcient 'ence, railing or banier around such excavation. in such a manner as to prevent aeident. and to place and keep upon such railing, fence or barrier, suitable and sufficieut red lights duriug the nlght. Second amendment: Section eleven, last line, strike out the word l '-colorea" and insert in lieu thereof,JJle word "red." After which the chair liaving stated the question to be, "Shall this ordinxnce pass as amended?" The yeas and nays being called, the ordinance, as amended passed as folows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer. Martin, BCerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara,, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman. Nays- None. The third reading by sections of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Ilouses." After which the chair having stated the question to be "Shall this ordinance pass?" The yeas aud nays being called, the ordinance, as amended, passed as follows- Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, ETerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettynaan. Nays--None. Aid. Wines, leave having been grauted, introduced and read by title an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Extendingthe Time of Operation of the Provisions of an Ordinance entitled ' An Ordinance Relative to Gas Works'," passed September 2, lsso, and approved September 4, 1889. The third reading by sections of "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks." After which, the chair stated the question to be, "Shall this ordinance pass?", the yeas and nays being ealled, the ordinance passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, llerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman -11. (Contlnued on eig-hth pag-e.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. (Continuuc from seventh pagro. ) Na vs- None. The second reading by sections oí "An Ordinance to Autborize the Ann Albor Fuel and Gas Company to Construct and Opérate Gas Works, and Lay Pipes through the Streets, Alleys and Public Places of the City of Ann Arbor, for the Purpose of Supplying Fuel Gas to Citizens and Corporations of the City." REPORTB OF SPECJAL eOMMIÏTEBS. City Attorney Norris asked for furtlier time to report on the Palmer claim. Further time was granted, KEPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Treasnrer, City Clerk, City Marshal, and Superintendent of the Poor were read and ordered placed on file. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1893. To the Common Coxmcilof the City of Ann Arbor: Bnlnnce ovcidrawn as per laat report 1 18,106.83 MONBY RECEIVED. Continjient Fund - Appropriation 4,773.ffl Mlllcr, lioenses 1150 Plusofrolls 69.:iT Street Fund- Appropriation ... 6,500.00 Transferfrom Water ÍÍ50.00 Sidewalktax 387.54 Fiie Fund- Appropriation 6,700.00 Pólice Fund- Appropriation-. 2,000.00 Murray. fees :;.4u Poor Fund- Appropriation 1,000.00 Water Fund- Appropriation S.GOO.OÜ Cemetery Fund- Appropriation 50 00 Delinquent Tax FundRe.iected taxcollected-.. :M21 Univ. Aid Bond Fund- -, 3,720.00 Soldiers' Relief Fund- 5IW.00 Dridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund- 5,000.00 Total 5 36,916.93 $24,211.09 MONEV DISBURSED. Contingent Fund 11,011.63 Street Fund 434.88 Firemen's Fund.. , 533.03 PoliceFund 165.00 PoorFlind 179.75 Univ. Aid Boml Fund 3,720 00 Soldiers' Relief Fund 28.00 ' Water Fuud, transfer to Street I''"! - 650.00 Dclimiucnt Tax Fund. 442. TI 7,185.01 Total 17.046 45 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund, overdrawn ;í89.4 Strett Fund, overdrawn 417.91 Firemen'sFund 5,620 lfl PoliceFund 1644! PoorFund 1,484.17 Water Fund 3,178,21 Cemetery Fund 258.67 Soldiers' Helief Fund.. 1,109.69 üniyergity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund qverdrawn 1,390.81 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 5.008.15 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Total ï 19,244.01 -2,197.9fl Total overdrawn $ 17,046.05 Respectfully submitted, 8. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Aun Arbor CHy, March 1, 1883. Ans Atíbor SavingsBank, ) Ask ARBOIt, MiCH ., Mar. 6, 1893. To the Common Council: This is to certify that there was on deposit in this bank to the credit of S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, under date of March ist, 1893' the sum of Thirfy-One Thousand, Two Hundied and Twenty-One and 28 100 Dollars, ($31,221.28). Yours Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. MOTIONS AND EESOI.UTIOXS. By Alderman Martin : Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade on Thirteenth Street ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end thatsuch street may be made sultable for public travel and traác. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Thirteenth St., from center of E. Huron St., to center of Fuller St., be, and the same is hereby cbanged from the present grade and tixed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shallbeas follows, that is to say: At center of East Huron Street 865.47 feet ' 2()0 ft from center K. Huron St. 852.90 " " 300 ft ' " " " " 848.50 " ' center of East Ann Street 847.77 " Catherinê 841.10 " " 300 ft from center E. Catherinê 81)4 25 " " SOO ft " " ' 827.50 " " KIOO ft S10.00 " ' 1700 ft ' '■ ' 785.00 " " center of Kuiler Street 782.40 " the elevation glven being tfbove the official ;ty datura and along the center line of said meet. Mie roadway to conform thereto. and the grade thereof to conslst of lines between Lhe several points or stations above stated as ihow-n by profile made by city engineer. Axlopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, llerz, Fillmore,Know,rerguson,O'rarn, Behberg, Kitson, Prettyman.- 11. Nays - Xone. l!v Alderman Martin : Wherbas, in the opinión of the Couucil the grade ou E. Hurón Street ought to be ehanged and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made sultable for public travel and trailc. Thereforo. RemleeiLanditia hereby ordered tbatthe grade on E. Huron St., from center of Ingalls St., to center of Observatory St., be, and the same is hereby changed frora the present grade and fixed and established, so tnat the grade on and along such street shall be br löllows, that s to say: At center of Ingalls street 894 47 feet ' 420 ft from center of Ingallsftt. S78.10 ' " 500 ft 877.60 " " 588 ft ' 875 OU " " JCO ft ' 869.00 " " center of Thirteenth street 8(i5.00 " " 215ft from center Thirteenth St. 857.00 ' " center of Fourteenth srreet 878.30 " " 205 ft from center Fourteenth St 875.55 " " .310 ft " " " " 890.00 ' " center of Observatory street 901.50 " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of sald street, the roadway to conform tnereto, and the grade thereofto consistof Unes between the several points or stations above stated as shown in profile made by city englneer. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Fergusou, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman.- 11. Navs - Xone. By Alderman Martin : Resolved, that $G98.27 be transferred from Contingent Fund into Street Fund, the above belng theamount spent out of Street Fund at the old Cemetery, .1398.27 for removlngdead bodies, and $31X1.00 which has been spent for purchasing potnt between Detroit Street and Beakes Street In the fourth ward. Adopted as follows : Veas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Rehberg, Kitson, Prettyman. - 9. Xays- Aid. Ferguson, O'Mara. - 2. By Aldemmn Wiues : Whkreas, The construction of a systcra of sewerage tor the city of Ann Arbor has become and is deemed nnd liereby declared to be a necessary public improvement, and the Board ol Public Works having, pursuant to iustruction of the council, reported a sultable system therefor, nnd the council havlng approvcd the game, and haviug determined to cause a system of sewerage to be constructed and havlng declared their purpose to c-uuse a maiii sewer to be constructed duriugthepres.ent year, and Wheueas, The legislature of this state, has for such purpose, duly authorized the making of a loan on the credit of the city, condit on upon tlie assen t of the electors thereof. Therefore, Resolved, That a special election be and the saméis herpby appolnted to be held on the Otu day ol March, ]8iö, at 9 o'clock a. m., and to continue nntil 5 o'clock p. m., of sald day, local time, at Firemnn's Hall In sald city, to determine by ballot what sutn and whether the sum of thirty thousand dollars shall be rnised by tax and loan to be paid in lnstallments of two thousand dollars per annum. and to be expended lor the purpose of building and constructíng a main sewer for sueh sewerage system. 2nd: ïhe City C'lerk is hereby instructed to cause due notice of said special election to be glven pursuant to law. 3rd: The City Clerk is hereljy instructed to cause to be provided for such special election 4,000 ballots which shall consist of white paper of equal and convenient size, onehalf ot which shall have Vriuted thereon the words: " For the sewerage tax- Yes " And one halfof which shall have printed thereon the words: " For the sewerage tax- No." Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson. Prettyman.- 11. Nays - None. By Alderman AVines : Resolved, That Aldermen Martin, O'Mara and Kitson, be and are hereby appolnted as nspectors of the special elector's nieetlni; to be held March BOth . 18!):!. Adopted. Aid. Wines moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet Tluirsday morning, March 9, at 9 o,clock; local tune, to meet and receive the Michigan Legislature. Adopted by a unanimous vote. On motion the Council adjounied. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News