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Sflffl CUliS HBJmOJIRK' ÁDAIS' BAZAAR, A new fresh stock of fancy goods and novelties. PLUSH AND WOOD EOXES, PUESES, PICTUEES, BOOKS, GAMES, ALBUMS, METAL FRAMES, TOYS, and DOLLS. UUR. LIK DIKNEE SETS, TOILET SETS, PLAIN AND DECOBATED CHINA. The -greatest variety of DOLLS AND TOYS WE HAVE KVEK SHOWS. Coine carly and make yonr sele tion wliile the stock is full. I3 SOUTH MAIN ST. 1ÍEP0ET OF THE CONDITION OP THE !■' 4 Üii' Sil - AT- ANN AKHOR, MICHIGAN. At the close of business, December 9, 1S92. RESOURCES. Loans and diseounts $303,186 38 Stocks. Bonds and Mortgges, etc 117,311 07 Overdrafts 6,12830 Dne from banks in reserve eities. 33,095 1 ilue from other banks and bankere 14,311 11 Due from Washteuaw Co 31,69009 Furniture ;ind ÜXtures. :),000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 2,:;ii 08 Interest paid 4,74713 Checks and cash items 1,571 71 Nickels nnd pennies 24 21 3old coin __' 7,58480 Silvcr coin 1,971 15 U.S. and Nutional Bank NottS.. 9.599 00 Total $537,324 9! LIAÜILITIES. Capüalstock paid iu $ f0,000 00 Surplus fund... 10,000 f 0 [Jn.Jivided proflts _ 31,009 57 Individual deposita 126,80177 Oflrtiflcatcsof doposit 258,86951 Sftvings deposita 75,654 14 Total 537,324 99 ' STATE OF MICHIGAN, j . (Muuty of Vashtenaw, (■■"■ I, Frederick H. Belser, O.shier of the above aamfed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to The beet of iny knowledge aud belief. F. H. Belser, Oashier, Subscribed tnd sworn to before me tuis 14th day of December, 1892. H. A. Williams, Notary Public Cobrf.ct- Attest . Cuas. E. G reene, ■) Ambhobe KKABNEy, i-Direclnrs. Wm. O. Stevtsxs, ) . DñíiLüI, IjfiUüMI AND FLÖÜH Aö FEES STOBE, We keep consiantly on h;md 3HEA9, CRACKERS, CAKES, &.n. For Vholesale or Ketail Traáe. U'e shall also ket a supply ni OSBORXE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'u Best White VHisat Flour, Rye FJour, Baokvrheat Flour, Com Meal, Fed, &c, &c, &c, A1 VVbolesale mid Rcüiíi. A s-enerJ stock oi 3B0ÖESÏES AND PBOVISICNS coastantly on hand, wbich will he soltï on as reasonable tèrms n.s M any other house ín Che city. ÈSCash pAul tor Bitter, Rggs, and Country Produce eneruUv. {ÊGoods Oelivr.rtd to anv part ot the city with out extTa charge. Rinaejr & Settbolt ANH Street. CHOiCEST CUTS OF STEAKS. All kinds of ME A.TS AND SAUS A GES. 1'reBh larri alwars in Rtock. Poulti'T 10 season IMPORTANT TO ADVEKTISEKS. The cream of the country papera is found in Kemington'a County Seat Lista. Shrewd advertisers avail Üiemselves of these list?, a copy of which can be had of Remington Bros., of New York & Pittsburg. gëtITtïckët W. F.lioDHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadxeay and you ai"e entitleri toa choict'ot' the Homt Instructor or the Life of General Shemian or the Life of P. T. Burnum (KKKE) when cnb pun-hase to the amount of !." luis boen niiuii'. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR LABGE OCTAVO. Ü8 RáGES, ILLV8TRA.TED, A compendium of iioeiul kiowIedj2"e necosstiry for tlic praqiosUi]86Q of overj - day Life, A complete and perfect guideto liiv tnpubllo aud private. THE LIFE AñiD DEEDS OF W. T. $ HER MAN. CBOWTV OCTAVO, vas" PAQES, ZLLUSTRA TED. a graphlc narratiTof hla boyhorid and earl] Ufe, education, oareer la Florida and California, military aobievemonts. liio as riti'H'n. last siekness and death : i'-ith fine xtecl THE UFE OF P. T. BARhUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO JBSO PAGES, ILI.rsTHATED. Ris early Ufe and strugglee, (Mld ventures and brilliunt saooess: his wonderful oareer, hi wit, jronms and elOQumoe, lus lil't' as n eiti.en, etc- to hioh is adoed liis fHinoug Dook, The Art nf Mimen (lettintj. tbuckTstoiiage C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave. . North 1 Telephone Sx.


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