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Local Brevities

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The high water in the Huron is falling. The sewerage election occurs next Monday. Granger's dancing academy had over 400 pupils. The court house roof has been repaired this week. Comstock F. Hill, of Lodi, has settled fifty-two estates. The ward school houses have not yet received their new names. A tramp stole a coat from Frank Dunlavey's house last week. The Scio democratie caucus will be held on Saturday, March 25. The young ladies of the high school have organized a literary society. John Steeb has purchased Ilon. J. T. Jacob's Pittsfield farm for $45 an acre. Major Brown was üned the costs fór drunkeness, by Justice Pond, Wednesday. The mail matter handled in Ann Albor is said to average 4,000 pounds a 3ay. The Times seems to think that a loop skirt factory would pay in Ann Arbor. There were 22 persons baptized in St. Andrew's church, last Sunday afternoon. W. T. Bailey, of this city, feil on the ïtreets of Saginaw last Saturday and broke a rib. , Mrs. Eliza A. Stoll, wife of John Stoll, died in Grand Rapids, Monday, iged forty-six years. The prospects of a large attèndance )n the School of Music next year are íxceedingly fiattering. The Michigan Furniture Oompany lave sold seventy bedroom sets to a ïew hotel in Elyria. Ohio. The Democratie ward caucuses will je held next'Thursday evening. Every ?ood Democrat should attend. llev. Dr. Cobein lectures on the Turks, Arabs, and Philistines, at the Fifth ward chapel, this eveiiing. The Republicaa ward caucuses will be held next Friday evening, and the city convention, Saturday evening. Rev. Mr. Scaddin, of Toledo, ;uldressed the members of St. Andrew's church in the chapel, Wednesday evening. v A pupils recital will be held in the rooms of the Universitv School of Music at four o"clock, Saturday afterloon. Mrs. William H. Hawkins died Sunday afternoon it hei residence on East Liberty street, iged eigbty-two yeavs. Mrs. Helen P. Jenkins, of Detroit, will lecture on Madame de Stael next Monday evening, Maren 20. before the ünity Club. llev. F. M. Bristle, D. D., of Trinity church, Chicago, addresses the Wesleyan Guild in the M. E. chureli, Sunday evening. The Argus will print the eleQtion tickets for the county this spring. It is prepared to turn out the township tickets on short notice. There will be a pupils, recital March 18, at 4 p. in., in the rooms of the School of Music. All friends of music are invited to be present. Judge E. I). Kinne was indorsed by the republican judicial convention in Dundee, Tuesday, the populista haviiig previouëly nominated hitn. - Justiee ButtB, Monday, sent John Brown to jail for live days and John Frey and Henry ('lurk for three days each. They veve all druhks. J. W. Cooper, a medical student, has been arrested for stealing pocket-books left in the coats of stadents ut Elarris hall' He bas coufessed the tliet'ts. The Ann Arbor ()rgin Company has decided to erect a -t,(X addiliou four stories Tllis evidence of increising business i'or llic coutpany is vny gratifying. The many friends of Mrs. Sumsden, of Detroit, forinerly of this city, will regret to learn that by some accident she broke one of her wrists last week. A farmer and family from Monroe emigrated to Mt. Fleasant this week, passing tbrough Ami Arbor, in a covered wagon witli three horses- old emigrant style. The Washtenaw Sunday School Association have prepared a very fine programme for Tuesday and Wednesday of next we-ek, when they meet in the Congregational church. Among the naineU suggested in connection with the republican nomination for mayor are L. D. "Wines, S. A. Moran, Major Stevens, Henry S. Dean, H. W. Dodsley and John Moore. The animal meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be beid at Harria Hall, March 23, at 3 o'clock, All membeis are cordially invited to be present. Fbancbs 11. Riley, Sec. There will be a gospel temperance j meeting in Good Templáis' hall on State stveet, at :; o'clock Sunday afternoon, addressed by A. W. Augir, secretary of the National Intercollegiate Pvohibition Assoei.ition. Invitations are out for the Easter (lancine receptipn of the Ann Arbor Commandery Kiiights Templar, to be given Wednesday evening, April 5. lt will be the closing of their partiea this season, and will be a swell aflair. Miss Mary J. Matthews, who fell on the sidewalk on South Muin street in December, (lied Tuesday of congestión of the brain, caused by the injuries received by the l'all. She was the daughter of the late Roger Matthews and was 36 years old. Last week Coroner Clark was a little excrted over the report that there was a dead man down by the ï. & A. road, but on further inquiry it was ascertained that instend of a dead body there were thvee dead engines in the yard, killed by the strikers. George Patrick, i newá agent on the Michigan Central, has been bound over to the oircuit court by Justice PonaHe s cbarged witb stealinj Söl froin Allreil Daily, a passenger. Daily claims tbat Patrick abátraeted the money fi:i h röll of bilis, he handed 1 1 í ni to íiml n coiinterfeit bilí. Samuel Fay and G. L. Vreeland will sell ;it pul)lic ;uic.ti"ii n theiv premises thre,e miles south-west of Ann Arbor mi Tuesday next, it 10 o'olook, 4 horses a si;hi of linee year-old Clevelam Biivs. 5 ih'w milcli covys. a bitíl, heifer and steer, 82 evves, 9 wagons bügíries. and harness, self binder Empire mower, Aows, land rollers harrows, cultivatois, ïakes, drags s'iiles, snraper, vacks, and a 1,00 otber aiïicles, ol' convse Fred Krause i nuct ioneer. A small coal stove upset in the house of Mrs. Lucy JD. Ilowe on Wilmot street, Monday night. The house was damaged S500. The üre provecí the necessity of a fire alarm system, much time being lost in getting in the alarm. The department responded promptly as soon as the alarm was reeeived. Eev. W. L. Tedrow, the pastor ot Trinity English Lutheran church, has a catechetical class meet at his study, No. 25 South División street, every Wetlnesday evening. He would be pleased to meet any who are interested in these lectures, and who are looking forward to confirmation at Easter or later. The friends of the University and the Normal School are ander many obligations to Tiepresentative Mills for his very efficiënt woik in connection with the legislative visits. He secured the transportaron, had entire charge of the train, worked up enthusiasm for the visit, and helped largely in naaking arrangements. At the Inlaad League, next Monday night, there will be a doublé program. Dr. II, L. Obetz, of Detroit, Dean of the Homeopathie Department, wil! give a talk on ''Ancient Surgery,' and Mr. E. F. Mills will speak on "The Queen of Fabrics." Admission, ten cents. Church of Christ, South University avenue, eight o'clock p. m. August Birk holds an auction sale at 124 South Main street, Saturday, Mareh 25. at 10 o"clock, at which he will sell 3 work horses, 1 farnily pony, 1 cow, ü pigs, wagons, sleighs, binder mowinj? machine, hay tedder, potat digger, drags, cultivator, 6 plows, a sulky plow, horse powers, apple grind er, hay rack, stoves, pump, etc. Fred Krause will be auctioneer. Nathanlel Sehmid was elected presi dent of Manchester, Monday, by 2 majority over Clarence W. Case. C B. Carr, William Koebbe and Warren Kemble were elected trustees, Charle E. Lewis, clerk; Adam J. Wurster treasurer: Frank M. Sherwood, stree commissioner: John D. VanDuyn, ;is sessor, and Richard ü. Gilbert, coi stabie. t George Nixon bas au auction sale with Fred Krause as ancticmeer, o : Thursday, March 2, at 10 o'elock i sbarp, on bis farm, known as the old Peters farm, tive miles west -of Ano Albor, and a inile south of Scio station. The sale includes six horses, one span l'ercheron colts, 5 cows anti heifers, youngcattle. sixty sheep, three shoates, chickens, biuder mower, hay tedder, drugs, plow, horse-rakes, wagons and earriages, eutter, bobs, and harness, ttead power, hay-racks, seed potatoes, honsehold furniuire etc. A substantial lunch will be served at noon. On Wednesday, March 22, at 10 o'clock, Fred Krause will begin crying the large mimber of articles to be sold by J . F. Stabler on his farm near Oornwells paper milis, tbree miles west of Aun Arbor. Lunch will be served at noon. Among the many articles to be sold are two heavy work houses, Jersey cattle, a Champion binder, mowing machine, ihïlls, land roller, hay tedder, lambei wagons, bob sleighs, four plows, tive corn cultivation drags, ian■ niug mili, horse power, clover seed sower, two pair scales, churus, saws, forks, shovels, and other f arming utensils and housebold goods.