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An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks

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Hection l. - All sldewalks hereafter graded, constructed, repaired or renewed In iln I y df Ann Arbor, sliall be In conformlty t rade lines establislicd by the Common Councü, and of material and of the wldth ;iti1 In themanner in the following sections, degcrfbed, thatiis to say: Bhc. 2.- On Main streel, bet woon Oatherlne and William streets, the sldewalks sliall in iliirteen (13) teel in width, on Fourth avenue, between Catherine and Liberty streets, on the north slde of Ann street, between Main street and Fourtb avenue, on Huron streot, between Ashley street and Fifth avenue, on Washington street, between Asliley streel and Fiftli avenue, on Liberty street, bel ween Ashley street and Fourth avenue, the sfclewalks sliall be twelve (12) feet in width, and on all other strcets and avenues In the olty the sldewalks shall be flve (5) feet In width': Provldedi however, that the (Jjmmon Oouncll muy at any time by resolution order thesidewiifks along any Dlock or street in said city V bo wlder or narrower than above desárlbed. ski'. 3.- All Bldewalks hereafter graded constructed, repaired or renewed on the folIowítis; named streets and avenues wlthln the limlts specifled shall be graded, constructed, tepalrödor renewed, as the, case may be, with -tone flagglng, cement (artificial st'one), and with mi other material, to-wit: On Main -i reet , bet ween ';i I heri ne and Wil Mam streets, on Fourth avenue, between Catherine and Liberty streets, on State .street, between North and Packard streets, on Ann street, iiet ween Main street and Fourth avenue, on Huron strect, between Ashley and State streets, on Washington street, between Ashley streef and Fifth avenue, on Liberty street, between Asliley street and Fourth avenue, on i be east side of Detroit street, between Fourth avenue and North street: also on the North, Kast and South University avenues, adjoiningthe University campus, on 'the northeast side of Washtenaw avenue, from East University avonue to HUI street. In or upon all other streets and avenues, sidewalks shall be laid and constructed of stone, cement, or plank, as berelnafter provided. Allwork'and material sliall be tirst-elass andsubject to the approval of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 4.- Stone walks shall be constructed as follows: Ist. ïhe stone flagpcing símil be lald upon clean sand uncl in water lime. 2nd. Said stone flagging shall have a smooth upper surfaee, and shal] not be less than three 13) inches in thicUness, and not less than two (2) feet square, and dressed even ind square on the sides so as to form close and even joints. 3rd. Ola stone flagging hen good may be re-cut and taid nex1 60 the curb or building hut the central portion of the sidewalk for not less than six (ti) fect in width shall be laid irith new oagging, 4th. Cement walks shall be constructed under the dlrectlon of the Street ('ommisslöner.the proportions of cement, gravel, and sand to be usea 10 be approved by the Board f l'ublic Works. 5th. When curbstones are Bet they ehal) be set perpendicular, and in conformity to the eutabllshed grade. Ai the Intersectlon or - reets with other streets or with alleys, the curhstone shall be set upon a proper curve, ujid 10 tiie satisfaction of Board of Public Works. Skó. 5 - Plank sldewalks shall be constructed of good pine or hemlock plank, properly surfaced and free from sap, which shall not be less than two (2) inches 111 thickness, more ihan twelve (12), or less than flve (5) inches wide, and laid surface side up on oak, cedar, plne or liemlock sleepers not less than two by four (2x4) lnches in size. to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart; the plank ball be laid of the street, and shall be nailed with nails not less than ■twenty (20) penny, with at least two (2) in cach end of eaeh plank, and not less than two (2) at every other hearing. All sidewalks -hall bc raised from the curbstone in the nroportlon of elght (8) Inches 1d twenty (20) feet, and conform to the establlshed grade. Sec. 8 - Whenever the Common Council shall order any sidewalk to be graded or eonstructed, it shall be the duty of the Board of lublic Works to notify the owner, agent or occupant of any lot in front of or adjacent to which any such sidewalk is requlred to be graded or constructed, to grade or buildthe same within thirty (30) days from the date of 1 he service of such notice, whereupon it shall be the duty of such owner, agent, oroecupant to buiïd, grade or construct such walk In the time required by such notice, and of the material and in the manner required by this ordlnance. 1 f suoh owner, agent or occupant -hall negleci in grade, conátruct or buikf any such aidewalk within the time required In such notice. and of the tnateiial and in the manner required in this ordinance and shall malee default thereln, it shall then be the (uty of the Board of Public Works to ai. once qause a sidewalkt.obe graded and constructed and of the material and in the manner heiiIn required, and the expense theivof with I en (10) per cent . added thereto shall be assessed upon and become a lien against'the lot, land or premises in front of or adjacent io which such sidewalk is required to be ürnde.d or const rncted. Sec. 7- All sidewalks ín said city shall be kent and maintalned In good order and repair by the owner, agent oi' occupant of the house, store, lot, land or premises frontlng on or adjolning the Same; and whenever 8,ny sidewalk within the limits of tlie said city -hall become out of order and shall require i-epairing, it shall le thé duty of the Bo&rd of Public Works to order such repair 10 be made and to notify the owner, agent, or occupant of any such house, store, lot, land or preniises adjacent to or fronting on any -uch sidewalk or part of sidewalk so required i o be repalred, by writ ten or printed, or partly written and partly printed notice, to repair 1 he same witnin forty-eight (48) hours f rom the service of any such notice. Whereupon it shall be the duty of any such owner, agent ir occupant to repair any such sidewalk at the place and in the mRnner and of the material stated in such nol ice, and within the time requlred thereln, and if theperson -o notitied sliall fail, mate default in, or neglect to repair any such sidewalk at the place, In the manner, within the time, or of the material reaulred in and by such notice, I hen it shall be the duty of the Board of l'ublic Works, forthwith, to cause the said repairs to any such sidewalk to be made in the manner and of the material stated in such notice, and the cost and expense of all such repairs with ten (10) per cent thereon added i hereto shall be assesaed against and become a lien apon any such lor, land or premises in front ot which or adjolning lo which any such sidewalk shall Ijave been so repaired. Skc. 8- The Oommon Council shall proTiae and direct that the cost and expense of the building, construction and repair of all -uch sidewalks soordered graded, coustructed or repaired by the Board of Public Works shall bc audlted and paid froni the streel fund, andnll such sums of money, when so paiil, wiih icn (10) percent, thereon added thereto shall be and become a lien on and :igiiinst thelot or parcel of land in froni of or adjacent to whfch the said sidewalk sliall have heen graded, constructed or repaired, which lien shall continue until the iikl money so paid shall be repaid into or otherwise reoeived by the City Treasurer, and when so recelved the same shall be credited to the street fund. Sf.c. i)The Board of Public Works sliall keep and cause to be entered, in a book to bo provided for that purpose, memoranda with dates, names and the partlculars of all such nofeices, so servi'd. as a foresaid, to grade, construct, build, repair or renew any Buch sidewalks, and shall keep on file a duplícate of all such notlceS'BO served, :is aforesald, with a return endoi'sed theréon of the time and mode of theservice of the same; and sliall also keep a just and true account of all Mioneys paid, lald Out md expended for the gradlng, construction or repair of any such -idewalks, as well asa particular descrlption of the lands, tenements aud premises in front of or adjacent to which any such sidewalks -hall have been graded, constructed or repaired, and on or before the iliird Monday of October in each and every year shall report the said expenditures in writing to the Common Oounoll, soarranged that 1 here Will apni'ar froni such report the particular sum of money which ahall have been expended in the grading, construetion or repair of each particular sidewalk in front of or adiacentto each particular description of lands, teneMients or premisos. 8B0. 10. Whenever any sucU certiflcnte -hall be received by the Common Oouncil, tbe ('ommoQ Oouncu shall at the same or at the next meeting thereof appolnt and f i v a 'lay not later than the third Monday of November next following when they will meetasa Hoardof lieview to pass upon and determine the accuracy of the said certifícate, and the said Oommon Oounoll shall glve noti" io ;ill persons nunied in the said certifícate of the time when and the place where such meeting will be held, at which meeting, after hearing every porso in person or by attorney, who shall deslre to be heard, the said oouncll as such Board of Review, shall without adjou rnment proceed to determine the truth of sueh certifícate, and shall have power md authority to change any sum of money stated therein, to correct any description of land or premteee mentioned m the aamo, and to take any other action to tbe end that the said certificatemay in all things be made iust and true, which dotermination shall Ce in all thingsünal and coaclusive. After such 1 terminatlon. said board shall by resolution certlfy is determination to the Common Council, iNdtbeCominon Council shallat the same meeting or at an adjourned seaslon oause thé money eo found bythe Bald oouncil assuch Board of Review to be due and owln tor the gradlng, construotlon or rewlrlna of anyBUch8idówalkorBidewalk8,tobeassessed on and agalnst the owuer of and agalnst the land lot or premiso in froni „f oradiacent to which any Buoh gldewalk or sidewalks shall nave been gradúa, coiistructcd or rep'Ured nv the said Board ofPublie Works, and shall' certliy such determination and order or assessment to the City Assessor. The said City Assessor shall on recetpt thereoi proceed to set down ia and assess upon the (reneral assessment roll of the said city for the then curren t year thesumor sums of money so certifled agalnst each particular lot or parce] of land so in said order of assessment mentioned aííni8t which the said sums of mo'.ey are respeetively charged, by idding Buch sume of money to the genera! city tax, and said sums l money so set down in said assessment roll shall be and become a valid debt, demand and againsethe owner of the lot, land and premisse and a valid tax asainst the lot, land, and premisos in front of or ad aren t to which any such sidowalk may have been graded, constructed or repaired by the said Board of Publio Works, and shall be eollected in tho same manner in every particular as the tax to which it is thus added and as the otlier taxes set down in and spread upon the said asessuient roll are eollected. Sec. 11. - In case the tax assessed on any such lot, land or premisos charged with the expense of gradlng, constructins or repalrlng any sidewalk as provlded by fchis ordinance shall not be paid or eollected and any sueh lot or lands and premisos shall be returned for non-paynientof such tax by the City Treasurer, sutk lots or lands and premisos, unloss ooner redeemed, shall be sold for sueh tax )y the County Treasurer at the aonual sale of ands lor delinquent taxes, and in the same marnier as for other taxes, as provlded by law. Sec. 12. - AU noticee required to be served y this ordinance shall be served by the Street Xmimissioner, Marshal or any Pollceman of said city personally, on the ownerof tho lands or premises frontinij on or ad.jaeent to which t is propo8ed to grade, construct or repair any sue-h siclewalk, if such owner shall be found vithin the city. If such owner shall not be 'ound within the city, then such notice shall ae served personally on the occupant of any uch premises, and if any such premises hall be vacant and the owner thereoi shall not be found within the city, then 6uch notice Bhall be served by posting the same in some ïonspicuous place upon the said premises; orovided howevcr, that the notice of the neeting of the Common Council as a Board of Review may be given by publication in the Official newspaper or newspapers of the said city, and one publication in such newspaper or new8papers shall be deemed sníllcient, and the siiid Hoard of Review shall have authority to prooeed on h'lin with the City Clerk due proof by ailidavit of sueh publication. Seo. 13.- The Board of Public Works ís hereby autliorized to grade, construct and repair sldewalks under the direction of the Street Commissioner, on the default of the owner, agent or occupant of the frontina or adjacent lands and premisos; but no such Bidewalk or crosswalk shall bo graded, constructed or repaired where the coat and expense of the labor and material thereof shall be greater than the sum of Uve (5) dollars, uniess such improvenient shall tlrst havo been ordered by the Comrnon Council. Sec. 14.- It shall be the duty of every owner, agent or occupant oí any lot or premises, who shall be notified by the Uoard of Public Works to build, construct or repair any sidewalk or sidowalks to proraptly comply with such notice, and grade, construct or repair the such sidowalks as ordercd, and in cuso any owner, agent or occupant shall neglect to so gradé, bnild, constructor repair any sueli sldewalk or sidewalks within tbc time prescribed in the notice of the Board of l'ublic Worki, and in case the city by any suit, action or other pxooeedings shall be compelled to pay damage for injuries to any person or property on iieeount of such neglect, such owner, agent or oeeupant, in addition o all other fines and rabilitiesprovided by thisordi nance, shall be liable to the city for the amount of all damages and costs 6O paid, and the same may be colleeted if necessary ia an action of assumpsit in the proper court. Sec. 15.- Any owner, agent, or occupant of any lot, or any other person, grading, eonstruct ing, re-constructinn. renewing, or repairing any sidewalk, the provisions of Ibis ordinance, or of material other thau hereinbeforc prescribed, shall, on convdetion thereoi , bê punlshed by a fine not to exceed twenty-flve 125) dollars and the costs of proseoution; and tn the Lmpositlon of any such flne and costs the court may make the further sentence thai the offender be imprlsoned In the common Jall of the CJonnty of washtenan untll the payment thereof, provicledlbat the term of any such imprisonment sball not exceed u period of thirty 0 days. MrSCELIANEODS PUOVISIONS. Sec. 16.- The Common Council shall hare power and authority to próvido by resolution lor the grading, construction, and repair of all such sidewalks Ijy contract whicli shall not have been gradea, constructed or cepalred by the owner, ageat or occupant. AVhenever any such sidewalk shall be graded, constructed or repalred by contract, then tbc lot, lands, tenements, and premises in front of or adjacent to which any such sidewalk is so graded, constructed or repalred shall l)e ■h;i rged and asseased the contract prlce only. And wbenever the Common Council shall conclude any such contract, in the event of the failure of the owner, agent or occupant to grade, build, construct or repair any such sidewalk, it shall then be the duty of the Board of Public Works to forthwith notify sucji contractor of such default. Whereupou such contractor shall forthwith proceed to grade, build, construct or repair any such sidewalk aecording to this ordinance and the order of the Common Council. Sec. 17.- In the event of the failure, neglect or refusal of the Common Council to conclude any such contract, it shall be lawful for the Board of l'ublic Works to make and ordain rules for the letting by.contract the grading, construction, and repairs of sidewalks and crosswalks so ordered to be constructed or repaired by the Common Council, and the work done and material furnished by any such contractor shall be deemed to have been done and furnished by the Board of l'ublic Wnrks. Sec. 18.- Tn ordering the gradlñg, construction or repairlng of any sidewalk, it sliall be sufflcieril in the resolution or order therefor to specify the street a ml i he side of the street upon'whieh snid sidewalk is oí' shall be located, and the name of the owner, or street number of the propcrty, house, store or premiscs in front of which any sucta sidewalk Bhall be ordered to be gradea, constructed or cepalred. Sec. 19.- The Street Commissloner, by yirtue of his office, shall be Inspector oí sidewalks. 11 ahaU be the duty ofsuch inspector of sidewalks to make inquiry in relation to, andal all limes to note the i-ondition of, all the sidewalks wlthin the limita of the city, and report all sidewalks in need of repair or re-construction to t heBoard of PublicWorks, totheendthai the cpndltlon and need of sach sidewalks may bereferred to the Oommon Councll. Sec. 20.- All sidewalks wilhin the Umits of the cily sliall be graded, consi ructed and repairedinthe manner and of the material nrovided (or in thls (irdinance. and on the grade establlshed or tobe established by the Oommon Oouncil, and mit otherwise. No sidewalk sliall be graded and constructed except by leave of the Board of Public Works. All sidewalks shall be graded, laid and constructed in the street and on a line parallel with the property lineofthe adjacent property and diatafit therefrom as fouows, to wit: 411 sidewalks of greater width than six feet on and alongsucn property line: all sidewalks six feet in width, one fooi.; all sidewalk-, live feet in width, one and one-half feet therefrom; and all sidewalks less than live feet in width, two feet from such property line. This ordinancc sliall take effect and be in foree on and af ter the flrat day of April, A.l). 1893. Passed in Oommon Council, March lith, 189S. Wil. MAM ,1. MlLLEH, City ('U'l'k Approved March llth, 1893. u.i.iAM G. Doty, Mayor. An Ordinance to Amend Sections Nine, Eleven, Thirteen, Fifteen, Thirty and Thirty-four of "An Ordinance Relative tothe Use of Streets, Alleys and Public Places," Passed February 3, i8go. The Common Council of the City of Ann Arhor Urdain: Section 1. - That Sections Nine, Eleven, Thirteen, Killeen, Thirty, and Thirty-four of "An Ordinance ttelatlve to the Use of Streets, Alleys and Public Pla.ccs," passed February 3, 1H90, be and are hereby ameuded so as to read as followa: Sec. 1).- No pereon sliall leave any horse, mule or team of any kind. in any street, alley, or public place in said city, without beiug sul"üciently tied; no person shall halt any earriago, cart, vvason, slelgh, or other vehicle 011 any orosswalk or footway in said eity; nor shall any person leave any carriage, cart, wagon, sloigh, or other vehicle, wood, lumber ' or othor obstructiou in any street, alley, or it - . - . other public place in sak] city In the nlglit time. 8EC. U.- No person shall dig or tear up uny paveinent, sldewalk or orosRwalk, or dlg any hole ditch, draln or sewer, In any Street, alley or other public space, without permissiou flrst obtalned from the Board or Public Works ; and it shall be theduty ofany person digging or tearing up any pavement, side or croswalk,ordiggingany hole.dltèh dralnor sewer, in any Street, alley or otlier publio space, as speedüy as practicable to repair and put the same In as good order and oonditioü as before; and in order to do this, such person shall pound down the eartli so as to make it flrm and solld; and if the earth Shall settle, sucb company, person or corporatlon shall fill tlie same from time to time as may be nece.ssary, all such rilling in and repairs to be made and raaiutained to thefuUand entlre satisfaction of the Street Coramissioner; and if any person, company or Corporation shall negleet so to repair or cause to be repaired any such street, iane, alley, public ground or other public place, for four bours alter notice, written, verbal or otnerwise, such person, eompany or Corporation shall pay to the city the cost and expense of the making of all suMi repairs, to be recovered in an actlon of assumpsit,and shall also be liable to the penalty imposed by mis ordlnance, and in addition to all such liabilities, shall also pay to thecity all damage.cost and expense, which the city shall or may pay, or may be required to pay, to any person on account of any injury sustalned or suffored from, by or through any such street, Iane, alley, public ground or place, beingout of repair; and any person digging in any slreet, alley or other public space, or tlie contractor, owuer, or owners of property for whose benefit such dlgging may be done, for any of the purposes hereinbelore inentioned, or for any purpose whatever. shall ereet and -maintain a good and sumcient feuce, ratltng or barrler around such such a marnier as to prevent accident, and to place and keep upon such railIng, fence or barrier, suitable and sufïïcient red lighls during the night. Sec. l!t- No person shall place or put any trough for feeding or watering horses, cattle, or other animáis in any street, alley or other public place in said city; nor feed any horse, cattle or other animal in any such street, alley or public place. Sec. 15- No person shall display or detain for exhibition any stallion, jackass or huil in any street, alley or public place in said city, or keep or u for the purposo of generation any stallion, jackass or buil in said city, e.xcept in an inclosed and cqvered building, or shall keep or use any stallion, jackass or buil within the limite of said city in such amanner as to cause a nuisance. Sec. -Any person owninft or occupying land any street not less than three rods wlde, may plant or set out trees along the side of said street contiguous to his land, in regular rows, not less than twenty feet distant from each other and ten feet from the margin of said street. No person shall hltch any horse, mule or other animal toany fruit, ornamental, shade or other tree, erowing or standing ia any street, alley. or public place in said city; and nopersonshall, unlessspeclally authorized by the Board of Public Works, cut down or dig up any tree growing or standing in any street, alley or public place in said city, or remove or carry awav any earth, loam, gravel, sand or sod froin any street, alley or public place without permission from said Board of Public Works. Sec. 34- Any person violating any provisión of tiiis ordinance shall, on oonvictfon thereof, be punished by a fine not exceedlng flfty dollars and costs; and in the imposition of any such fine and costs the court may make the further sentence, that the offender be imprisoned in the common jail of the County of Washtenaw until the payment thereof, provided the term of such imprisonment sball not exceed the period of thirty days. This ordinance shall take effect and be in 'orce from and after the Hrstday of April, A. Ü. 189. Passed in Common Council, March 6th, 1S93. W. .T. Mir-LEB, City Clerk. Approved March llth. 1893. Wtt.t.tam G. Doty, Mayor. An Ordinance Supplementary to "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Persons and Disorderly Conduct," Passed Maren 27, 1890. The Conimon Council of the City of Ann Arbor Ordain: Section 1. - All vagrants, eavesdroppers, lewd, idle or disorderiy persons; any person lntoxlcated or drank with llquors of any kind, coinmou night walkers, persons who stand at. the eaves or look into Ihe Windows Of dwelllug houses: all pllferers, or persons wanton, lascivious, obscene, vnltcar of speech, conductor behavlor,coinmon raiiers.or brawlers, shall be deemed aud are hereby dclared tobe disorderly persons, and on oonviotlon tliereof sluill be puuisUed as hereinalter provided. Sec. 2.- Tt shall be the duty of the Marshal or any Policeman to arrest any person who may be fouud intoxicated in any street. alley, park. or public place in said city, or violating any provisión of the preceding section, and without unreasonable delay brlng such person before a justice of the peace for trial, and if in the opinión of said justice any person so brought before hiin is, by reason of intoxication. in an unfit condition to be immediately trled, it sliall be hi.s duty to order such person to be committed to the City lock-uporCounty jail for such time as he may judsre necessaiy. not exceeding forty-eight hours, at the expiration of which time the said person shall be again brought before him for trial. Sec. 3.- Any person who may be found lying in wait, lurking, or concealed in any house or other building, or in any yard or any preinises in said City, with intent to do any mischief, or commit any crime or misdemeanor whatsoever, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished as herelnafter provided, and in addition to such penalty may be held to bail for good behaviov in the sum of one hundred lars and for the term of six months. with one 1 or more sufticient sureties as the court may order. Sec. 4.- No person, other than a public offloer in the discharge of lus official duties, unless authorlzed by the Mayor in wrlting, shall sell or otFer for sale by auction, at Wholesale orretail. in and upon any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places in said city, or upon any vacant lot not owned by him or property leased trom the owner thereof, any iquors, medicines, nostrums, .Iewelry, grocerles, cakes, pie or any merchandise. And it shall be the duty of the Marshal or any Policeman to forthwith arrest any person oiïen ding against the provlsions of this srction and make the proper complaint before one of the. Justlces 01 the Peace of said City. It shall DB the f urther dnty of the Marshal or any Policeman to forthwith remove, as a public nuisance, any and all tables, boxes, lunrhes, bootihs, tents, vehicles, or thinirs whatsoever, employed or attempted to be employed in making any Bale or sales probipited by the provisions of this section. Sec. 5.- Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, sliall, 011 conviction thereof. be punished by üne not exceedlng twenty-flve dollars and cots or prosecution; and in Lznposing any such fine and costs the Court may make the further sentencè that the offeuder be imprisoned in the common jail of the County of Washtenaw until the payment thereof, not to exceed the period of thirty days. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 011 and after the flret day of April, A. D. iv.' ;. Passed in Common Council Maren, 189a Wtt.t.tam j. Miller, Clerk. Approved, Marchllth, 1893. 'ii.IjIAM G. Doty, Mayor. An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Houses. Tlie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor Ordain: Section 1- No person or persons shall keep, maintain, c&rry on, lreqneut. live in, or be an tomate 01 any house ot ill-fame, assignation, or house for the resort of prostitutas or ot her disorderly house, in, or within the limits of 1 lic lity of Ann Arbor. Nor shall any person keep, carry on, or maintain, within the limits of said City, a disorderly house, saloon, barrootn, tayern, beer-hall, grocery, theatre, room, ordlnary house, or building of any kind, for gamingwith caras, bÚUards, olneorteo pin alley, wheels of fortune, boxes, machines or other inst run ie rits or derlces whatever, or shall in any manner asslst In the cairying on or keepins any such disorderly house or place. Sec. 2- No persou shall knowingly let or leiise any house, saloon, bar-rootn, tavern, theatre, store, room ot of any kind to be used as a house of ill-faiue, house of assignat ion, place for the resort of common ])rostitutes or disorderly characters, orforthe purpose of gambllng for money or other property, or kaowiag nis or her house, building or place, to be so used, shall permitas further use for any such purpose. Sec. 3- No pereon shall keep, carry on or maintaiu, or aid in keeping, carrylng on or maintainïng, any lottery, policy, pool, bucket shop, board of trade, or any llke schetueor place for drawlng or dlapoalns of mouey, wlieat or other property within the city. Sec. 4- Any person violating any provisión of this ordinance sh;tl!, on con vid Ion thereof, i"' punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs of prosecntlon ; and tn imposing of any SUCO flne and c-nsls, the court ïiiH.y make the further sentence that the offenaer be Imprisoned in the common juil of the County of Washlenaw unti] the pay ment thereof , not to exceed the perlod of thirty ilnys. This ordinance shall táke effect and be 1h force on and after the 3st day of April, A. U. li9ï. Passed in Oommon Oouncll Mareh Bth, 1893. Wh.TjIAM ,T. MII.I.ER. ' Approvcd March 11, 1893. City Olerk. Williah G. 1)OTY, Mayor. An Ordinance to Amend Sections Seven, Nine, and Eleven of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Persons and Disorderly Conduct," passed March 27, 1890. The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor Ordain: Section 1. - That sections seven, oine, and eleven of "An Ordinance relative to Disorderly Persons and Disorderly: Conduct," passed March 27, 1890, be and are liereby amendcd so as to read as follows: Sec. 7.- Any person who shall, by talklng, laughin;; or otherwise, interrupt the service 111 any place of divine worship, or who sliall by noise or otherwise disturb any public meeting con vened or assembled within the limite of said City, shall be punished as hereiuafter provided. Sr.c. !).- Any person who shall make any Indecent exposure of hisor her person In the streets,, alleys or public places of sairl City tr shall exposé his or her naked body Y,y bathlng within the limits of said City, between sutirise in the mornins anl eight. o'clock in the evening, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Sec. 11.- Any person violating any provisión of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine notexceedins fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution: and in Imposlng any such fine and costs the Court may make the f urther sentence that the offender be imprisoned in the common jail of the County of Washtenaw until the payment thereof, not to exceod the perlod of sixty days. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the first day of April, A. D. 1893. Passed in the Common Council, March 6th, 1R(tt City Clerk. Annroved March llth. 1893. Mayor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News