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Local Brevities

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Register, Tuesday. Ann Arbor is to have sewers. Dudley J. Loomis is building ;i Iiouse on Fuller street. The Democratie city eonventioi meets this evening. A.P. Ferguson has just shipped a carlead ot' earts to St. Louis. A class of iifteen wilbe confirmed at Betlilehem church, next öunday. George Newell Lovejoy is doing literary work at Bergen, New York. Mrs. Mary Kress died in Freedom, Monday, aged seventy-nine years. Capt. L. L. Janes is building a new residence on Washtenaw avenue. Register in Ann Arbor town, Saturcfay, April l, at the new town hall. The Postal Union Telegraph Co., have removed to the Ilamilton block. The Eureka social clubgives a dance at Niokels' hall next Wednesday evening. The gymnasium of McMillan Hall has been presented with a handsorne clock. John Jacob Ilerz, of Seventh street, died of inflamrnation of the lungs Tuesday. Raymond W., the eleven months old son of Morris Lantz died Tuesday of la grippe. The Arm Arbor Brewing ('o. is building a three-story addition to their brewery. Herman Luebke, of the fifth ward, can show a twelve pound daughter, tb is week. Jacob Staebler, a Pittsüeld farmer, died Monday, of peritonitis, aged fiftyfour years. If you have moved into another ward since you voted last, see thut you register next Tuesday. ïhe Kepublicans hold their ward caucuses tonight and their city convention tomorrow night. James. B. Saunders reads a paper on Ten Months in Itebel Trisons before the G. A. R., this evening. William Brown was presented with one day in Sheriff Brenners jag cure by Justice Pond, Wednesday. A bnrning chimney in the house of Martin Nagle, called out the fire department, Wednesday evening. Remember to register at Ann Arbor town hall Saturday April 1, if you are a voter in Ann Arbor town. Rosa G. ('ole, '88 lit, luis been commissioned to write six s.ongs i'or the June music at tlie World's Fair. Walker & Co. will put up a $7,000 addition to their carriage factory. The contract has been let to Koch Bros. Weinmann's newly erected meat market will be ehristeued by being used as the polling place i'or the tirst ward. The Frohibition city convention will be held at Good Templar's hall, this evening, to nomínate candidates for city offices. Michael Ilicks and Frank Brown, two Detroit sailors were kept in jail two days this week by Justice Butts, as disorderlies. The various township boards are agiiin reminded that the Argus oöice is the best place to have their township tickets printed. Ann Arbor has lost the state headquarters of the G-. A. R., as they have been transferred to Ionia, wliere the new conmiander lives. The ladies aid society of the English Lutheriin ehurch gives a Pink tea, this evening, at the residenee of A. T. Bruegil, on Fifth avenue. Charles F. Staebler has fitted lip bis new store on Fourth avenue, which he purchased of Alvin Wilsey, in line shape and can now be found there. The young people's society of the Presbyterian cburch will give a receotion this evening to the S. ('. A. at Mc Millan hall, from 7:S0 to 11 o'cloek Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Wm. Dawe, who lectured here some time ago on "John Wycliffe, the Morning Star of the Reformation," will preach in the M. E. church. "Some of the Balzac's W.omen" is to be the subject of a paper by Mr. 13. P. Bourland, at Unity Club, nextMonday evening. Mr. A. II. Lloyd will also teil of "A Summer's Trip to Norway." Tlie ice Wednesday evening put such a heavy coating on the trees that it broke down a fine old tree on the court yard square. The street cars were forced to suspend running, after vainly battling with the sleet. Mis. Jarley's ïamous Company of Waxworks will give an exhibition in the lecture room of the Methodist church, Satujday evening, Mar. 25, at eight o'clock. Refreshments will be served. Admission, ten cents. Mrs. Jennie Morton nee Shadford, has purchased the interest of her part ner, Miss Oorson, in the millinevy firm of' Shadford & Corson. The ladies will find a very interesting announcement in the advertising columns. The law provides that the chairman oí' the board of inspectors must come to the couuty election cornmissioners at Ann Arbor for their state ballots. They should get their township ballots at the Argus ollice at the same time. The Democrats of Freedom have nominated the following ticket: Supervisor, M. V. Alben clerk, Henry Kuhl; ;reasurer, Frank Renau; justice, Jacob Knapp; school inspector, Frank Detting; highway eommissioner, William Buerele. Thisevening being "Literary Evenng" of Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R., by request Jas. B. Saunders will entertain the "boys" with personal remiïiscensesof ten months in rebel prison pens. Every metnber of the Post is expected to be present. Seventy-iive persons were conürined at St. Andrew's Episcopal church last Sunday evening, by Bishop Davies. The class was an extremely large one. The church has never increased so rapidly in membership as it has under the rectorship of Iiev. Mr. Tatloek. Miss Emma Herey has resigned her position as teacher in the Whitmore Lake school. Last Friday her pupils and the patrons of the school surprised her and presented a very handsome writing case. Miss Herey leaves, Thursday, for Denver, to visit her sister, Mrs. J. K. Monahan. Jay C. ïaylor was called upon to fill leading parts in the Xelson Opera Co., playing here this week, in the place of their best man, who was ill. Although called on without notice he filis the parts so well that he tneets with an 'övation each evening. The company is playing tocrowded houses. Among the auctions of next week is that of Moses La joie, on the corner of Fountain andSuinmitstreets, on Mondayatlüa. m. He will sell a mare and colt, two parlor suits, three bedroom suits, bedsteads, springs, mattiesses, pillows, carpets, chairs, etc. Tred Krause will be the auctioneer. The Republieansof Pittsfield, yesterday afternoon, nomiuated the following ticket: Supervisor, Morton F. Case; clerk, J. II. Webb; treasurer, Charles Mills; highway commissioner, George Read; jnstice, N. C. Carpen ter; school inspectors, A'. D. Crittenden, Jacob L. Wallace: board of review, Clinton Allmendinger. Kev. Dr. Wallaee Kadcliffe, oí Detroit vvill give a free lecture in the ïappan training course, at McMilhin Hall, .Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, on the '"Gospel of Health," and on Sunday morning he vvill speak in the Presbyterian clmrch on -'The Gospel of the School,"' and Sunday evening on -The Gospel of the State." Mrs. Mae Gilmore, wife of E. S. Gilmore, mention of whose death on Tuesday, March 14, was made last week, was twenty-four years of age. She was, the daughter of Mrs. M. Banghart of 71 East Ann street. She left i loving husband and a little child two days old. The child died three days later, and was placed in its mother's arms. Mrs. Gilmore belonged to a large family, the surviving brothers and sisters being Mrs. William Eldert. Misses Lottie and Nan Clark, of this city. Krank Banghart, of Ypsilanti, Edward and Perry Banghart, of Saginaw, and James Clark, of Chicago. Mrs. Anna M. Ilelber will have an auctiüii sale on the Helber farm in Lima township. eight miles west of Ann Avbor and live miles south of Dexter, on Thursday, March 30, at 10 a. m., selling two work horses, two colts, two cows, three head young cattle, 53 sheep, four shoats, 40 chickens, wagons, buggies, binder, mower, drills, cultivators, rakes, land rollers, eider mili, harneas, plovvs, bees, cora, oats, etc. Fred Krause, auctioneer. Fred Krause will oíBciate as auctioneer at the big auction sale on the Leopold Blaess farm in Lodi, on Wednesday next, at 9 o"clock. A generous lunch will be served at noon. The sale includes tvventy horses, many of tliem fine ones, 6 cows, a steer, heifer, 60 sheep. 8 shoats, 75 ehickens, a large mimber of wagoni, plows,cultivators, mowers, binders, buggies, hoi'se power, etc, and liousehold furniture.