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Sil MS IIEUPMS ÁDAMS' BÁZAÁE, A new fresh stock of fancy goods and novelties. PLÜSH AND WOOD BOXES, PURSES, PICTURES, BOOKS, GAMES, ALBUMS, METAL FRAMES, TOYS, and DOLLS. IlUL LUK D INNER SETS, TOILET SETS, PLAIN AND DECORATED CHINA, The greatest .variety of DOLLS AND TOYS WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. Come early and make yonr sele tion while the stock is full. 13 SOUTH MAIN ST. EEPORT OF THE CONDITIOUÍ OFTHE FARMERS' l MUIS' 1K - AT- ANN 1RBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, December 9, 1892. RESOURCES. Loans and discount $303,186 38 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages, etc 117,311 07 Overdrafta 6,128 30 Dnefrom banks in reserve cides 33,995 01 Dne from other banks and bankers, 14,311 11 Due from Washtenaw Co 31,599 09 FurnitureaDdfixtures 3,000 00 Current expenses and laxeB paid 2,336 03 Interest paid 4,747 13 Check and cash items 1,571 71 Nickels and pennies 24 21 3nld coin _ 7,58480 Silver coin 1 !171 ir, ü . S. ano Na tional Bank Notes 9,599 00 Total $537,324 9!) LTAUILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 60 ündivided proflts 21,00957 Individual deposita 12fi,801 77 Gartificates of deposit 253,88951 Savings deposita 75,65414 Total 537,324 99 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) County of Washtenaw, j ssI, Frederiek H. Belser, Cashier of the above namcil bank, do soleranly swear that tbe above statement is true to ihe best of my knowledee nd belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before methis 14th day of December, 1892. H. A. Williams. Notary Pnblic Correct- Attest . Chas. E. Greene, ) Ambkose Kearnet, Directnrs. Wh. C. Stevens, J RBÏ i ttUHR BAKERY, &ROCEBY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep consxantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For WlioleBale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply oí OSBORXE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. EL Swift & Co.'s Best White Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Buek wheat Hout, Cora Mea.1, Fjed, &c, &c, &o., At Wholesale and Retail. A fireneral stock ot (ÍS00EEIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terras as at any other house in the city. J3Ê?""Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce jjenerallv. fyGoods Deüvered to any part oí the city with out extra chare-e. Rinsey & Seabolt. C V, VOGEL, Ann Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. AU kinds of SIE1TS AND SAUS AGES. FreBh lard always in stock. Poultry in season IMPORTANT TO ADY'ERTISERS. The cream of the country papers is found in Eemington's County Seat Lists. Shrewd advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a copy Óf which can be had of Kemington Bros., of New York & Pittsburs. GET A TICKET -OF . W. P. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instruotpr or the Lite of General Shermau or the Life of P. T. Barnum (FREE) when cash purchase to the amount of $15 has been made THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LAR6E OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTBATED. A compendium of useful knowledge for the practical uees of everyday hfe. A complete and perfect sruide to Ure in public and private. THE UFE AND DEEDS0F W. T. SHERMAN. CTtOWN OCTAVO, 368 PAGES, ÍLLí'.s"TRATED. A graphic narrative of his boyhood and early life, education. career in Moridaand California, military achievements, life as a Citizen, last sickness and deatti; with tteeA The" 'life of p. t. barnum. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO ,620 PAGES, ILLVSTRATED. Hls early life and strujrsrles, tiold ventures and brüliunt success: his wonderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his lile as a citizen. etc- to which is added his famous book, The Art oT Moncu Gettina. TRUCK 1 STORAGE C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave. , North Telepboue 82.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News