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At The Polls

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DKTüOiT, April 4.- On Monciay occurrea tne election in this state for a judge of the aupreme oourt and two regents of the state university. Candidates were namedby four polltioal p irties -republican, democratie, prohibition and peopie's_but the leading candidatos were those of the two former. For justice Frank A. Hooker was the republican noiniiiee and George H. Durand hls opponent. The republioan nomlnees for regents were Krank VV. Fletcher and Herman Kiefer; Robert F. Bunker and Henry A. Harmou were their democratie opponents. Inadditioa o&ndidates for judges of the oirouit courts and EGhool commissioner.s were voted for in the different counties throughout the state. Municipal omi cers were chosen in most of the citiel and towns. The vote generally throughout the state was light not more than a two-thircls vote belng polled. The returns are so meager that HHle can be told as to the result of the eleetion. The returns already in show Hooker, the republican nominee for suprema ju'.lge, to be ahead, and he is probably elected. Ris friends claim a plurality of 10,01)0 for him. As to the regents of the state university, nothlng delinite in the way of resulta can yet be given. Several amendments to the s tate eons tl tution were also voted on and were probably carried. One was relative to the increase of salaries oí state offleers and another to give the legislatura authority to créale county and township boards of highway comruissioners, with a view of making good roads. ]n Detroit the womou took ími active partin the election for school inspector. Over 5,000 of them were registered and nearly all voted. According to the Tribune the republicana have also carried Wayne county and the' city ol Detroit, electing tüeif judicial and school oandidates with possibly one or two exceptions. In Bay City. Safiinaw an.l Detroit the religious side of politics has out a considerable figure, the . Patriotic Sons of America being arrayed solidly agaiost all Ca'iholies. In the two tirst uamed iowns that issue predominated over all others and the light was iotensely bitter. Following are the returns frotn the principal towns in detail: Adrián - The republlcans eleci sis out ot' seven city offleers by majorities rangtng rom :"i to ■in;i. ilie demócrata tetaining the clerk by a maïority of 3üO. The counoil will stand a tie, with a republioan mayor holding tin; casting vote. Kor circuit jiulge, Lane, the present ineuïnbent, beats Weslermar in the city by 141. lndicalions are that the republicana have eat'riod the county by about 330, an increas!1 over last.fall. Ann Arbor- The vote on state offleers is nearly a tie. Ann Arbor gives Klnne, republican, li-'S majority .lor circuit judge, and seven tomns lacrease tliis to7(.)3. Auburn - Mrs. F. D. Johnston, republican, is elected school commissioner of Alger county by a small majority. The county also gives the republican state ticket a small maiority. Keturns from rural fliatriets will increase the majority. Battle Creek- The republican city ticket was . elected by plurallties ranglng from i to Soo. The republicans also elected hree out of flve aldermen. For Justtce il the supreme court Jlooker (rep.) received 1,189; Durand (dem.), 7f7. Smith (rep.), judge ot the Fifth judicial circuit, ree.eived a plurality of 3:i7. Bay City - Dernocrats elected the mayor, comptroller and treasurer by majonties of 750 to 1,000. The republicans eleet eight of thirteen aldermen, giving them control oí the council. Big Rapids - The republicans elect Charlie Gay, mayor; VVilliam Ferguson, treasurer; iouroutof Hve supervisors, three out of tlve aldermen, and three members of the school board. John T. Clark, clemocrat, is elected recorder. Cadillac- The republicans have elected their entire ticket with the exception ol marshal, the demoorats electing their candidate for tbat offloe by a ma]ority oí 6 The republican majorui' ■ vary from 91 lor .mayor to 'i for justice. The council wilt be a tie, with the republican mayor to hold the balance of power. Charlotte- The republicans carried everything in the city election. And exceptionally large vote has been pollcd. Tbe foilowing are the pluralities of the respective city offleers: Mayor, Frank Merritt, 217; recorder, J. H. (Iréenman, 6-1; treasurer, Frank U. Smith, L; supervisor, William Beekman, 121. All the wards have gone republican. Cheboygan - At the city election to-day the democrats elected S. Harris Embury mayor and J. II. Clune treasurer. The republicans elected two aldermen and three supervisors, v, hüe the democratsget three aldermen Coldwater - The republicans elected entire city and ward tickets, with the exception of marshal, two aldermen and one supervisor, by majorities ranglng frora 11 on mayor to 141 on treasurer. The democrats elect thuir marshal by 89 majority. Republican candidates for justices of the supreme court received large majorities. Decatur- At the sprinp election David A. Squier was elected supervisor; Perry M. Young, clerk; Marion Hinkley, treasurer. The democrats elected the supervisor, the rest of the ticket being república ti. Dowagiae- Dow.uíiae gives the state ticket six majority, and Cüolidge, judge (rep.), 99. It elects the entire democratie ticket, except one alderman and uní! supervisor. East Tawas- The toiviiship of Baldwlr i the entire republican ticket except hlRhway commissioner. Flint- Tlús city went republican b.y about 300, electing Andrew J. Ward mayor, the entire city ticket and evory alderman. George H. lurand, the democratie candidate ior supreDae judge, carried the city by about 500, and Charles H. Wisner. the republican candidato for clronit judge in the Seventh judicial circuit, oarrlas the city by at least tiOO. The county will give JJurand about 800 lo 1,090 ana Wisner about 1,600. A majority of the board of supervisors willalso be republican. The vote in the city and throughout the county was light. Grand Raplds- The rcpublicans scored a victory, reelectinff Mayor Stuart and the entire ticket ,wuh theexceptionof judge of the superior court, the demoerats rcelecting Burlingame. (rand Haven- The election resul ted in the election of Henrv Bloecker mayor by 70 majority. Arend J. Klaver (rep.), marshal, 27 plu rality. A democratie city recorder is eleoted, and a repuhlican to the office of city treasurer. The supervisors eleeted are democratie. Three republicans and one democratie aldcrman are eleeted. Greenville- Grecnville reelected Le Roy Moore, demoerat, mayor. The oounoil ia strongly republican. Hillsdale- The election here was very spirited, made so by the strife fof a new courthouse in the county and electric light in the city. The former is defeated by 800 to 1,000; the latter. however, is carried by the election of all four akkrmen, niaking the oounoil stand 7 to 1 lor the city ownmg lts own piani. mayor Goodrich was reeleoted By 375 majority. Tho entire republican state ticket is elected by majorities of from 1,200 to 1,600. The lepublioans alsb elect iifteen oí the twenty supervisors iu ■the council. Holland- George P. Hummer is elected mayor by 19 majority. The republicans elect the city clerk, marshal, treasurer, onc supervisor and live aldermen. The democrats elect one supervisor and one alüerman. The vote Tor issuing bonds tor an electric light plant carried by a two-thirds majority. The republïcan state ticket has a gooü majorily. lonia- Tho democrats eleeted George Gundrum mayor, and íhree out of tour aldermen, also the treasurer and one supM- Isor, :t galn of mayor and om; alderman over lastyear for, the democrats. The republicans e'ect the clerk and collector and gala one supervisor. Indicatlons Btrongly favor the eleotion of P. D M. Davis lis circuit judge for the eighth circuit, a gaiu for te republicans. Xron Mountain-W. S. Laing (rep.) was elected mayor. Ishpcming- E, E. Osbcrn, repnbllcan, was reeïected mayor by 400 plurality, A. W. Meyers, democrai. and Henry Hopklns, prohibition, runtiing about even. The republican majority in Hit' council i nve. .lackson- This city goes democratie by 250 to "00 majority. The democrats get flve of the imkM aldermen, and four of the cight supervisors. The county will be democratie by about 300 on the state ticket, though tho full returns are not in. The vote was rather light. Kalaimi'.oo- Although the count is not yet completnd the city has undoubtedly gone republican, and J. W. Osborn is elected mayor. Lapere- The municipal election hero is a clean swoep for the republicans. They get all the city offloes and two aldermen. Judge Moore is reelected circuit judge by probaby S00 majorit y. The regenta of the univcsity receive similar majorities.and Hooker (rep.) is elected justice of the supreme court. Lansing- The republicans reelectea Arthur O. Belmont mayor by 117 plurality, a gain of 100 over lastyear. Tliey also elect James P. Edflaouds treasurer aud toree aldermen, a gain of two. The democrats electWUliam C. Hln man olerk and thrcc uidennen. Marquette- Marquette city complete gives Duraud, democratie candidato for supremo couri, 73 majority. There was a noh-partisan election for mayor. N. M. Kaufman defeated Adams, the crosent incun: Manistee- The entire republlean ticket was eleoted hcre with majori 0 i 250. Marshall- The democrats elect Mayor i Recorder Lookton, Treasurer Keil] ' iner' vtsorg Fahey and Ferguson, Alderm Noneman and Beckwith The ïppublican ed Supervisors Hulett and Simmuns and Udermati Phelps. Mount Clemens- With the exccptlon ol ctty Olerk and alderman at largo, who wore on a citizen's ticket, the democrats elect all their candidatos. On the state ticket there is a democratie loss in both city and county. The o has probably gone democratie by 800 majority Monroe- The republicans elected une alderman, one supervisor, the marshal and the street commissioner. The rest of the ticket is democratie by a redueed majority. üilday (dom. ), for circuit judge, lias 50 majority. The state ticket is democratie by a redúced'majority. _ Muskegon- The republicans carry the city ticket, electint; the mayor and all save one lustice. The democrats elect all but three aluermen, giving them control of the council. Niles- Arville W. Coolldge (rep.) i. elected judge of this judicial district jority, and the republlcans eleoted J. E. Frenen mayor, and all their candidates except city treasurer. Negaunee- E. C. Anthony Is .layor for the fourth term and Benjamin Richards treasurer. X,ight vote on siaie licket; -50 republican plurality in this city. Owosso- The republicana elect c'lerli, treafinrer. supervisor-at-large, director of the poor, four aldermen and two constables. The democrats elect the mayor bySOO, two supervisors, one alderman, one justice of the peace, and the school inspector. Port Huron- The democrats elected all the city oftloers except clerk. S. L. Merriman, for mayor, received 400 majorlty. William F. Wagenseil was elected olerk by 3 majority. O. Ö. Atkinson, democrat, defeated S. v'. Vanee, :■ .- publican, by 300 majority. The democratie state ticket is elected by 100 majorlty. Pontiac - This city is as usual democratie. D. S. Howard, mayor; E. H. Halsey, city elerk. Jackson, prohibition, has 148 votes, au tnci of over half as opmpared with tho vote of oue year ago. Durahd, supremc mire, has 133 plurality, and the rest of the staíe t icket lias about the same pluralities. Sault Ste. Marie- The democrats elecied four aldermen and everything else except mayor, Dr. A. B. Lang, republïcan, winning over J. Hurseley, democrat, by ! majority. 'Ihe council now stands seven debioeiai.s lo one república n. Saglnaw- The republican i mak e heavy gains in the city. Nineteen of the twentyfour votmg precinets ín the city give Hooki r, republican, for supreme oourt jus Hoe, 2,672; Durand, democrat, 2,806. The republicans 'elect the potiee judge and nine out of flfteen members of the common council. MoKnight and Wlber, republican and non-partisan l'or circuit Judgee, are probably eleuied by about 300 plurality. St. Ignace- For the lirst time in years b republican, E. Sherwood, is elected mayor. Nearly all the rest of the tichet is democratie. St. Joseph - In the city election Wallaoe A. Preston (rep.) was eleoted mayor by a majority of 18. The entire republicau ticket u-as eleeted, with the exception of city colloutor and oue alderman. West Bay City- West Bay City republicans elected their entire city ticket an.l flve out of the six aldermen. Ypsilanti- The demoerats elect Henry R. Scoville mayor, one supervisor, one constable and three aldermen. The ri publicas elect one supervisor, one constable and four aldermcu. The council will stand a tie.


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