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For Bronchitis "I never realized the good of a medicine so iiiucli us I have in the last few months, durlng which time I have suffered intensely trom pneumonía, fotlowed by bronchitis. After tryiiig various remedies without benefit, 1 begau the ise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and the effeci has been marvelous, a single dose re. lieving me of cliokiug, and securing a good night's rest."- T. A. Higginbothaui, Gen. Store, Long Moimtaiu, Va. La Crippe "Last Spring 1 was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrated, and so difflcult was my breatlmig that my breath seeined as if conflned in an iron cge. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner liad l began taking it than relief followed. Ie ld not believe that the effect wotild lie so rapid."- W. H. Williams, Cook City, H. Dak. Lung TYouhle "For more than twenty-flve years, 1 was a sufferer froni hing trouble, attended with coughing sosevere at times as to cause uemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lasting tliree or four hours. I was indneed to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and atter taking four bottles, was tliorouglily cured. I can confldently reconimend tlus medicine."- Franz Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans. AYER'S Cheiry Pectoral Frepared by Dr. .T. C. Ayer & Co., I.owell, Mass. Boldbyull Druijgiats. Price$l; six boules, $5. Prompt to act, su re to curo Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN COüNTY O of Washtenaw- ss. In the matter of the Estáte of Wilüam W. Kiown.dectased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned aduilnistrator of he estáte of aaiddeceised by the Hun. Jude &f Probate for theCounty oí Washtenaw. on tbe yist day of March A. D."lS9iS there will be sold at 'ublic Vendue, to the bighest bidder, at the east f'-ont door or the Court House in tlie Cily of Ann Arbor iu the Countj ot' Washteomv in said State, n Monday the 22nd daj o( May A. D. ls-3, at ten o'clock in the iorennon oithat day (aiilject to all eacumbraoces by xnortgage er xtherwise existing at tho time of the sale thtreif) the followiug describen re il t-state, to-wit: l.ot eleveD. il ek four north, range fourteen eas' , iu the City of Alm Arbor, Michisan. CHARLES DWYEK, Admiujötrator oïsaid estáte Estáte of John McNally. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Wasbtenaw. ss. Ai a seïston of the Probute ;ourt for tneCouuty of Washtenaw, boklenatthe róbate Otíice in the city oT Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, the 10ih day of Marcb, In the vearone thouaand mght buudred and uinety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judjje 'of i'robate. Ir the matter of the estáte of John McNally, deceased. üareadini? and filing the petitiun, duly veriied, of Edward Duffy, exeeutor, praymji that he may be licenued to sell the Real Estáte whereof aaid deceased died seized. ïhereuponit isordered, that Tuesday, the llth day of April next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, be assieued for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persooB interesled in said estale, are required to appear at session of said court thn to be holdt-D at the Probate office n the city of Ann Arbor, and shov cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not l,e sranted: And it is iurthei ordered ,hat eaid petitioner give notice to the peraona interested iu paid estáte of the pendency c said petition, and the hearing i.heieof, by causing aco]jyofthi3 orde to be publiahed in the Anw bbor ARGUs,anewspaper printed andcirculatiníí n saidcouuty, three successive weeks previou to sa'd day of hearing. ' J. WIIJ.ARDBABBITT, LAtruecopy.] Judgeof Probate. Wm. tí. Dotï, Probate Register. LANDS FOR SALE. By the lttinoix Central B. R Cn„ at low prices I and on easy termg, in Southern lllinois. The best farm country in the world for either largre or smail farms, gardens, fruits, irehards, dairyinir, ïaising stock or sheep. A greater variety of crops. with a grreater proflt, can be grown on a less amount of land in this country than ean be raised in auy other portion of this State. Special inducements and facilities offered by the Illinois Central Riiilroad Company to go and examine these lands. For f uil description and map and auy inforuiation, address or cali uponE. P. SKBNK, Land Coinraissioner I. C. K. R. Co., 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IU. ËJlLBIEJioliEist Pupil of Sauret. After three years' study at the "Stern Conservatory." Uërlin. Germany, under eminent teachers in Solo, Ensemble, and Theory: also under professors of the "Berlín Hig-h School" is no prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis,, Jisnsr AB3ÜB. L5?Terrus made known on applicatiou. _jFi Dissolution Notice. Notice is liereby jdven that the eo-partnerslüp hltherto existing between Jennle M. Siuidlord and Mollie E. Corson, of the city of Ann Arlior, under the flvm name oí Shadford Oorson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All aocounts due the said fixm of shadford & Corson are assigned to and are to be paid toJennie M. Morton, and all obligations of said jrm are to be paid by her. Ann Arbor, March Cl. 1893. Jennie M. Shídford, Mollie E. Corson. FOUND AT LAST! Eureka Bug. Kuks and Mats from old Carpets. Save your oid luxrain, Tapestry and Urussels Carpets. Any size ot' Rug made from ü to 3 yards wide and of any leng-th. Priee 75 cents and upward per Rug, complete with Cringe. L. M. PETElïS, Carpet Cleaning & Rust Manufacturing Co. 547 Clinton Ave., De troit. Send for Circulars. ALBERT BLAESSi Manufacturar of and Dealer in all'kinds of Haröwooi Limlier' ADDRESS: P. O. Box 1270, AX ARBOR. .' '■ ' - : ■ '■ ■ - - ... . ..." v ■■... - ■ ' ' ■ IJ ',it?. 1 I' .■'..,., ■ . ■ . ■ ; írdwüod lÍ!iHer: '.vttl -'Rtorcvi hv - i;vin streanis; ncat chnrchus, sbhiols :n: livitytowns. Pticd. t3 to5 per acra l.ijy to:Ta PeriVyMMca. r. s. LPRkGUE. 318 Hammond P!tí"p. Detroit. Mich Qüicrc, activo mnii at once. Mmt speai Gt, HUM aud lurnish :ierence3. $18 PER WEEK. The Chicago Publication and Litiograph Co, 1S4 Mndison 8t, CHICAGO, ILL


Ann Arbor Argus
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