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Our CELEBEATE OL WIÜES aro guarantcei strlctly pure Oraie Juice of the flncst quality, freo from iiny iHÏulteraUon whatsoever. AsaSUPElilOK TONlCaud HEALTH IXDUCER tlicy havo no eipj. Pi:t ui) expi ss!j for l'atuilj and Medicinal usr For Sale at G-oodyear & Co.'s, 5 S. Main Street. Dr. T. G. Scïirepper, mm mm ïsreeponsibïe ïor all the work he dous in lm liue of business. OFFICE: At Kittredge's Livery Stable. Eesidenoe, 1 Fouatain Street, Orücr raar beleft nr telephoneil to.Eberbaeh 'e Store. HealthTsWealth! Dr. E.C. West'sNebve and BraínThebat ment, a guarauteed ppeeiflc lor Hystcria, Dizziness. Coavulsioiva, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headaehe, Nervous Prostration eausod by t;. use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakef uluess. Mental Depression, Softening of tbe Brain resultinu in insanity and leadiug to niisery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Banenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Lo-ísiand Spermatorrhoea caused hy over-exertion of the brain, gelf-abuse or over-indulg-enco. liach box contains one ruonth's treatmeni. Ï1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of priee. VI5GÜARNXEESIX BOXE Tooure any case. With eaeh order ree'1 "l by us forsix boxes. accompanied ivith ÍS r re will send the purenaser our writtcn guarn f. ree to refund the money if the treatment d'V - ot effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only liy Eberbach & Son, Druggists, SoleAgonts. Adii Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any case of LiverCompIaint, Dyspepsia, Siok Headaoh' Indigestión, Constipatinn or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Veírctable Llver lJilis. when the directions are strlctly complied with. TÉerarepurely Vegetable, and never fail to give satieiaction. Sug-ar Coated. Large boxes, containing :0 Pilis, 25 cents Beware of counterleits and lmitatlons. The -enuinc manufacturad oniy by T.1E .7OIIN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by all druggists. GBAMD ÖPlBfl HQÜSË ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday, April 12, TfIE COMEHIAN Presenta 1 1 is New Comedy (Farcicai) APRIL FOOLI Wil li unexcolled oorapanyof entertaim ra. Prices: - 35, 50, and 75c. Scats on Sale at Watt's Jewelry Store. -■MB-WWIrllllHIH- Itcglnnínj;. First Wook Beconu Week WEAK MEN INSTANT RISLIKF. Cure In 14 days. Never returns. X will eend (sealed) CRCC to my fellow pufferersa presertption ■ HtC to onlargo eniall weak orKans. A sure cure for Eml9ioti8, Lost Manhood, Nervous Debllity, Varicooele, etc. Address T,.s.rranklln, Muslo Dealer, Marsnall.Mlch Notice to Creditors. CÍATE OF MICHIGAN, COUJSÏÏ k f Nptlouis hereby giren, that hy au onler of the Probate C'ourt for the Countyof;'iHW, made on the 4th d:iy of April. A 1. 18H;i, siT montha from tlml (UiLc werc allowed foróreditors tü jr"nt thetr claims auraiQdt the eitate of MichaelJ. O'Beilley, Inte of said connty decuased, and that all creditors of sniil decoasPtl are required to pres6Dt ilieir olaimfl t'osaid Probate Court at the Pi'obataolttui' in the city of Ann Arbor, for examiDation and allow.ince on or beforc the 4lh dny of O;touar next, and that sucli claims will be heard buforo Bnid Court, on th 5th day of Julv and on the 4th day ot Octobor iiext, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of cneh of Haid dnys. Dated.Ann Arbor. April 4th, A.E. 1891. j. wfi,i,AUi) BAiimrr. Judgu of P roíate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News