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i YOUR BREAD ■ CAN'T BE SOUR IFYOUUSE GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST SufcK ) 1EVER6EJS QU1CK vnilfí ECONOMICAL &UUH. Ji&k for "Magie" at your Grocer'B. Let hiin seli his other kinds to other people. 1 TRUTHS 4 SlCK. I 5 Forthose DEATHLY BILIOUS K m SPELLS depend on Sulphur , Jters ; it never f ails to cure. ' DO YOU SUFFER with. that ! S tired and all-gone f eeling? If so use g Sulphur Bitters ; it will cure you. s a Don't be without a 1 TRY g" Jjtie. Yon v ül not regret it it. % 2Í The lof a fair face is a ' Secret} ful skin. Sulphur Bitters f tl"1" ' . ' "■ ' I makes botk. & A Iï yon do not wishto L__ ■■_. . 3stiLferfrom RHEUMAT.'SM, usea " Sbottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never L gjfaiis to cure. P á Are you CONSTIPATED? If so. j Sulphur Bitters is justwhatyouneed Poor, weak, and weary mothers ' 5 RAISE PUNY, PlNDLI.NQ cnildren. L 3 Sulphur Bitters will make them J strong, hearty, and healthy. 2 Cleanse the yitiated blood when jyou see its impnrities bursting A through the skin in I D,MQI _„ ' m 1 Eely on Sulphur Jf'jífi-' k 4 Bitters and health BLOTCHE3 'T wiU f oUow. I ANDSORE8.1 L Send 3 2-cent etamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Sosiou, lass., for bese medical work published CURE Bick EeadMhe ana relieTa all the tronblea inol flent to a büious state of the system, auoh aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distrees afíer eatlDg, Pain in the 8ide, ka. While their ruosS zeznsikable Buccees has been showu iu cilTlng , Heaaacbe, yet Caiter's Little Liver KH9 ara equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre venting thia annoyinffcomplaint, while theyalso correct all disorders of the s tomachí imnlate tha Jiver and regúlate the bowel3. Evenif theyonl;; H.EAD fAcltetheywoTildbealinostpricelesstothosewhO Buer f rom this didtressing complaint; but íortu Hately thcirgooáness does notend here,andthoea xrha once try thom will find these Little pilla valu jleinsomany ways that they will not bo wil ACHË (is tbs bane of bo many lives that here to wheM iwemakeourgreatboaat. Ourpills cure it while Others do not. Cnrter"8 Little Liver Pilis are very small and ■very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. Thoy are striotly vegetoble aud do not gripe or purge, but by üaeir gentío action pleaae all who use them. In Yialsat25cents ; live for $1. Solt! by dragjiatö everywiere, or eer.t by mail. CARTER r.iECtCINE CO., New York. FapWore&WireFe&cfi _ I I f I _ A Smooth Fence that Will Turu Any Kind of Stock: The li si and Cheapeel Peoce for the Farm. Jïii'l1 In &izöE iriti '.', u ós iuohes hili. either galvanizad or juiiuei. Cali andEzzamine It Aml you wi.l Ijuy no olher. M. Staebler, iVnn Arbor. gf-" j The Rocker Washer wS- - f 1 has proved the most satisfactory ,.. ■■SbBp of any Wa&iier ever placed upon HBHBHBbH the market. It ís uurranted to W:M=S II of 1OOPIECESWOKE WBl HOl'R. as clean as can bo JS$Ö B washedonthe washboard. Wnte AKhtíJlT' íor prices. aud full description. , ROCKER WASHER CO. ff - 'ft.i. nl KI. W1YSE, 1SD. fe, qf' Liberal induceiiienu to live ageotfi. IMPORTANT TO ADVEBTISEK.S. The cream of the country papera is fotmd in Eemington'a County Seat Lists. Shrewd advenisers avail tliemselves of these lists, a copy of whieh can be had of Bemington Bros., of New Tork & Pittsburs.


Ann Arbor Argus
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