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An Ordinance To Authorise The Ann Arbor Fuel Gas Company To Construct And Operate Gas Works And Day Pipes Through The Streets, Alleys, And Public Places Of The City Of Ann Arbor For The Purpose Of Supplying Gas For Fuel For Citizens Of The City

An Ordinance To Authorise The Ann Arbor Fuel Gas Company To Construct And Operate Gas Works And Day Pipes Through The Streets, Alleys, And Public Places Of The City Of Ann Arbor For The Purpose Of Supplying Gas For Fuel For Citizens Of The City image
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on l. i he Common Councll of i he City ol Aun a rborord . ín Arbor Fuel Gas Company, its suceessore and as á Inve ted with the right anti authority to construct, eroct, builii, opérate and malutain works In sala clty, tpbeus ..■ iatd oompany, its succe sin and ir the manufacture, distribution, aud balo of fuel gas for the ase ol -aid eityandthe citifcens thereof, together with lililí of way alonK, n and underthe avenue?, S' reets, and puï,lic irrounas of the Balduity, lorthe purposo of íaying, placing, operuting, una repalrlng gas nmins and pipes, tógether with feeders and sorvice pipes in conneotlon therewlth, f or dlstributlng gas for fue.1, provided i be said gas males, feeders, and service pipes shall not interiore with tlie necessary and reasonable use of saiü gtreets. avenues, ana public grounds by the public and provided tliat in the biying oí gas uiains, feeders, and service pipes, said eom pa ti y shall notinterlere with, disturb, or in any way damage the mains, feeders, and Bervlce pipes already laid by any other company operatíng in Aun Arboi' uuder authority grtnited to them by the Common Couucil of tiie Uity of Au n Arbor. The authority and privileges herein granted phall beupon thecoiidiiious and restrictions bereinafter mentloned so longraa Bald company shall continue to supply gaa and shall comply with the restrictions and condítions hereinaf ter menUoned, not exceeding in all the period of thirty (3')years'from the date of the aoceptance of this ord.inau.ue by Uie said company as hereinaf ter provided. SEO. 2.- 8aid Corporation shall do no permanent injury, and ahall take not utinecessarlly or unreasonably to obstruct any Street, pavement, lañe or alley, and when i'i shall break ground to lay pipo, or for any otber purpose whatever, it shall with all diligence restore the s( reet, pavemènt, sldewül i. or ground to a condltion equallyas goodas before. and to the satisfaotion of the Board of Public Works, and shall promptly comply with any order or fesolutioü of Raid Board o'r of the Common Oouncil in reference thereto, and it shall make appllcation to the ISoard of Public before exteuding their pipes tliroueh any of the streets, laDes, alleys or public grounds of said city, and shall lay thelr pipos hou making extensiona in suco pari of the street as tho Board of Pubiio Works shall direct, subject to thé qualiflcations of this ordinance. And said eornpany shall in all reBpects f ully indemnify and save harmless the CHypfAnn Arbor from and agalnst all dainagesund costs whleh the city may be put to or sustain by reason of any such digging or excavation, Sec. 3.- In considera! on ot the authority and privileges heroin granted, ti.o sald Ann Arbor Fuel Gas Company binds liself, lts suceessors aud assigns, by aoceptance hereof before August lat, 1SH, to oommence the örecion of works for the manufacture ot fuel gas wlthin oradjacent to said city, and complete thesame within two (2) years thereafter. And a f ailure on the part of said Aun Arbor Fuel lías Company, it.s euccessora or assigns, to comply with the provigions of thls section shall operati-, withojt notico, as a forfeiture of this franchise. SBO. i. - The inico of fuel Kas to private consumers iu said city shall notexceed the um of seventy-flve (75j cents por thousand feeton all bilis paid monthiy or Before the tut,h day of eaoh calendar mouth for the gas uséd during the previous calenilar moul h. Gas shall be furnlshed to thecorporation of the City ol' Aun Ai hor at a ra te hol exceeding üfty (5u) cents per Uiousand teel,. Seo. 6.- The Anu Arbor Fuel Gas Company, itssuccessorsanü assigns, shall at its own oost oxtend its mains through and along any snoet m said ciiy at tlie order of the üommon Council whenever a suffleient numOor of persons residing on tlie line of the pioposed extensión shall asree to become consumera of 'ñs to make such extensiou pay an interest of tive (5) per cent on the investitient neeessary to make such extensión. Sec. 0 - The fuel gas f urnished by this company at seventy-flve per thousaad cubic feet shan coutain an average of at least four nundred av&Uable heat units peroubic foot, tests to be evaporative. Provided that it' the company shatl furuish iuel gas at aprloe less thau seventy-flve cents per thousand cubic feet, such gas may have lewer than four hundred units to the cubic foot, and the mmibcr of heat units may be reduced, in proportion, as the prlce is reduoed. Sec. 7- The .said compauy, its Buoceasora or assigns, shall not charge said city or private ronsunu is for service ]ipes lioai the main pipes to the liuo of tlie lots supplied, but said service pipe shall be put iu at the cost of said company aud from tlie line of the lot requiring said pipe to meters, the service pipo shall be put iu by said company at the actual cost of laying and furnishiug thereof. Provided: That any owner may have such service pipe put in by any other purties. Sec. 8 - The said company, itssuccessors and assigns, shall at all times, uuiess temporarily prevented by unavoidable accidents, interïerencti or easualities, have and keep its works in condltion to supply all the gas roquired by said city or private consumere. Sec. 0- The said company, tssuccessorsand assigns, shall have a rirht to make and outorco a 11 rcasonablo and nocossary rulos and roLMijations for the protectiou ot it.s gas works aud property, for tno manner and payment of all gas bilis oy consumers and the right, to shut oll' the gas for the nou-payment of charges for gas consumed and sucli other rales as may be neoessary and uot inconsistent with the laws of Michigan, neludins a right to read all meters and inspect and approve gas buruers Used r the consumption of its gas. Sec. 10- Said company, its successors and assigns, shall within ten days attor the adoption of this ordinance, lile with the Clerk of sald City, its aoceptance, in writing, of the provisions of this ordinanoe, signed by its president and Secretary, and shall on or !efore tho First day of August, 1894, commence the coustructlon of the necessary works to comply with the conditions of this ordinance, and siiall complete said works within two years , thereaftar. Provided, however, that full allowauce shall he made for all delays that may occur in the construction or cotüpletion of said works by the order or injunc1 ion of any con ii, ui, Interference, imavoidabie accidents or strikes ol' Laborers in the time berelnbefore given the completlon oí fcaid wwrks so as to ahow for such delays, and such delays shali nol vvork a forfeitoie of aoy of the rigbts berein granted, prortded, i luit the company shall by its acts indícate lts purpose oí complying wiili Tinordinanoe. Sec. 11.- Nothing in this ordinance conta ined shail be construid to preven t the Common (Jouncil from hereaf ter passing and causïng to be enforoed au ordinance providing for tno iDBpeetlon of gas meiers and requiring said oompany, Buccessors and assigns, to pay the costs of such inspeciion whenever said cqnipaiiy's meters shail be fouud to be defectivo. Tbis ordinauce shall tako immediate effect. Passed in Common Councll April 5th, 1893. v. n.i.iAM .1. Miij.ek, Clerk. Approved, April I2th, 1893. B. -V, THUMP8ON, .Mayor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News