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For Scrofula "After sufi'erins for about twenty-five years Lrom scrofulous sot'es on tlie Jegs and arms, trying various medical courses without benefit, I bogan to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and a wotiderftil cure wa3 the result. Five buttles sufflced to restore me to health."'- Bonifacia Lopez, 327 E. commeree st., San Antonio, Texas. Catarrh " My daughter was afllicted for nearly a year with catarrh. Tlie physicians being unable to help her, my pastor recoinmended Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice. Three months of regular treatment with Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pilis completely restored my daughter's health."- Mrs. Louise Kielle, Canada, Ware, Mass. Rheumatism "For several years, I was troubled with inflamniatory rheumatism, being so bad at times r.s !o be entirely helpless. For the last two years, whenever I feit the effects of tlie disease. I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and have Dot bad a sp'ell f r a tong time."- E. T. Hansbrotigh, Kik Iinn, Va. Foraü b3ooddiseases,the best r medy is AyCR'S Sarsaparilla Prepared hy Dr.J.C.Ayer &Co., T.oweü. Mass. SoldhyaM'nruprKidls. irice$l ; six boules, $5. Cures ethers, wilf cure vou Dr. L". G. Sclirepper, msssma mm sresponsible for all the work lie does in his line of business. OFFICE: At Kittredge's Lirery Stable. Kesidence, 7 Fountain Street, rder may beleftor telphoned toEberbach's Store. L The Best g 5 ■&EfyjpE. O '"W ; m Hot or Cold w.tcr ,# hl wsireco., Ym u L_ BATTLE CREEK. V' TSl Lm tf) LiiT m HH (UU. BflfUHM ADÁIS' BAZAAR, A new fresh stock of fancy goods and novelties. PLÜSH AND WOOD BOXES, PUES ES, PIOTUBES, BOOKS, GAMES, ALBüMS, METAL FRAMES, TOYS, and DOLLS. LilFl LIMPL DINNEE SETS, TOILET SETS, PLAIN AKD DECOEATED CHINA. The greatest variety of DOLLS AAID TOYS WE HAVE EVER BHOWN. Come early and make yonr selection while the stock is full. 13 SOUTH MAIN ST. Estáte of M irgaret S. D. Story. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNÏY of At a session of the Probat Court for the oounty ot" W ashtenaw, holden at th Probate Oöioe, in the eily ot Ann Arbor. i Mondsy, the tenth day of Apvl, in the ycai one thouaand eUhi hiuvlred and uinety-three. Present, J. AVilInrd Bahhitt, Judffe ni' Pn bate In the nvitltr of tüe estute of Mnrgaret S. D. Story,deceased. Martha D. Tenney tlie admin'stiator with thi) will aimexed of sitid fstate, conu's into ( oun and reprcfema thtit the ii now prppnred to render her fioal account s ïuch adniinistrator. Thereupon it is ordereci. that Tiu'sday. th secoud day of May next, at ten o'clock it the torenoon, be asáigned tot examiniuíí and allowing siieh accouut, ind t.hat the deviseeB k-gatees. heirs at law of said deccased and all other persons mterested ii said estáte, are required to appear at a seBsioi of eaid court, theu to be holuen at the Proltat Office, in the city of Ano Arbor, in said County and show cause, i'f any tl ere b, why the said ae count should nut beiillnwed: And itujfnrther or dered, that said adrainist :t ii'give notice tothepe' sons nterestcd in saidostalf.ot thependeDoyof saii account, and the heurillK caiiBing a cop' of this order to be puhlished m the Ann Arüoi AKus,a newöDapcr printtd and circulatiny insa i county, two miccessive weeks previous to said d; of heuriutr. J. WILLAR BABBITT, (A truecopy) Jud(?eo( Probati ' WiüiAii O. Dott. Probate Tlexister.


Ann Arbor Argus
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