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(OFFICIAL. 1 Oouncil Oliiaunler. Aim Avfoor, April 17, 1898. Regular ses&fou. ThO council was callrd tu orde ïy tflue preeftfent, W. W. Watts. Iïoll callea. Quorum pre Absent- AW. O'Mora-1. Ai; er tlhie of a tew pleaBani remarks by rresMmt Watts, rog-ular unlor of buHtoess was taken up. Th.o joumal of the last seBsSon Avas tipprovfil. Ou miottilon of. Aid. Kiteon tune countól pipoceecknl to business imder the 11 rulee, Hor tlniB meeting. COMMUXICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. Tb íie Honorable, the Common Couneil: Gentlemen: The electors of this city haviug determined to construct a inain sewer, which it is anticipated will be the begimiing of a general sewerage system tor the whole city, it is important that the plan adopted and the method of defraying the cost may be such that no material change hereafter may be necessary. The cost of the main sewer is to be met by a general tax but the method of meeting the cost of constructing and maintaining lateral sewers has not been decided upon. In most cities the entire cost of lateral sewers, except tor street intersections, is born by the property benefltted. This system is jnst and equitable and has proved satisfactory, where adopted. If the Couneil should determine to adopt that system it will then become necessary to devise some means for paying the cost of the con- structing of lateral sewers in cash as the work progresses. In no other way can such cost be reduced to a minimum sum. One method oí obtaining the necessary means, in the first insta nee, is tor the city to issue bonds and mak e the taxes levied for the cost of construction a sinking fund for their retirement. Under this system the entire tax can be levied and assessed at once but spread over three or four years, enabling the taxpayer to pay this tax in installments. In this connection it is proper that the Couneil should determine whether the work of letting contraéis and superintending the construction of sewers shall remain in the hands of the Board of Public Works or be given to an independent board of sewer commissioners. I am inclined to favor an independent board. The Board of Public Works, considering the fact that the work they perform for the city is done gratuitously, cannot reasonably be asked to assume the burden of these important duties' which will increase from year to year. The system adopted should be decided upon immediately, that appropviate legislation may be obtained at the present session of the legislature. Owing to the rapid growth of the city and the consequent demand for building lots, it is probable that the owners of pareéis of land of considerable size will subdivide such pareéis into lots. The maps or plats of such subdivisions must be submitted to you for approval. I recommend that you require in every such case that the person submitting the plat for approval f urnish a copy for the use of the city, together with a copy of the surveyor's field notes duly certified to by him. It is desirable that the city should possess full and accurate notes of all surveys made within the city for any purpose. Iwould also suggest that the Couneil, by resolution or ordinance, provide that any engineer employed by the city, or any board, be required to file with the City Clerk full and accurate notes of all surveys made by him in the course of his èmployment, together with a map, profile or diagram of the work performed. In this connection I cali your attention to the fact that the city does not possess a set of plat books for the use of the assessor. It is very difficult for that officer to make a full, accurate and equitable assessment without the use of plat books. When such books are furnished the assessor is able, when he examines property for the purpose of assessment, to enter in pencil upon each lot, the value of the lot, the value of the improvements thereon, and the name of the owner and to change this record from year to year as may be necessary. With such a record before him the assessor can easily equalize the value of lots and the risk of omitting any property from the assessment roll is diminished. Such plat books are also a great assistance to the board of review. I recommend that the Couneil ascertain the probable cost of a suitable set of plat books and if the expense is not found to be too great that a set be procured during the year. It is proper that I should in this my first communication to the Couneil indicate the policy I intend to pursue in the discharge of aiy official düties, in order that you may give me that intelligent and generous support which is so essential to success. A generous public always assumesthat an executiye officer will endeavor to perform his duties and enforce thelaws. Whether or not he meets those expectations often depends not so much upon his good intentions as it does upon the method he adopts, and the wisdom and discretion exercised in carrying out that method. I assure you, tnat I fully realize that while a bare majority can elect and díctate a policy, the success of that policy when put in practice depends upon its receiving the approval, virtually, of the whole people. I do not, therefore, intend to adopt any course which will not commend itself to the good judgement of the vast majority of our people. In determining what policy ought in wisdom to be adopted we must take into account the special interests of the city. It is a University town. It depends upon the University more than upon any other interest, perhaps more than upon all other interests combined, for its future growth and prosperity. More than three thousand non-resident students are todary In attendance in the University and High School. They expend in cash every year over twelve hundred thousand dollars and if we add to that sum the amcunt disbursed by the University and the expenditures of those who come and reside here temporarily we shall have a total of over on e and onehalf millions. The profits of this large annual disbursement do not go to make a few yery rich but is distributed to the benefit of every resident and of every business enterprise in the city. The success of the Uniyersity, therefore, is oí! vital commercial importance to this city. It is for us a financia] necessity. lt is, therefore, important for us to consider in wliat way we may best aid and promote sucta success. One half oí the student whóse presence here adds so nnich to our material wealth are non-residents of this state. The states trom wkicta these students coma have colleges and imiversities whioli are begiuning to receive abiuidant support i'rom their citizens. and thcy are, already persistent, and they hope soon to he successful rivals of our University for public favor and patronage. Xow the surroundings of a university tend to promote or retard its prosperity. Parents who have sous to edúcate, take intO account in determining to what school they shall send them not only the training which they will receive in the recitation room, but also the surroundiug inlluences i'or good or evil. It consequently becomes our duty, from a mere business standpoint, to see to it tliat the reputation of Ann Arbor for good order and freedom from vice and immorality shall induce parents to send their children here. Ann Arbor is today, and has been for severa] years, one of the best governed cities in this country, and is and has been as free from every species of vice and immorality as any other city of equal size. But this is not enough. We must not be content with comparisons which are in our favor. We should not be satisfled until the reputation of this city for peace and good order is above suspiciou and our municipal government one that other college tovvns will strive to imítate. As to all this there can be no difference of opinión. It is not necessary to cali attention to the existeuce in our city of any species of vice or immorality which is condemned by all. That subject may be passed by with the simple remark that an elïort will be made to suppress gambling. Unfortunately the method of regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors is in a measure a political question upon which the people are divided. So f ar as the execution of the lavv is concerned, it is not a politieal question. Such execution, however, is embarrassed and made difficult by the fact that behind the law there is a good deal of political animosity. It must be distinctly understood that it is no part of the Mayor's duties to approve or condenan any political theory whatever in regard to the use or the sale of iutoxicating liquors. So far as his duties are concerned it is wbolly immaterial whether the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is to be approved or condemned. Their use is not condemned by the law, and the law bounds and limits his official duties. Nor is the mayor called upon to determine whether or not the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage should be prohibited. The sale is not prohibited. The men engaged in the sale of liquors are pursuing a legitímate business; and as to their legal rights, they stand upon an absolute equality with men engaged iu any other legitímate business. And in addition to this legal status of this question, it is a matter of common observation that a large majority of the men engaged in the liquor business are good citizens, honest and upright, and that the vast majority of their patrons are températe, industrious and economical, to whose thrift and enterprise this city is greatly indebted for its present prosperity. On the other hand, it is a matter of common observation that this business has great attractions for the vicious and depraved on account of the opportunities it presents, and that some who are engaged in the business are not only not good citizens but are wanting in respectability, and that many of their patrons belong to the criminal classes or to the shiftless, the lazy and indolent, who only need age to ripen into something worse, or to that large and unfortunate class who are mastered by an uncontrollable appetite for drink. And this common observation is not confined to this age, but has been the same through all the past, so that at no time during the last thousand years has there been a period when the sale of intoxicating liquors has not been subject to pólice regulations. Of course the necessity for such regulations has been due to the fact that we have noticed, that a certain few who engage in the business are disposed to, and otherwise will keep disreputable places. The law, however, while its intent and purpose is to reach and restrain the disreputable, applies neeessarily to all alike. because the law is no respecter of persons. 1 trust that this plain statement of the situation clearly indicates that the duty of the mayor commences and ends with a wise and considérate enforcement of the law, aud that all the vital interests of the city demand that he shall perform that duty, and especially that he shall enforce all laws and ordinances haying for their object the preservation of peace and good order and the suppression of vice and immorality. And while the enforcement of the pólice regulations which the legislature has thrown around the business of selling intoxicating liquors may put the respectable dealer to some inconvenience, it will remove from his occupation the reflex disgrace coming from the disreputable dealer, a positive gain which is worth more than the sacriflee. I feel confident that in a wise and considérate performance of my duties 1 shall not only have the support of the Council but of all good citizens, especially of all good citizens engaged in the liquor traffic. Perhaps such support will come from all so engaged, but in case any one shall deliberately, intentionally and persistently viólate the law, his conduct will be regarded as a menace to good order and to the growth and prosperity of the city, and the courts will be appealed to and asked to suppress his place as a public nuisance. Knowing that you are givingyour time and attention to public duties without pecuniary compensation, actuated solely by a desire to promote the public good in all ways possible, allow me to assure you that I intendto give all the necessary time and all the ability I possess to aid and assist you in accomplishing your work. B. M. Thompson, Mayor. April 17, 1893. On miotlBon of Aid. Prettyman tïifi toayor's meeeage was reeoïYed, örderel priinted, and placed on file. J'resiWent "Watte bere appointed the folKnvii'ing standing committees of ihc eommon ootuncSi for ha ensiiing year: STANDING COMMITTEES, 1893-4. Flnanee- Taylor Herz, Fülmore. Orüiuance- Maniy, Martin, Prettyinan. Streets - Martin, ierguson, Snow, Prettyman, Taylor. Schalrer, Sidewalks- Fillmore, Kitson, Herz, Manly, O'Mara, Wogner. Fire Department- O'Mara, Snow, Kitson. Water- Forguson, Martin, Maniy. Pólice- Suow, Taylor, Hchairer. Lighting - Herz, Wanner, Snow, Bonds- Prettyman, O'.Vtaia, Martin. Licenses- Kitson, O'Mara, Fillmore. Parks- Sohairer, Mauly, Ferguson. Poor- Wagner, Herz, Taylor. To the Ctïmuion Council: The Boaid of Public; Works would recommend and iisk for the lollowing appropriation of SöOO for the gradlng of east Huron street from Ingalls streel to Thirteenth street; on Thirteentn street from Huron street to Ann Street, to the grade heretofore establishiMl. KespeetfuUy submltted by order of the Board of Public Works WM. ,T. MILLER, Clerk. Accepted and referred to the Committee on Streets. ANNIAL REPORT OF THE FIRE C0MMI8" SIONERS. To tlic Honorable Common Coundl: We herewith submit the following report ofthechiefof the fire departmenl, for your considera! ion, and polnt with pride to the record of the department for the past year. We would cali the attention of the council to the recommendation in this report of the need ofsome better fire alarni system. It is a question that the council can W6ll conslder. By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners. GEO. II. POND, President. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Ann Ahboe, April 15, 1893. T'i tht Ifiworabfc Board of Fire Commissioners. Gentlemen.- 1 again have Ihe honor of submitting to you my annual report as Chief of the Fire;Department, showing in detail the work performed by the department during the year ending April 1, '88. The fact that we have had no dtsastrous tires during the year is a source of pleasure to me. While other cities have sutt'ered from conflagrations we have been singularly f ree, as we congratúlate ourselves npon what is generally termed good luck, let us remember that thisisdue in a great measure to the efficiency of the inembers of the department inthepromptness with which they have responded to the various alarms. The number of alarms responded to is 37, oí whice 26 were seut in by telephone. I agatn caü your attentlon to the necessity for better meaus of communication with the departnent from the more remóte parts of sur city. While the telephone proves very efficiënt for the business vortion tbereof, during such Urne as people are in their places of business, there are many long nights and Sundays wben this as well as the resideuee portiou of the city is practically without means for turning in an alarm in case of fire. The number of flres during the year is 25 The uumber of chimney flres 12 Value of property destroyed $1,704 75 Insurance paid n property destroyed 1 ,605 25 Loss in excess of insurance paid 99 50 Total amt. of insurauce on property in which the above losses occurred_80,S00 00 During this year (as well as the previous one) several very serious aecidents have occurred from careless bandling of gasoline- one of wnich resulted in death. CAUSES OF FIKKS. Chimney fires 12 Sparks from chimney 1 Defective chimney 2 Stove-plpe falling down 1 Oil stove 1 Gasoline stoves 2 Gasoline engine 1 Lamp explosión 2 Children breaking lighted lamp 1 Carelessness with matches 2 Carelessness in depositing ashes 2 Liquoron stove boilingover 1 Wood pile about stove 1 Furnace pipe ! . 1 Gas Jet 1 Electric wires 1 Incendiary 2 Spontaneous combustión 1 Kumber of miles traveled responding to alarme 26 Xumber of feet of hose Jaid 1,350 Number of Chemicals used 30 VALUE OF DEPARTMENT PROPERTY. Real Estáte and Buildings $18,000 00 Apparatus 2,800 00 Five horses WK) 00 Two sets doublé harness 225 00 One single harness 75 00 Twenty flve bushels oats 10 00 Six horse blankets SB 00 Whips, curry-combs find brushes 5 00 Three thousand one hundred and flfty feet hose 1,900 00 Thirteen beds 75 00 Four stoves 35 00 Chairs, brooms, towels, etc 10 00 One bale waste 10 00 Total l 23,970 00 EXPENSE OF DEPARTMENT. For salaries ...$4,P53 63 hose 400 00 ' spanners 6 25 " bedding, towels and curtains 25 59 " wasuing 58 75 " brooms 3 00 " soap, scrub-brooms, etc 2 80 " oil, lanterns, globes and wicks- 22 08 " matches 150 " repairs on stoves 10 35 ' fuel 136 71 " oats - - 155 24 ' hay 102 88 " straw - - 17 00 " bran 21 00 " oil-meal 1 50 " carrots 8 20 " medicine and medical attendance for horses 18 95 " repairs on harness 20 " whips, curry-combs and brushes 4 65 " horse shoeing 49 75 " for general blaoksmithing 3 45 " repairs on apparatus '0 01 " paiut, oil and glass - 32 91 " sheet-iron, rivets, register, etc.for ventilator 24 01 " repairs on building 19 90 " lumber 12 63 " shovels, forks and pails 5 75 " coalscuttles 2 50 " chamois skins and sponges l 5 97 " polish 6 00 " Chemicals J 30 " salt 1 00 " axle grease JjJ " I'lre and water Journal 3 00 Total -$6,141 03 Keceiptsof department- for building permits . $8 00 Al'l'ARATUS. The apparatus of the Department with the exception of hose wagon No. 1, which needs painting, are In good condition. HOSE. We have 3,150 feet of good, serviceable, rubber liued, cotton hose. ' HYDRANTS. The number of hydrants has been inereased from 123 fo 126. all of whlcb at present are in serviceable condilion, nltliough during the winter some of tliem were at limes useless, caused by the extensión of lawns and banking about them of snow cleaned from the side walks. Early last season your Honorable Body reqnested the Board of Public Works to remedy the ibove defeets by removlng the rarlh ironi base of hydruntK fwhlob was negleetedl. In view of last wlnter's experience'I suggest that instead of removiug the earth aud forming basins to flll up with water and freeze, you have the low hydrauts (abouta dozen in number) raised by lengthening the pipes, and that you invite the Board of Public Works aud Pólice Department to co-operatewithusin enforoing ordinauce relatlve toplaclng obstructions about fire hydrauts, as well as all other ordinances pertaining to lires aud flre liiuits. HORS ES. There has been no change in horses the nurabet in service belng ílve, tho same as last year, all of which aredoiog well; proving the careful management of this branch of tile Department. As oue of the teams- aslde f rom th ei rage being against it - have stood almost four years of service. MEN. The manual forcé in number is the same as last year, belng eight full time aud flve cali men; two full time men and oue cali man have resigned during the year. There bas been flfteen days time lost on account of siokness, and four men Have served as substi tutes. FUIF. ESCAPES. Pardon me for again having to cali attention to the necessity of more adequate means for escape from hotels and places of amusement. REPA1KS. It will be necessary during the ensuiug year to put new doore on front of engine house, the ones in use now, aside from being very unwieldly, fltso poorly that during the winter it is almost imposstble to prevent the (rulnatiou by irost) of apparatus contalning water. Other improvements, wbich though not indispensable, would be very convenient, are a hose tower and some form of heaters that would be sufncient for the entire building. Before closing I take the liberty to state that the average annual loss for the four years of the exislence of the present Fire Department is $4,320.15, or a total of $17,280.60 (over one-half of this occurring the flrst year) which total Í8 much less than the lossesof the one year prevlous to lts organization. Thanklng your Honorable Body for eourtesies and confidence, and hoping that you derive as much satisfaction from the success of the Department, as it gi ves me, I very respect fully submit the above report. FRED SIPLEY, Chiefof Fire Dept. On motáon tlliie report was reeeived f i led and orclered printed. KEPOKT OF THE ELECTION COMMISSIOXERS. To the Common Cuundl: The undersigned inernbers ol the Board of Election Commissioners of tlie City of Ann Arbor beg leavo to report as follows :' Au examination and count of the oflicial ballots before tbey were delivered to the inspectora of election and after they were re-, turned to the city clerk shows that thère were delivered to the" varlous wards 4,525 ballots, which were accounted for as follou a : Number of ballots delivered, lstward 1,000 " " rrtimK'ci spoiled 3 " ' returned - Number of votes cast as per poll list. 47; Total 1,000 Number 01' ballots delivered. 2d wird 850 ' " " returned 2 ' " returued-- ■ 454 Number of votes cast as per poll list. 394 Total 850 Number of ballots delivered, 3d ward 900 " " " returned spoiled- 6 " ' ' returned 512 Number of votes cast as per poll 383 Total 900 Number of ballots delivered, 4th ward 750 " " returned spoiled- 18 " " " returned 385 Number of votes cast as per poll 347 Total 750 Number of ballots delivered, 5th ward 400 ' 4t " returned spoiled 2 " " returued 256 Number of votes cast as per poll list. 142 Total x 4U0 Number of ballots delivered, 6th ward 625 " " returned spoiled- 3 " " " returned 311 Number of votes cast as per poll list. Sll Total 625 Respectfull submitted, L. P. HALL, JOHN R. MINER, S. W. BEAKES, G. FRANK O'HEARN, VV. J. MILLER, Board of Electiou Commissioners. On miotfi'Ocn tihie report was reeeived, fiied and ordercd printed. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CITY TRASUREE. To the Comiivm (Jouncü: I herewith submit niy annual report for the year euding Maren 1, 1893: CONTINGENT KDND. March 1, IS92, balance on hand 8103.08 Receipts. !ounty Treasuror, liquor tax 7,489.35 Savinus Bank, interest 485.88 City Clerk, licenses 137.45 " " lamps 7.92 Appropriation 4,773.00 Plus of tax rol Is 89.27 12.952.S7 13,065.95 DUsbursements. Orders paid 13,187.95 13,187.95 Balance overdrawn March I, 1893 122.00 STREET FUND. March 1, IS92, balance on hand 581.92 Recelpt8. Dirtsold 74.34 Sutherland's services 70.2U Disburs&ments. Orders paid 8,682.01 83.01 Balance overdrawn March 1, 1893 41S.01 kikkmen's FOND. March 1, 1892, balance on ha nd 4,i5.5:i ReccipU. Building permita 8.00 Hand Enuïne Appropriatlon S,700.00 7,150.07 Total receipts 11,825,60 Disbunemente. Orders páid .... 8,206.41 6,205.41 5,020.19 POLITE I-UND. Ai;i irli ]. 192, balanoeon hand 1,697.48 Receipts. Offlcera i'. ( s 27.25 Fines 4.00 Appropviation 2,000,00 2.031.a- Total reoeipts 3,728.Ï8 Dtóbursemtnta. Orders paid 2,073.80 2,073.80 Balance on hand Mareta l, 1898 1,661.93 POOK KIND. Jl;,ivh 1,1892, balanceos hand 1,799.51 Rccciptx. Appropriation 1,000.00 1,000.00 Xotal receipta 2,799.51 DUbuncments. Orti ra paid 1,315.42 1,315.42 Balanceen hand Maros i. 1898 1,484,11 WATER rOND. Maivh 1, 1892, balance on hand Receipts, Appropriation 5,500.00 5,500.00 Total reoeipts 9,289,7 Dtebursements. Orders paid 5,461.50 Transfer to Street Fund (50.0U 6,111.5 Balance on naad March 1, 1893 3,178.2 DOG TAX FUND. Maren 1, 1892, balance on hand 100.00 March 1, 1893, balance on hand 100.00 BRIDGK, CKOSSWALK AND CÜLVKRT FUND. March 1, 1892, balance on hand 4.000,00 Receipts. Appropriation 5,000.00 5,000,00 Total receipts 9,000.00 DUsbursemenU. Orders paid 3,991,85 3,991,85 Balance n hand March 1, 1393 - 5,008.16 ' -I IMMERS RELIEF FUNI). March 1,1892, balance on-hand 1,065.40 ReceipU. Approprlation 530.00 530.00 Total recelpts 1,595.40 Disbursements. Orders paid 4S5.71 485.71 Balance on hand March 1, 1893 1,100.69 ' CITY CEMETERY FDKD. March 1, 1 892, balance on hand 131.93 ReaApts. Sale oí lots 162.50 Approprlation 50.00 212.00 Total receipt9 844.43 Disbursements. Orders paid. 86.78 85.76 i Balance on hand Marcli 1, 1893 258.67 U.NIVÏÏUS1TY HOSPITAL All) HOM) KUND. March 1.1892, balance on hand 840.00 Receipts. Appropriation. 3,720.00 3,720.00 ' Total receipts 4,560.00 Disbursements. i Orderspaid 3,720.00 3,720.00 1 Balance on hand March 1, 1893 840.00 j DELINQUENT TAX FUND. , March 1, 1892, balance overdrawn 1,101.86 Receipts. County Treasurer 143.79 143.79 j DisbursemenU. ( teal Estáte tax returned 375.03 íeal Estáte tax rejected 9.45 ij 'ersonal tax returned 58.26 442.74 Balance overdrawn March 1,1893 1,400.81 Appropriation 6,500.00 ' " sldewaltoi 387.54 i. Transfer from Water Fund... 650.00 7,682.08 ' 8,264.00 0 o o o2.oïo?coïTo ú i m0km "S -i Sï?": I ff gij pglgj ; i ■ ! i i I í f i ■ r; i i i i i i I I i j i j I j g S; i i j. .! j j p ! ; 21 i! ! a! c !!!!!! ■ S ■ ■ 3." o! : ' ' ■ ' ■ 1 3 i. i i g : i i i i i ; a:; S ! í ! ï Ï i ! ! í [ : : ; :L,:::::;:::: . es -i "ï 2 y u m h "-ib o ci -■ m "5 S i es b.bbb-jl--i-cb .&o g k Ís_ L d o. w P.-í--íe g : fo c tn mooi"i ts oí o na í So i; . o -- Q oSffigBSs ö . ÍO O i-i UCppM OOhOWW ctj 53 S =5 iiuí05ia5Dy'. g g I es fissss ssaaps t 5 Si SggSS8!35g5 1 -" X ill , I? ip ! es Kespectfully submitted, 1 S. W. Beakes, i City Treasurer. t On nucytiion tQiie was accepted, led and ordened priaited. Thie íollowJng canstlafole bonds were ead a.nd reterrcd to thie bond comniitt jee : ; PRINCIPAL. SUKETIES. , _. ( Ollver M. Martin, Thaddeus E. Thompson, j h Gruner. 1 E. Wasner, Paul Schall, j Osear O. Sorg. I Fred Besiraer, Jasper Imus, j Henry Matthews. Thomas F. Leonord. j PhuiP BaouCharlp-sFox j John Eisele, Charles 1-ox, i E. P. Masón. UEPORTS OF STANBING COMMITTEES. On motjott of Aid. Kiteon, recess i oL five minutes was taken. At tlie expipation af íive minutes Press. Watts called tlhe council to oa-]Oi% wlM?i-enpon Aid. Prettyman oüered ;hie foUowing report. : KEPOKTS OP STANDING COMMITTEES. To the Common Council: You committee to whom the Constables' '■ agreements of Thad E. Thompson, Paul Schall, Jasper Imus, Thos. F. Leonard and i }has. Fox, has been referred, beg leave to reiort that said agreements were I'ound to b n due l'orm and signed by responsible suretles. We therefore recommend their approval. Respectfally submitted. H. G. PRETTYMAN, CHRISTIAN MARTIN, Bond Committee. On ]iwl;on i.hie report, was accepted, tippnoved ;unl comfirrned as iollow.s : Yeas - Aids. ScSiairer. "W'asnor, Herí, Martin, Sncw, Fillmoire, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyinan. ICitBon, tod Pres. "Watts- 11'. Nays - None. SIOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aldermau Martin : Resolved, that the City Clerk nolily the banks otthiscity and recelve blds for the city deposits and charge for over drafts, and present the same to the Council on the nrsc Monday in May. Adopted 08 Sollow; : Yeae- AláB. vSdhiaürei-, Wagmer, Herz, Maitln, Siniow, Fillniore, Fergnson, Taylor, Mainly, Pret.tyman, lvitson, Pres. "Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Aldermau Martin : Resolved, That the aniount of the liquor bonds be flxed at Í3.000 and druggist bonds at $2,000 for the coming year. Adopted as followv: Yeas- Aids. Scluuirer, Wagner, Herz, Mai-t.ln. Snow, K'illinfOire, Ferguson, 'l'a.vlor. Manly. l'ri't lymmi, KitBOn, (Ppbb. "Watts- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, TJhiart tlie mayor's messtiige le refeiTed to a special committee of tinpee for düvfeton and referenee. Adloiptod. ProWont Watts appotated the following" commlttee : - Aláis. FCTíTimon, Mamly and Si-lum-rer. By Aklerman Fillmore : Resolved, That thé sum of four hundred dollars he appropriated from the street Fuud and expended Ín tlie gradiug of Gott street. Accepted and referred to t'he committee on streets. Aid. Kltson moved tWat a commitftee af thireo be appoifnted, to draft siuMable rules for tihe government of fchiifi, for the ensuing yea-r. Adopted. Prestiident Wafta appoimted tlic folíowiiiiK oommittee : Al. Kitson, Taylor and Martin. Aid. Prettyman moved tíuat Tres. Watts be made a mem'ber of tihue comtuïttee on rules, and to act as chairiiKui of BaM ccrmmittee. Adopted. Aid. Pulmón e nead tllio tolloavingside'walk jgsrwöea : On tibie north. sdde of Sumvmit st., from Muin st, to Spring fel., -and on the west s.idc oí 8. .Main St: írora Wñliani st to W. Jefferson Vtiieet. Aid. Scihiíifiirer moved that the .tivo grades sinbmlrtted be i'eferred to thé tüoauniiiittee on sidewalks. Adopted as follotvs : Yeas - Aids. Sdhjadrer, Waigmer, Herz, Maj-tiim, Snow, Fillmoi-e, Ferguson. Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, büd Pres. Watts- 12. Naye - None. By Aid. Ferguson : Brsolved, That a etandtng committiee of five be appointed, on sewers by tihie ciliialiir. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Soliairer, Waigmer, Herz, Martin, .Smow, Fillmore, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kiteoo, tuad Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Alderman Taylor : Resolved, That John R. Miner be and is hereby instructed to examine the books of the City Treasurer and City Clerk, at au expense not to exceed twenty-five dollars, and report to the Council at its next regular meeting. Adopted as follows : Voais - Aids. Se'h,aii,rier, Wagmer, Herz, Martin, Sinow, Fillm'O're, Ferguson, Ijiaylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, hiul Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. Aid. Prettyman moved t!hiat we g-o lack to rule fhiree, order of business. Adtopted. PBTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. MICHIGAN M'OELD'S FAIK BOARD. Grand Rapids, April 15th, 1893. To the Mayor oí Avn Arbor, Mich. : The Board o'f World's Fair Managers for the State of Michigan are desirous of placing in ;he State World's Fair building, in Jackson Park, about thirty ornamental stained glass Windows. They will cost thirty dollars each with the name of the city worked into the design. The Board offers your city the privilege of putting in one window, displaying the name of your city. Arraugements have been made for construction in Chicago. If you desire to ayail yourself of this offer, send $30 at once, and the order for the window will be given. I. M. Weston, President. Respectfully referred to the Common Council. B.M. THOMPSON, Mayor. April 17, 1893. Aid. Ferguison moved thiat the comm.uraicatjlon be laid on the table. Adopted. Ald( Kitson mioved ttuat the question tof placing filre protection in tlLe Gtl: wa.rd, be referred to the new fire tommftttee. Adopted. On motlion of Aid. Kitson, Mayor Tlnomps'on "vvas invited to address the tounciil, and the mayor responded in % pleaseint manner, urging economy fiaid li,a.rin,ony. Aid. Taylor moved tfluat when we adjourn wie adjourn to meet Saturday April 29tlh,, 1893. Aid. Manly moved as an amendment we adjourn to meet Frdday April 28th. 1893. Wluieli amendment was accepted and lihie jnotiion adopted by a unanimous vote. On mot ion tiie coirncil adiourned. Oity Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News