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At Sea In A Sailboat

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Captain Peterson of the bark Ladj Lampson, his wife and five seamon ar rived in Honolulú in an emaciated son dition. They came in an open boat only 18 feet long and reported that they hac been 23 days tossing about on the Paciñc While the occiipants of the fraij eraf werenot entirely without provisions dur ing their long battle with the elementa the effects of short commons and laok o: sleep and shelter were palpably apparent Mrs. Peterson, who was ciad in a thin black gown, wasworn nearly to a shadow, and her strength failed her completely as she was lifted from the boal and taken into the Eagle House. The men were sunburned, leaden eyec and lislless. Their heads drooped, andii was with diffieulty that they could be got to speak, bnt Captain Peterson toM in a few words that the Lady Lampson had boen wrecked at night on a reef neai Palmyra island when 44 days out f rom Sydney, and the crew were compelled to take to the boats. He was very weak and spoke in a whisper, at the same time oeggmg tnai nis wire De taKen whereshe could get nonrishment and a little rest. . The Kanalias lent willing hands to help the waifs of the ooean into hacks and carriages, and they were quickly driven to where they eould cominand attention. The littlé boat in which they had journeyed over 1,000 miles became an object of interest for hundreds of people. It was partly decked in with canvas, and strips of the same material had been stretched above the gunwale on either side to prevent her being swamped. In the boat were a ccraple of nearly empty water kegs and a small quantity of biscuit and canned goods. ■'1 haven't had ïny clothing off for 28 da3T;;," said Captain Peterson when seen at the Eagle House. He was hollow cheeked and unshaven and looked in.leed as if he had snffered both mentally and physically. "The Lady Lampson," he said, "was f rom Sydney, and we were bound to this port with 600 tons of coal for Wilder & Co. "We left Sydney last November and were 44 days out when the vessel struek. We had had bad weather near Feejee, having been in a hurricane for 24 hours, but af ter that we had fine northeast winds until we got aear Palmyra islaiid, when the weather became dirty. It was 5:30 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 16 when we struek. I had not had an observation f or two days. The night had been dark and storrny, btit the water was sinooth then. I knew I was to the east of the island, and that there was a stinken reef soinewhere around. I was on deck myself and had two men on the lookont aloft. There is a strong westerly current there, and I guess we were going about five knots an hour with all sails set. "Five minutes af ter she struck she began to break tip, and I ordered the boats out. We lowered the two boats. I took charge of one, and First Mate Harry Miller took the other. In ïny boat there were, besides my wife and myself, Second Mate C. Brown and Seaman W. Carloon (both Swedes), Cabin Boy W. Hayden oí' Liverpool, F. Weller, the cook, who is a Germán, and E. Everson, a Norwegian sailor. The mate's boat contained a Germán sailor named Snyder Oscar Magnersen, a Swede; J. Jorgensen, a Germán, and a seaman named Martin. "We starled for Palmyra island in company about 7 in the morning, having only ñve gallons of water for the two boats. The island is only 40 miles from the reef, btit the current and tide were so strong that we were trying for nine days to make headway againstthem, but couldn't. We drifted to the westward, ao I resolved to put back to the bark. We suffered greatly through want of water, and 'we had bare! y enotigh to moisten ourtongties, which v"ere swollen and drv. "We f ound the bark settling down and the water washing over her, so we got aboard quickly and put some canned goods, biscuit and water into the boats. We rigged the boats with canvas and then started again for Palmyra island. We tried for two days to make headway , but the heavy swell and wiud baffled us. Thinking I would lose sight of the mate's boat, I told him to steer for Honolulú, and I steered for here myself . We lost sight of the other boat and have had heavy gales ever since. I have only had an hour's sleep at a time during the day, and have never laid down. At nighttime the spray carne over, wetting us all to the skin, and in the day we dried our dothes in the sun, if there was any. The men have been quiet and uncomplaining, even though on short allowance of f ood and water, and, thank goodness, we lost nobody from our boat. It was a terrible experience, though, the worst I have met with during 14 years of seafaring. ' 'Af ter we passed the island of Marii we struck a storm, and the boat half fllled with water. We thought then it was all over after passing through so many other dangers, but we managed to bail her out and keep her right. The first vessel we saw since we struck, 28 days ago, was a steam schooner off Diamond head this morning. I hope the mate's boat is safe, and if he steered to Ihe eastward I think they are all right.'' The Lady Lampson was well lniown in San Francisco. She belonged to J. J. Moore. Captain Peterson owned a quarter share in her and had his interest interest insured for $10,000 in the Fireman's Insurance companj. He reokons that he has lost $3,000 in instrumenta, furniture, charts and short insurance. -


Ann Arbor Argus
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